Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Breaking News: Activision is a bunch of dickwads

Its official. Fuck Guitar Hero III. I will always cherish the first 3 games in the series for they opened up an entire new style of video games and made DDR-ish games cool for once. Guitar Hero I will always be remembered for being an extremly groundbreaking game. Guitar Hero II will be fondly remembered as the pinnacle of the sure-to-not-fail-because-of-brand-recognition series. Guitar Hero 80s' will probably be forgotten in about two weeks.

It is also official. Fuck Activision. Their dickery has gone on long enough and I think they are an even bigger villain than EA in their company buying heyday. I honestly think any series that Activision holds the rights to is doomed to fail now. After all, what did their CEO say? "You can expect virtually every one of those properties will be exploited on an annual, or close to annual, basis" And that is verbatim. EA is looking like the little people's savior right now as they published skate and Rock Band. While they're probably bringing those games out because they'll make bucketloads of money, at least these games are amazing and groundbreaking.

And finally, Fuck Neversoft. Whatever goodwill they had for being the creator of the original Tony Hawk games has completly worn out since everything Guitar Hero III touches turns to shit.
Yes, that means if you're paying attention, Halo was officially turned to shit when the free song was released for GHIII on 360 over Thanksgiving.
Note: Most bands who have songs in GHIII are exempt from the 'turned to shit' prophecy. I'm sorry, but I can't honestly say that Pearl Jam, the Who, Tenacious D and even a band that has no kind of history (Priestess) is shit. It is just unfortunate that GHIII tarnished their reputations.
Other Note: Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters are exempt from any of this GHIII shitstorm because theres like 18 fucking million songs on Rock Band that Dave Grohl was a part of.