Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top 5 Xbox 360 Games of 2008

I work for a Nintendo website, so my Xbox 360 and the games I buy for it are rarely talked about.
That being said, I need some soap box to stand on so I can tell the world my top 5 Xbox 360 games of 2008.

#5 - Prince of Persia

A fucking beautiful game that looks similar to a watercolor painting. I thoroughly enjoyed its 10+ hour adventure and I don't have much to complain about besides the fact that the game plays itself a bit.
The ending is awesome, though.

#4 - Mirror's Edge

I really love this game despite its evident faults, such as questionable combat and frustrating deaths. The single player story, while short, is very enjoyable and brings about a different kind of platforming. The time trials are where the game shines and I eagerly anticipate the DLC at the end of the month.

#3 - Fable II

There's some Sims stuck in my open-world adventure game! The sheer amount of content in this game is astounding regardless of the short main quest (that I still haven't completed but watched my roommate complete). It would easily claim the top spot if it weren't for the amount of repetition and the lame bosses.

#2 - Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

There's some vehicle creation in my platformer! While some might hate on the change of pace in this game, I loved it. With a wealth of different things to do, this game easily sucked me into its crazy world. Rare still has a sense of humor. Yay!

#1 - Left 4 Dead

Party game of the year. Valve once again proves that they are probably the best developers in the world (at least for FPS) by making a zombie-killing with only four levels that are different every time. Easily accesible, lots of challenge. Wonderful.

Game of the Forever: Rock Band 2 - I can't really compare this to any other game. I love Harmonix and I love Rock Band.

Top 3 Downloadable Games (XBox 360)

#3 - Sega Soccer Slam - Best Xbox Original EVAR! (I know Psychonauts is really good...)
#2 - Braid - Fun game, lots of pretention
#1 - Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Beautiful remake of a great game. Multiplayer? Awesome!

Games That Missed the Mark

Fallout 3 - I played this and then realized how much I don't really like Bethesda games. No offense, I respect them for making huge games and all, they're just not my bag.

Grand Theft Auto 4 - All GTAs are the same to me. I really only like fucking around in them. I don't care for the monotonous story.