Thursday, January 31, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and other movies

Quick post but everyone should watch the trailer for Forgetting Sarah Marshall because it is going to be one of the funniest movies of the year. It stars Jason Segel and Kristen Bell. Jason Segel is also known as the drummer from Freaks and Geeks, the creepy boyfriend from Undeclared and that guy from How I Met Your Mother and Knocked Up. Kristen Bell is Veronica Mars and quite possibly the most attractive movie/TV actress ever. Anyway, watch the trailer. This should be a great movie.

Also, for anyone who's keeping score of good movies, I think Strange Wilderness is going to be very funny. It should be in the same vein as Grandma's Boy as it appears that similar people are at the helm. It's got those guys from Sandler movies in bigger roles and it also stars Steve Zahn which is kinda good. He's pretty funny I guess. Also, Kevin Heffernan is in it too.

Speaking of Heffernan and thus, Broken Lizard, apparently Broken Lizard (Supertroopers, Beerfest) is in production for their next movie, the Slammin' Salmon, which looks like its a boxing movie. Should be awesome.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Y: The Last Man is over *single tear*

My Super Smash Bros Brawl predictions were right.
Albeit I can't take credit for them as I merely read a lot of rumors and than speculated on what seemed the most legit and likely, but regardless, its sweet.
Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to this game.
Y: The Last Man wrapped up today with issue #60. I wish I could delve into everything that made this story amazing and perfect, but that's the play and I wouldn't want to give it away.
All musical references aside, this comic series easily trumps every other comic series I have ever read. To summarize, it is about Yorick, a 22-year old slacker who, along with his pet capuchin monkey Ampersand, becomes the last man on Earth when a plague hits the world and kills every male creature. The 60 issues that detail this story follow Yorick and his two caretakers, Agent 355 (a member of the secret Culper Ring) and Dr. Allison Mann (a geneticist) and Yorick's eventual run-in with adulthood. There's a bunch of sex, ninjas, pirates, monkeys, tits, Amazons, a bunch of pop culture references and exotic locales. It's amazing.
I threw up a PDF of the first issue for all of youse peoples reading enjoyment. Read it, tell me what you think.
Anyone who has finished all 60 issues, talk to me. I need someone else to talk about this.
I think that is everything relevant going on right now.
As far as gaming goes, my habits continue to be my other part time job as I seem to fit time and feel like I should play (not saying I don't enjoy it, but there's so many fucking games I want to play).
This week has been Mario Strikers Charged return to glory. I sat down on two consecutive nights and finally beat the Crystal Cup and unlocked Diddy Kong. Now all that is left is the insurmountable wall of the Striker Cup. I will probably put the game down and come back to it again in a few months.
Eternal Sonata is currently on my gaming backburner. I haven't had the time for an RPG as of late and thus I've been focusing on my short play session games. I'm stuck at Fort Fermata which, from what I read, is the place where everybody stops because its a weird/tricky/confusing/stupid puzzle and everything looks the same and because I put the game down for a while, I don't know where to go. Pending on when time frees up, I will probably sit down with a walkthrough and churn through that part and then continue my Chopin-inspired journey through a music-referencing world.
Rock Band, as per usual, gets a lot of play. Not as much as it has in the past, but once a week there is usually a DLC song or three that demand me to buy them.
I downloaded the Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble and Startropics on Virtual Console. Lolo is hard as shit, I think I am on floor 6 of 10. I'm on the final boss in Bubble Bobble with Lauren. I plowed through Startropics' first two worlds and now the game actually gets mildly challenging, so I have to be awake while I play now.
I'll probably be playing some more Super Smash Bros Melee as Brawl approaches. Melee will benefit from what I will dub "Guitar Hero Syndrome". "Guitar Hero Syndrome" is the phenomena where you play a game a lot, regardless of quality, because you are anticipating a similar game or sequel. GHS has occured with Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Rock Band and now, Super Smash Bros Brawl. It is dubbed after Guitar Hero because I personally think Guitar Hero III is a shitty, shitty terrible game and the only reason I bought the game was because Rock Band wasn't out yet. Basically, I spent $100 on GH3 for a wireless guitar and Contra IV.
But apparently GHIII has Journey, so it's just a shitty terrible game.

