Friday, April 18, 2008

Mortal Kombat vs. DCU, and Rock Band Albums

So the new Mortal Kombat game has been revealed, and like promised, it looks like an April Fool's Joke.
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
Yes, that picture does have Sub-Zero staring down Batman. Yes, this is a real game.
Is this a must purchase for my 360 or potential PS3? Almost.
I'm a closet Mortal Kombat fan (although I really prefer MKII because of its simplicity) and I love the DC Animated Universe so this is pretty much a must-watch if not a must-buy.
For any interested parties, check out the Gamespot Preview.
In other news, Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance was announced as the first full length album to be released on Rock Band. Disappointed as I am that its not Who's Next or Nevermind, there was some other cool news that came out in the announcement. The Pixies' Debaser is going to come out on Rock Band in May or June, and the Pixies are weird and awesome.
I'm excited for Weezer's forthcoming Red Album (All self-titled colored Weezer albums are good. It's a rule) but Rivers Cuomo dismays me with this quote on Rock Band and Guitar Hero:

“I don’t get those games at all. I mean, I haven’t tried them. But they must be fun because people love them. But, to me, it seems like if you’re going to put that much effort into playing something, you should just play a real instrument [laughs].”

Whatever, as long as the entire Blue Album winds up on Rock Band...and maybe Hash Pipe or Dope Nose or something funny like that.

1 comment:

JR said...

Rivers is right! Although these games are fun, it's not the same as the real thing!