Saturday, February 2, 2008

Juno and Japanese Masturbatory Fantasies. Also, Football.

It has come to the time of the college semester where I make my first trip home. Like I did last semester, I waited until the end of the first month before I came home. However, we are in school for the entire month of September and about two fucking days in January.
Anyway, on with the blog...
I was thinking about Juno on my trek home.
It's a superb film, might be getting a little too much credit, but regardless, I recommend it to everyone. You have a lot of knockout performances by solid actors and actresses and the writing has this weird quality to it that will either work for you or not work.
Now the dialogue is the main bone of contention I have heard from the critics. Their reasoning being that no 16 year old girl in the year of 2007/08 would be making references to the Thundercats and Soupy Sales. Besides the point that these critics obviously don't know the rampant nostalgia of teenagers (how else do you explain Transformers doing well at the box office?) and also the fact that I, for one, was not coherent/born when the Thundercats were relevant and I picked up the nod in the movie and laughed, I feel the need to defend the dialogue in one simple way:
This is the writer's world, let her do whatever the fuck she wants. She wants her teen characters to reference 80s' pop culture? Go for it. I remember reading or watching something that Kevin Smith said about how all his movies are about two guys using big words and monologuing about Star Wars and Jaws. It was something about how in his ideal world, people talk in long overarching monologues about pop culture that was relevant to him. So maybe in Diablo Cody's ideal world, people references pop culture thats from before their times.
Whatever, the movie was solid. I hope it wins Best Picture no matter how much of no chance it has.
My interest is piquing for No More Heroes. For the uninformed, No More Heroes is a crazy Japanese game about assassins. and lightsabers. and poon. and killing. with swords. boobs. fire boobs.
From my understanding, this game is a Japanese parody of American culture at its base. The humor and cool cel-shaded graphics definitly seems to be damn cool.
If I had money to burn, I would totally be all over this game, but money is tight right now as I am awaiting getting paid for the first time this semester, so thus, no game.
Plus, I wanna buy Harvey Birdman, Geometry Wars: Galaxies and probably about 5 other games too. I can't make a decision! *sigh* At least I traded in Madden Wii 08 for All-Pro Football, which is a lot better than that pile of crap. The one thing I can't stand in current Maddens is that you can't read shit. There's so much information on the screen and I don't know if it is my lack of HDTV or my eyesight, but I have to piece together context clues to figure out who the fuck everyone is. It's terrible. When in the hell did EA Sports decide to make the games unreadable. I can picture the developer taking it up to the bigwigs.
Developer: So, there's this year's game.
Bigwig: Umm...Why can I read the player's name?
Developer: What?
Bigwig: I want more mystery in this year's Madden. I demand that we make the text completly unreadable.
Developer: Umm...alright.
Final Prediction for the Super Bowl:
New England 35, New York 21


hioo1 said...

Thundercats was on cartoon network in the after noons well into the 90s, almost to the 2000s (it maybe have been in 2000s as well) I believe the segment was called toonami? it had thundercats, silver hawks, voltron and a couple anime shows, like DBZ and Gundam Wing...ah those were the good old days...well, the point i was making is that those references still work for today's teens

Con Carnage said...

its still an 80s show.
its like how I love the Transformers Animated Movie. I saw reruns and had an older brother. That still makes the show an 80s show.