Sunday, May 4, 2008

College Blows, Disney World and Iron Man

So the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon review I am working on at NWR is going to be pretty funny. I shall post a link for all to see when it hits.
I am so done with college this year. It will be fantastic when I can go home and stay there. I generally like my house and get along with my parents so that's rather cool. Also, my darling little baby niece is down there and I like seeing her...and I go through withdrawl when I am at school.
Count til End of Semester: 4 Papers (Due 5/6, 5/7, 5/8, 5/14), 3 Exams (5/8, 5/12, 5/14) and 1 Take Home Final (Due 5/9).
I leave for Disney World on May 16th. It's going to be so rad. While I know Disney might not be the uber wonderful conglomerate that was shown to me in my youth, I can't help but get excited to go to Disney World because, well, I can admit to having the maturity level of a 10-year old kid in some aspects. Anyone that has seen me geek out about anything or wax philsophy about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can attest to this.
Also, Indiana Jones 4 comes out while I am down there and I really hope something cool happens for it.
Speaking of summer movies, the season just began last week with Iron Man.
Iron Man was very good but I am no longer going to revel in my hyperbole that was shot to shit with Spider-Man 3 last year.
Summer movie hyperbole is probably the biggest overblown crap in the world. How many mediocre movies have been seen through rose-colored glasses because they had a midnight release and some nostalgia behind them? Pretty much all of them (except Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, X2 and...umm....I might be missing one).

Regardless of my view on the level of hyperbole during the summer movie season, Iron Man was a damn fine film. While actual action may have been sparse, the movie was well-developed, had a solid cast and Robert Downey Jr. was phenomenal as Tony Stark. I will use hyperbole with RDJ because he really was that good in the movie. He was the heart and soul of the movie and he delivered. I'll see how everything shakes out, but I think this might be the missing movie I refered to above.

To answer everyone's questions (bear with me and pretend like I have a regular readership that cares), I will still be at every midnight movie that I can make it to and, more specifically, who the hell will be around Wayne, NJ next weekend and wants to see Speed Racer?