Sunday, December 7, 2008

Review of Fall 2008's Video Games

Hey everybody! This place is barren wasteland due to the whole Nintendo World Report thing but I'm thinking every now and then a boy needs a place where he can curse like a fucking sailor and not focus on his Wii. Because, honestly, this latest season of video games has been a barren wasteland on the Wii. Besides reviewing games, my Wii resides in my Lauren's room so she and Jen can play Harvest Moon. I played some Brawl, Warioware, and Mario Kart last weekend. I played some Wii Sports and Tetris Party with my family over Thanksgiving. I tried Wii Music and got frustrated with how terrible it is and then played Guitar Hero: World Tour on Wii and got equally pissed off. With the exception of the games that have been out for a while (Brawl, MKart, Mario Galaxy...) and the few recent gems (de Blob, Wario Land. I'll be generous and say Mario Super Sluggers), this holiday season has been largely unimpressive.

That being said, I am intrigued by the trio of balance board compatible games that came out a few weeks ago (Skate It, Shaun White Snowboarding, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3) because I need some justification for going to Target at 8 AM and spending $90 on Wii Fit.
Also, I'm crazy excited for the releases slated for next year, such as Mad World, the Conduit, Punch-Out!, Sin and Punishment 2, and the as-yet-unannounced games that have to be coming. I haven't given up on the Wii, not in the least. This fall just kind of blew.

What I have been doing is playing my Xbox 360 like a madman. For the first time since the fucking thing came out, I actually care about all of the big releases and have actually paid attention to the system. This has been a plentiful season for 360.
Since October 21st, I have bought: Fable II, Mirror's Edge, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Left 4 Dead, and Prince of Persia.
Here's the best part: I haven't been let down with one of them. I would recommend all of those games to anybody. Fable II is a great, lengthy, humorous open-world RPG. Mirror's Edge is an inventive, genre-bending experience. Banjo-Kazooie is a gorgeous vehicular re-imaging of a fun Mario 64 rip-off. MK vs DC is, well, the weak link of the group, but its got a bunch of comic book characters fighting ninjas. Left 4 Dead is probably the best thing to ever happen to FPS for me, and maybe the best party game of the year. Prince of Persia is a beautiful piece of art with Shadow of the Colossus undertones.

It's been a fucking sweet season for 360.

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