Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sonic the Hedgehog is in Super Smash Bros Brawl...but at what cost?

Yes, for all you internet-vidiot sad sacks (like me), you know that at around 3 AM this morning, Sonic the Hedgehog was revealed to be in Super Smash Bros Brawl, thus spinning the circle of events that began with Electronic Gaming Monthly making a wonderful April Fool's Joke about a dubious secret to unlock Sonic and Tails in Melee.
I'll get to my minor complaints and questions about Sonic's involvement later, but first we have more pressing issues.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is appearing to not be coming out on December 3rd, 2007. It might not even be coming out in the current year.
I blame Sonic. You can blame Nintendo. Whatever. This sucks.
Currently the game is scheduled to be released in Japan on January 24th, 2008 which makes that a better sticking point for when the game will American soil.

As depressing as the fact that Brawl is likely missing the holiday season and I'll only have its compatriot for the best game ever made in the modern era (Rock Band) to wipe my tears (it won't be too hard to wipe my tears on the ginormous drum set), this might be for the best.
Yes, I just said a delay might be for the best. Way to go, Miyamoto, your age-old adage is too true. "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
I implore you, dear reader, to go and watch the most recent trailer (if its not on the front page, go to the notices tab) and just be amazed at the sheer beauty and scope of this game.
You've got your multiplayer with more improvements than you can shake a banana peel at.
You've got your in-depth single player (and co-op) affair with boss battles and story.
You've got your stickers for sticking and your trophies for trophing.

This game will fucking rock your world whether it comes out now or next year. End of story. 'nuff said.

Now back to Sonic...
My main complaint with the ol' Hedgehog is this. What the fuck else does he do besides jump on enemies and spindash? Like for serious. He's just quick and can turn into a ball. I think he's a great addition to the game but what are his special attacks going to be outside of 'jump in air, curl into ball, hurt people.' I guess he could dash or something like Foxco's dash in Melee.
Whatever, Sakurai is the shit. I have complete faith in his design.

Goddamn I hope its not delayed...


hioo1 said...

Ok, if the characters in SSB only did what they did in their respective games, then the only thing captain falcon would be able to do would be to drive a car. They have given characters other powers than in their own games before, and will probably do the same for sonic, trying to the keep to the speed theme most likely

Con Carnage said...

thats a poor comparison. Captain Falcon's character is supposed to be a bounty hunter. So the fucker better be able to fight.
I mean, from looking at the videos, it looks like his attacks are based around dashing and rolling into a ball. I'm hoping for the Up+B calling tails to help him fly or something.

hioo1 said...

thats how he has beaten eggman how many times. besides, i think it is an interesting character concept if it is true. Look at fox's dashing, or falcon's side b, they are all awesome dashing moves, and happen to be some of my favorites. He will probably be something comparable to shiek or fox with speed and mobility being the primary strategy.

Con Carnage said...

theres only so many ways you can reinvent the wheel or spiky blue blur or a ball