Monday, January 28, 2008 and other things, like how Juno's fucked (this time, not literally)

The Oscar nominations have been released. Go check them out if so wish than come back and read my whopping one comment that I care about.

Did you read them?
No? Whatever...

Juno is nominated for Best Picture and, much like Little Miss Sunshine before it, a bunch of indie scene kids are going to get all excited and than will be all mad when it doesn't win shit. Of course, the big difference between Juno and Little Miss Sunshine (at least for me) is that I actually enjoyed Juno and thought Little Miss Sunshine was too much about 'Holy shit it's Steve Carell! He was the 40-year old virgin! And he has a beard!' than the actual movie. Although, the more I think about it, I think Judd Apatow is a cancer on the small indie movies of the world, because part of my attraction to Juno was 'Holy shit it's Michael Cera! He was the awkward kid in Superbad! And he's wearing track shorts!' but I actually enjoy Cera's subtle acting talent than Carell's obnoxious unfunny schtick (which only really works on the Office and the Daily Show). Also, Juno gains points for having Jason Bateman, who needs to act in more things because the man is damn good when dealing with dramatic turns and comedic timing.
But anyway, I would love to see Juno win Best Picture and Ellen Page get Best Actress, but that probably isn't happening because the Academy is still a bunch of people with different film tastes than my own.

Anyway, here are my Best Picture Nominations for 2007.

Knocked Up
Live Free or Die Hard
Sweeney Todd

Let the debate (if anyone cares) begin. People might gawk at my list, but this is my personal list, so I really don't need anything to back it up. I'm going to back it up anyway.
Knocked Up was, in my opinion, the perfect amount of heart and dick and fart jokes to make it hysterical without making it stupid.
Juno was one of those heartwarming movies with superb acting, great direction and a lot of slightly out of place 80s' references.
Live Free or Die Hard was Bruce fuckin' Willis kicking ass and taking names. Also, Justin Long brought superb comic relief while Kevin Smith did a damn fine cameo. Olyphant was a passable villain and my only complaint about the film.
Superbad was Superbad, everyone should know that. It gets an award for being the gayest movie I have ever seen. Somehow, that's a compliment.
TMNT really only has any right being there because this my list and for some reason that movie made me smile all gawky and awkward and happy like I did throughout all of Clerks II. What can I say, the Turtles rule.
Sweeney Todd almost made me do the whole TMNT/Clerks II thing, but I really don't like Tim Burton but I have to begrudgingly respect him for this, Pee Wee's Big Adventure and, inadvertenly, Batman Begins. Johnny Depp made me proud (like it matters) and Helena Bonham Carter did not make me want to slap her bitch-ass across the face, which is a plus. Also, Rickman was in it and fucking a, Rickman was Hans fucking Gruber AND the Metatron AND Snape. Mad propz, yo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Theories

Well, there is one week til the Japanese Brawl release...and 44 days til the American release.
Anyway, I figure I'd throw my hat into the ring for the veritable character bonanza going on. It's almost like my NFL playoff predictions (where I am 7-3 this year) where I place my bets and get no monetary value...just self-satisfaction or demoralization.

Before I get into that, I'll make a brief comment on my NFL playoff predictions. I aced Wild Card weekend (even though I still rooted for the Redskins, I knew the Seahawks would win) and then I bombed in the AFC in the Divisional Round. Then the Packers loss made my record 7-3. If I pick the Super Bowl correctly, than I beat last year's record of 7-4.
My pick for the Super Bowl will be in similar fashion as my AFC Championship game pick. I'm picking the Patriots but will by no means be disappointed if the Giants win.

Alright...Brawl character speculation time...
I think there will be 35 characters. This rumor has circulated and while there could be some doubt, it is a number that makes sense.
Now for the list...

