Monday, October 29, 2007

I need more allowance! Yodel-lay-he-hoo!

Its been quite a while since I actually finished a post. I just cleared out my back log of 3 half-written posts that were never finished. I shall now summarize them for you.
1) A dissertation on what games I should buy
2) I play Guitar Hero a lot
3) Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law got delayed til next year because Capcom realized 18 million other games were coming out in November.

Speaking of that, I'm pretty November 2007 might be one of the busiest months in gaming history. While there is no big launch of a new system, its the first time since gaming arguably became mainstream that 3 systems have been running at full speed.
That is, if we argue that gaming didn't become mainstream until about 2002-2003, when Gamecube was already declared dead by the general populous because its one mainstream title, Super Smash Bros Melee, had come out 2 weeks after launch. I'm still of the opinion that the majority of people that saw the original Twilight Princess trailer thought it was coming out on a new console since Gamecube was already being completely ignored by every company except Nintendo.
But anyway, November is fucking busy...and we are currently 2 days away from it.

Now this is where I go into the three previous posts that were never officially posted.

We are currently coming off the release of Guitar Hero III, which I'm pretty sure will top Halo 3 in sales, except it won't officially be so because GHIII is coming out for 5 different systems and that means there are 5 different SKUs.
On that note, Guitar Hero III is a wonderful game. A game. That's all. Its no longer the revolution that Harmonix joyously brought us two years ago. I can see why Harmonix left it. I'm having a lot of fun with this game but, in my opinion, it brings nothing substantially new to the series and genre besides new songs. The battle mode is cool but it makes it less of "OMFG I'm playing guitar!' and makes it 'Oh shit, I gotta get the power-ups!' I've made this comment to a lot of people but it still holds true: I'm waiting to fail a song and hear the Mario Game Over music.
Although the boss battles are very fun, but I'd much rather just have it be a straight up face-off.

So anyway, the month of November is almost upon us and there is a veritable maelstrom of games coming our way.

The first week (Oct 28-Nov 3) offers some fun options that might sucker the person who is unaware of the grander things to come.
Manhunt 2 (Wii, PS2) comes out just in time for Halloween and for a short time following the end of the controversy this game provided, I wanted it. Then I saw the new trailer and heard the testicle-crunching scene was removed. Sadness...
The Simpsons Game (A lot) is also coming out. I think in time for the DVD, but I have seen no mention of the DVD in my all-internet, little-TV-watching world.
Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) is one of the latest in the long line of games Nintendo doesn't advertise. I'll be honest, I fucking forgot this game was even coming out. Whatever. If you like RTS', you'll probably like this game.
Viva Pinata: Party Animals (360) also hits stands this week. Downloaded the demo at Lauren's behest. Its terrible terrible Sonic-and-the-Secret-Rings-Mario-Party-copy crap. When is Viva Pinata DS coming out anyway? We need that game like we need water. A lot.
Virtua Fighter 5 (360) comes out too. *yawn* Played the PS3 demo many moons ago. Not a big fighter dude. I am looking forward to Street Fighter 4 though. Mainly because my fighting game preference comes from nostalgia (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom and Super Smash Bros)
So there's week one. This is light and I'll probably only purchase the Simpsons Game, but not right away. I recommend BWII for anyone who enjoys RTS and Manhunt 2 just simply doesn't excite me anymore.

