Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fall Semester 2008 - 19 Credits of FUCK ME!

After a 4 semesters of 15 credit nonsense, I've realized that college is fucking stupid.

To me, 5 classes a semester is fine. However, if you do the math, 5 classes a semester at WPU (including the two extra credits for lab science and the credit and a half First Year Seminar) for four years will only net you 123.5 credits when 128 credits is necessary for graduating.
No wonder people take 4+ years to graduate.
So, in an effort to head off this growing challenge of snagging a degree by May 2010, I'm taking 6 classes valued at 19 credits next semester. Let's look at them and gauge my excitement.

Some Bullshit Literarture Class
MW 9:30-10:45
In all honesty, I don't know what era this class covers. I need to take some lit classes and this professor is supposedly easy.

Creative Non-Fiction
MW 2-3:15

It's with the guy who heads the Honors track I'm doing (Performing and Literary Arts), so that's pretty (Kevin) boss. I've also heard it is a good class, so that is also boss (Bailey).

Acting I
Tuesday Night sometime

Fuck, I thought I was done with bullshit acting classes. If I have to write a fucking paper in this class, I'm gonna kill.
But anyway, its with a good professor and I need to take it for the aforementioned Honors track.


Wednesday 11-1:40
Honestly, I'm looking forward to this class. I've been wanting to take a screenwriting class for a long time.

Here's where it gets lame...

TR 11-12:15
R 2-4:40
Yay, rocks! This is the only fucking science class that fits into my schedule. I fucking hate science classes. Fuck.

Easiest Math I Can Take And Still Get Credit For
And the 19 credit kicker is this stupid fucking class. Fuck, I hate this shit. I don't wanna take 6 classes.
Whatever, I don't really have that much to do anyway. I should stop complaining. I have Fridays off and I'm taking some classes I'm into.
At least my GPA's still something like 3.2 and only getting higher.
I believe I've had a steady curve upwards every semester (2.7->3.0->3.2->3.3?)

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