Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Road Trip, Big Brawl Delay, Big Game

I am currently in a state of exhaustation as I just completed a marathon week long car trip that began and ended in my home in Central Jersey. It also included stops in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Delaware.
I am fucking tired.
I also got to see my cousin's beautiful baby boy (he's now a month old), see other family I haven't seen on a regular basis and hang out with Lauren's awesome friend, Steph.
And I am still fucking tired.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is delayed for the second (arguably third) time. The original launch date was the Wii launch which was the fault of a laughable dickhole remark by Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata. The comment just being a big scam to get Super Smash Bros creator to come back to Nintendo and make the third game.
The second delay was from the original launch date of December 3rd, 2007 to February 10th, 2008. Many people cried over this (I am included) and Nintendo used the revelation of Sonic as a playable character to shadow this blow.
Now we are at the heel of the third delay. February 10th, 2008 to March 9th, 2008. Once again, Nintendo announces a new character to mask the dismay. However, they forgot no one gives a shit about the guy from Pikmin, and everyone is fucking pissed. (Author's Note: I actually enjoyed Pikmin and think that his character is cool, albeit not Sonic cool (or Sonic good. I stopped at a Sonic on the way down to Florida. Holy shit, that food is good.))
But let's look at the good. This delay will only mean that the launch will go smoother and the game will have more polish. Maybe new things won't be added, but everything should work to perfection.
The bad? Well, Japan still gets the game this month and they only had a week delay as opposed to the month delay that America gets. Lord only knows when Europe will get it.
Aw fuck it. It's just a marketing ploy by Nintendo of America to release the game in a dead month closer to Easter and have more Wiis and games to ship out the door because everyone and their mother wants this fucking game.
I will wait eagerly for this game until March 9th. I don't care, they can delay this game again and I'll still be here wagging my tail thinking it was delayed because I'm not house trained yet.
Next fucking topic.

The Green Bay Packers are, currently, the second best team in the NFL (standings-wise). I was being mighty cocky trumpeting the team early in the season but ya know what? I wasn't too far off. Regardless of what happens this weekend, this team far exceeded expectations and right now they have a damn good chance of making it to the Super Bowl and a legitimate chance of winning it.
I am happy. I hopefully will be happier, but I am really happy right now.

Oh yea, tell all your friends. This is getting updated regularly again.

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