Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I am sad Brett Favre retired: A Rope of Sand

Sorry for the day off, I am actually trying to post everyday now. I will probably post twice today to compensate.
There's a few reason why I didn't post yesterday and let's get to the one that will probably resonate with me for the longest.
My favorite sports player ever, Brett Favre, retired yesterday. I'm still not really believing it.
It all started when I was in the food court with Lauren and she was like, "Hey look! Brett Favre's on TV!" and I looked over and what did ESPN say?
"Brett Favre to retire from NFL"
and it also said something about being on the phone Desmond Howard which really makes me wonder if Jamal Reynolds wasn't available or something. Desmond Howard was with the team, for what, a Super Bowl? Like fucking seriously, they could've been able to contact someone with some kind of bigger connection to Favre than Desmond fucking Howard. Doesn't Shannon Sharpe work for ESPN? Just call his ass up and be like 'put your brother on the line'.
Anyway, Favre's retirement put a somber tone on the entire day and still has me being all mopey still. He was an institution. He's been the starting quarterback for the Packers since I was 4 years old. That's a long ass time!
He will be missed from week to week, but he left a lasting legacy that will probably not be forgotten.
I had a philosophy paper due today which I was working on during the majority of my free time yesterday. So that ate up my potential blogging time.
I also had to deal with intramural sports bullshit including a group of defectees and the loss of our potential team captain to said defectees. So, if you're interested in being the captain of an intramural soccer team, lemme know.
4 days til Brawl...


dopestethi said...

first of all, desmond howard played with brett during one of THE most exciting and rewarding seasons of his professional football career. secondly, SHANNON sharpe is employed by CBS not ESPN. his brother, STERLING, may have played with brett longer but certainly NOT during a more significant time of his career. your outright dismissal of desmond's insights into brett's retirement is ignorance at best or complete bias at worst. do your research. i swear...freedom of speech is priceless but every moron with an internet connection being allowed to publish his thoughts is not necessarily a good thing.

Con Carnage said...

How many touchdown passes did Favre throw to Desmond Howard?

End of story.

Don't be such a douche on my blog. Your freedom of speech bullshit works both ways, buddy.