Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Hills Are Alive...

I saw the Sound of Music at my old high school. That was cool. The set was, I believe this is the only term for it, dope as hell. The Von Trapp house was ridiculous. Bravo stage crew. I am proud of the people I once worked with and the people who I don't know.
Personally, I think the show sucks dick. It's a terrible terrible show, but this was a good performance of a bad show, much like Gypsy. My fondness for fabled 'classics' of musical theatre wear out once the plots are shown to callous attempts at leading into another song.
March Mustache Madness has begun and I am now clean shaven for the first time since early January. Good luck to all involved with this ridiculous idea.
Remember, trimming is allowed but only to accentuate whatever facial hair you're focusing on.
It's March 1st, so that means Brawl is only 8 days away. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped...
Like, for realz, I am so damn pumped.
I beat Professor Layton. Haven't finished all the puzzles in it yet, but the main story is complete so the urge to play it is a little dulled. I'll still kick back and knock out puzzles whenever I get an oppurtunity. The game is amazing and the replay value lies in the depth of the extra puzzles.
You might not technically replay the game, but there is a lot to do.
I'm kind of pissed at Harmonix but in a very good way.
The leaked DLC list for March was scheduled to have a stupid Thrash pack to kick off the month. I was happy as a pig in shit for this because I want to stop buying songs for the game as I think it is slowly driving me broke.
However, they happen to announce 6 Grateful Dead songs and while I am not a deadhead, Lauren's kind of into them and their music might be fun in a stoner Rock Band sort of way.
I really wanna play Brawl...
Like, now.

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