Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bionic Jack Black and Actual Feelings

Since I last left you, there has been some awesome news revealed as well as some shitty news.
Luckily the shitty news came first this time instead of last week when Nintendo revealed Sonic and then quickly announced the 2 month delay, thus putting a terrible dirty taste in people's mouths and some coal in their stockings.

Shitty news: Rock Band Tour Dates in Philly, NYC and Rutgers are apparently all cancelled. However, Philly has been rescheduled for Nov 1-4. So all is not shit.

Now on to the good news.
Bionic Commando, the NES classic with the exploding Hitler head, is being reimagined and coming out for 360, PS3 and PC. While not as wonderful as the possibility of Wii Commando and desperately lacking Nazis, this game looks to be visually stunning and should be teh awesome. I like the way the story appears to be going with the original game seeming to happen in some kind of fuzzy past or at least that is the way I take it. Basically some Bionic Commando saved the day years ago and is being framed for crimes and now after some terrorist attack he is the world's only hope. Whatever, I played Bionic Commando for the good gameplay and laughable story. So keep up the good work.

On the same note of good news, everyone should go check out the trailer for the video game Brutal Legend. The rough plot of this game is apparently a roadie (voiced by Jack Black) has to save the world by fucking slaughtering demons.
Totally a must buy.

Lauren got Beautiful Katamari yesterday and its as crazy and Japanese as I expected. If you fail something the game yells at you and is all like, "What do you think you are? A video store clerk? A screenwriter?"
Which makes me laugh, because its yelling at me.
Holy shit that was a wonderful segue into a soliloquy about how I'm unsure of what the fuck I want to do with my life.
I mean, I have no musical talent, so the immediate answer to that question (I wanna rock) is out.
I had that whole dream of being a writer. Living off crumbs and writing and eventually rolling in stupid rich money. I wanted to make movies and write fiction. In an ideal world, I would do that.
However, this is no ideal world and Shakespeare's got to get paid, son.
The whole screenwriting/moviemaking shit isn't worth it. With the advent of everything that's going on and the ease of making dumb movies and the popularity of the 'slacker' genre that I would probably be pidgeonholed in thanks to Kevin Smith's success, it would just be a very poor decision unless I had that drive to do it like I did in my youth. (I know I am still technically in my youth, but when I say youth, I mean non-monetary concious days (which are long behind me)).
Thus I raise myself a better question. Why in the fuck am I an English major if I don't want to be a writer? Well, dear reader, if you've been reading all these shit that I've been writing in this here blog, I obviously totally want to enter video game journalism. And I think I'm going to go for that. While I am in college and that means I can change that idea over and over and rework it until I graduate and have to find some means of getting money steadily, I think it is a sound idea.
Movies aren't as much of a focus of my world anymore. I love watching them and quoting them, but its fallen into more of a hobby of mine than anything else. Video games kind of became my job a long time ago thanks to the Video Game Programs and they still remain my chief hobby. Most people check CNN and shit when they wake up in the morning. I stay up until 3 AM to see the Smash Blog update and then wake up in the morning and check 8 different sites to see their opinion on it. And then check 8 more to see more video game news.
I'm done for now because I can't think of where to go next on this, but be prepared for many other 'What the fuck do I wanna do with my life?' rants in the future.

1 comment:

hioo1 said...

at least you don't know where you are going, I know where i am going, and money ain't in theater (i'll be happy if i pay off the college loans before i die)