1. Mario
2. Link
3. Kirby
4. Pikachu
5. Yoshi
6. Bowser
7. Samus/Zero Suit Samus
8. Peach
9. Ice Climbers
10. Fox
11. Zelda/Shiek
12. Donkey Kong
13. Pit
14. Meta Knight
15. King Dedede
16. Ike
17. Olimar
18. Snake
19. Sonic
20. Lucas
21. Wario
22. Pokemon Trainer
23. Diddy Kong

These 23 are all confirmed by the wonderful Smash Blog

Practically Confirmed
24. Ness
25. Jigglypuff
26. Lucario

These are practically confirmed by a leaked Japanese video with a screenshot with their picture. Look it up, its on the internets.

27. Luigi
28. Captain Falcon

The final two unconfirmed originals. These guys will be in it.

My Thoughts
29. Ganondorf
30. Falco
31. Marth
32. Mr. Game & Watch

Ganondorf is close to the practically confirmed list. Falco makes too much sense to come back. Marth was a well liked character and I think we'll see two Fire Emblem characters and I think he is the only other logical choice. Sakurai loves crazy shit, so G&W is shoe-in...similarly to why we see 3 Kirby characters and a bunch of things that echo Kirby Air Ride.

33. Wolf
34. Wind Waker Link
35. R.O.B.

I am picking up these 3 mainly from speculation. Wolf would be cool as hell if and only if he is different from Fox and Falco in ways other than a different speed. He has potential to be a bad ass character. Wind Waker Link might be a pipe dream but I think it is a really cool idea to have a character that is done in a drastically different style and it seems something that is just crazy enough to work. Give the guy some Wind Waker abilities and you are not getting much of a Link clone. R.O.B. is a rumor but with his inclusion in Mario Kart DS, it doesn't seem too far enough. I have no fucking clue what his moveset would be though.

As for the characters that are cut...
Roy is the Fire Emblem character that time will forget.
Mewtwo had his movie and now he is old news. Lucario 'replaces' him in my mind.
Pichu was a pile of shit anyway.
I loved Dr. Mario, but there's no point for him as he is a clone.

There you have it. My picks for the remaining characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl. I'll review these before the American launch mainly because there is a FUCKING MONTH AND A HALF GAP!!!
Fucking Nintendo...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Super Bowl Examination and a Post Mortem to the 2007-08 Green Bay Packers

As anyone who doesn't live under a rock knows, The Pat Riots are looking to close out their perfect season against the Jersey/A Giants in Super Bowl XLII.
I'm going to put my stance on this game as a big whatever. Part of me wants the Giants to win, since they're local and all. The other part wants the Yankees of Football to bitch slap the Giants so the seemingly 2004 Red Sox-inspired sudden resurgence in Giants fans can shut the fuck up.
If you've been a diligent Giants fan and stuck through them for the good and the bad, then this is not meant towards you. For your sake, I hope your team wins.
This following comment is to anyone who might decide to rub salt in my wounds in the coming days: Fuck off. I don't want to hear it. I would not piss on your team's grave if you lost in the championship game. Despite that obvious part, I'm dealing with the dilemma that every Dolphins fan went through when Marino was at the end of his rope and still threatening Super Bowl berths. Brett Favre, my favorite player that has been at the helm of the Packers for as long as football has been relevant to me is getting ever closer to retirement. The fact that he was so close to having the Elway-inspired storybook ending (that he actually helped make happen way back in SB XXXII) that he deserved is really sad for me. Like I said, this comment is not for everyone and I'd like to thank any person that doesn't need to hear this to not be a dick about things.

Anyway, as I've mentioned in previous posts. The Packers have exceeded all expectations and I am very happy that they had such a good season despite the fact that it ended poorly. Ryan Grant had a stellar year and hopefully he is a version of the real deal. Donald Driver is still, always will be, the hardest working wide receiver in the NFL. Greg Jennings has proven that he will be great in a Javon Walker-ish manner, except for, ya know, he's not a dick. Aaron Kampman is fucking awesome. Hawk, Popinga and Barnett have the makings of an elite line backer corps. Despite Al Harris fucking up while covering Plaxico tonight, he carried the developing secondary into becoming a great unit. Charles Woodson, Nick Collins and Atari Bigby all deserve a mention. Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila is fucking bad ass. The O-Line is superb and they protect the longest tenured quaterback in the NFL. Brett Favre, despite throwing a pissload of interceptions and sometimes taking too many risks, is still one of the most dynamic passers in the league with one of the strongest arms.
This was a great team. It's too bad one of their poorest played games was at their most important one.