So Week 2 (Nov 4-10) begins...
Call of Duty 4 (360, PS3) comes out and this game looks fucking awesome. However, my FPS quota has been filled with Halo 3 and thus, I'm passing (for now) on what appears to be Halo's only FPS competitor.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii) looks to be only must-almost-buy of the week. I remain a bit hesitant because Sega has done nothing but break my heart over the years but, like a beaten girlfriend, I keep on being optimistic that they're going to change. This game should be solid because of Nintendo's minor involvement, but NiGHTS worries me.
Fire Emblem (Wii) is released in the same demographic as Battalion Wars. It fits the bills for the game Nintendo forgets they are releasing. It just seems to be no improvement from prior Fire Emblem games and thus, I remain unexcited. They're good games, but they're just not for me anymore.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (A lot) looks to be a solid upgrade for the series. This has always been a series I wanted to get into but can never justify spending a lot of money on it and usually always end up skipping on it. I will probably buy this game in a year or two when a November is not as packed as this (will it ever happen?).
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Some Ridiculous Subtitle (PS2) comes out and promises to be the best golf-fighting game ever.
Interesting note: Viva Pinata hits PC this week. Since my strength lies in consoles, I had no idea of this. If you don't a 360 and own a decent computer, buy this game.
The only game this week that demands my money is Mario & Sonic, but even that might swallowed up by my zest for the coming weeks...

If this month were a movie, this would be the beginning of a two part climax (ew...sticky). Week 3 (Nov 11-17) brings about the most games and is the week that the delayed Harvey Birdman was originally going to come out.
The headliner of this week is obviously Super Mario Galaxy (Wii). This will be a possible Game of the Year and is on an elite level all of its own. Its Mario and it controls wonderfully and from my brief experience with the game, it elicits that magical feeling that one gets whenever he plays Super Mario 64 (which I'm pretty sure is required to be played before you graduate high school now).
Contra IV (DS) rounds out the must-buys for the week and will probably frustrate me until the day I die (which is hopefully years from now. I've got to be able to stay alive until 311 becomes classic rock and is featured in Rock Band). Trust me, this shit is hard.
Assassin's Creed (360, PS3) is a game that would probably be a sure purchase for me at any other time of the year. However, it comes out a week before Rock Band and the same day as Super Mario Galaxy and Contra IV. As much as Kristen Bell's vocal involvement compels me to buy this game, I might have to pass.
Rayman Raving Rabids 2 (Wii) should be infinitely better than its predecessor. This game has no identity crisis anymore. It knows it is born to be a multiplayer game and it shall run with glee through the grassy fields.
Soul Calibur Legends (Wii), while not the fighter we all wish it would be, is still should be an amazing game that delves into the highly involved story that Soul Calibur apparently has. I think Raphael is in it and it will probably include some sort of demonic blade thingy.
We'll follow up Soul Calibur with an actual fighting game. DBZ: Budokai Tenakaichi Gibberish Jap Speak 3 (Wii) is going to once again show the world how a non-Smash Bros fighting game is done on Wii. And its going to be online. Allon, please buy this.
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) represents the shooter game that probably will have the least frustrating controls of any Resident Evil game ever. I wish I would buy this day 1 and shoot shit all the time. However, I need more allowance.
Beowulf is supposed to be bloody as fuck. Cool
Luxor and Puzzle Quest come out for Wii this week. A Zuma clone and probably the coolest puzzle/RPG hybrid ever? These will be must purchases in the lull of spring/summer.
This week basically has two games on the innovative pieces of work Nintendo is championing. Super Mario Galaxy and Contra IV overshadow every other good game coming out this week. I don't have enough time to play all this shit!

This second to last week (the climax/falling action of our epic) is ROCK BAND WEEK!!!!
I'm buying Rock Band this week. Duh.
Link's Crossbow Training (Wii) sees release this week. I will buy this, but only because its 20 bucks.
Mass Effect (360) is going to be amazing, but its not Rock Band and I won't play it yet. I wish I had time, but alas, Rock Band is more important than the spiritual sequel to KOTOR.
I probably missed games this week, but after mentioning Rock Band, I stopped focusing on this and started daydreaming about Rock Band.

Week 5 is a shitty denouement. Nothing of note comes out.

So...the month's tally comes to:
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games $49.99
Super Mario Galaxy $49.99
Contra IV $34.99
Link's Crossbow Training $19.99
Rock Band $169.99
Grand Total (+Tax) $347.70

That's an entire paycheck at my job and then some.
Fuckin' titties, man. Fuckin' titties...

1 comment:

hioo1 said...

I was debating being quailman this year for halloween