Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Brief Note to Superbad's Naysayers

My dear friend Billy finally saw Superbad and we discussed it. What transpires next is an elaboration on what I said to him.

If you didn't enjoy Superbad than I guess you just didn't get the aesthetic of the humor. Don't give me that hoity-toighty bullshit "Well, I completly understood it" because you obviously didn't if you didn't find it funny. You can demerit the movie however you want because, honestly, it is not a great movie. It just does what it's meant to do and executes it perfectly. It doesn't try to be something that it is not.
To me, the funniest part of the movie is the name. That's because they're not fucking Superbad but they think they are and that makes them every high school kid ever! It is a stupid dumb movie, but thats why it works so well. It is very relatable. I guess if I had to sum it up, I'd dub it the antithesis to every John Hughes film ever. I mean, there are far better films in the world but for that movie was, it was perfect it tried to be nothing but itself

hioo1: gold slick!

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