Here's to next season and every other season after that because eternally, I will be a Packers fan and continue to root for them even when they suck.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Its Still Alive

In one of my typical impulse midnight showings, I went to see Cloverfield last night.
For anyone that has followed the odd evolution of me writing on the internet (Random Websites->Xanga->LiveJournal->Here), you have probably heard me list the obnoxious amount of movies I have seen at midnight. For the unaware, here is a brief history.
It all began with Star Wars Episode 2 in 8th grade where I went with my college age brother because he has seen every Star Wars since the re-release on opening day and his friends were all busy. It then continued with Star Wars Episode 3 for pretty much the exact same reasons.
In the ensuing time, I proceeded to see Harry Potter 4, X-Men 3, Superman Returns, Pirates 2, TMNT, Spider-Man 3, Transformers, Harry Potter 5 and now, Cloverfield. That adds up to11 different movies I have seen at midnight (or in two rare cases, at 10 PM the night before they came out). In total, 3 of them have been on a weak impulse.
Cloverfield was one of those movies.

Cloverfield also happened to be the most intense and unsettling cinema experience I have been privy to. The combination of the shaky handheld camera, the lighting and the monster made it one of the creepiest spectacles I have ever seen on film. I must tell everyone to avoid waiting for DVD as I believe this movie deserves to be seen on the big screen.
In my opinion, this is the new definitive Godzilla-ish monster movie. Its Blair Witch meets Godzilla. Its Lost meeting that fucked up love child. Its an hour and a half thrill ride that takes little time to pause once it starts moving.
Hands down, its the best movie of the year...but remember, this is January 18th. We got a lot of year left. And The Dark Knight, The Pineapple Express, Iron Man and a new Star Trek movie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Road Trip, Big Brawl Delay, Big Game

I am currently in a state of exhaustation as I just completed a marathon week long car trip that began and ended in my home in Central Jersey. It also included stops in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Delaware.
I am fucking tired.
I also got to see my cousin's beautiful baby boy (he's now a month old), see other family I haven't seen on a regular basis and hang out with Lauren's awesome friend, Steph.
And I am still fucking tired.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is delayed for the second (arguably third) time. The original launch date was the Wii launch which was the fault of a laughable dickhole remark by Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata. The comment just being a big scam to get Super Smash Bros creator to come back to Nintendo and make the third game.
The second delay was from the original launch date of December 3rd, 2007 to February 10th, 2008. Many people cried over this (I am included) and Nintendo used the revelation of Sonic as a playable character to shadow this blow.
Now we are at the heel of the third delay. February 10th, 2008 to March 9th, 2008. Once again, Nintendo announces a new character to mask the dismay. However, they forgot no one gives a shit about the guy from Pikmin, and everyone is fucking pissed. (Author's Note: I actually enjoyed Pikmin and think that his character is cool, albeit not Sonic cool (or Sonic good. I stopped at a Sonic on the way down to Florida. Holy shit, that food is good.))
But let's look at the good. This delay will only mean that the launch will go smoother and the game will have more polish. Maybe new things won't be added, but everything should work to perfection.
The bad? Well, Japan still gets the game this month and they only had a week delay as opposed to the month delay that America gets. Lord only knows when Europe will get it.
Aw fuck it. It's just a marketing ploy by Nintendo of America to release the game in a dead month closer to Easter and have more Wiis and games to ship out the door because everyone and their mother wants this fucking game.
I will wait eagerly for this game until March 9th. I don't care, they can delay this game again and I'll still be here wagging my tail thinking it was delayed because I'm not house trained yet.
Next fucking topic.

The Green Bay Packers are, currently, the second best team in the NFL (standings-wise). I was being mighty cocky trumpeting the team early in the season but ya know what? I wasn't too far off. Regardless of what happens this weekend, this team far exceeded expectations and right now they have a damn good chance of making it to the Super Bowl and a legitimate chance of winning it.
I am happy. I hopefully will be happier, but I am really happy right now.

Oh yea, tell all your friends. This is getting updated regularly again.