Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Y: The Last Man is over *single tear*

My Super Smash Bros Brawl predictions were right.
Albeit I can't take credit for them as I merely read a lot of rumors and than speculated on what seemed the most legit and likely, but regardless, its sweet.
Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to this game.
Y: The Last Man wrapped up today with issue #60. I wish I could delve into everything that made this story amazing and perfect, but that's the play and I wouldn't want to give it away.
All musical references aside, this comic series easily trumps every other comic series I have ever read. To summarize, it is about Yorick, a 22-year old slacker who, along with his pet capuchin monkey Ampersand, becomes the last man on Earth when a plague hits the world and kills every male creature. The 60 issues that detail this story follow Yorick and his two caretakers, Agent 355 (a member of the secret Culper Ring) and Dr. Allison Mann (a geneticist) and Yorick's eventual run-in with adulthood. There's a bunch of sex, ninjas, pirates, monkeys, tits, Amazons, a bunch of pop culture references and exotic locales. It's amazing.
I threw up a PDF of the first issue for all of youse peoples reading enjoyment. Read it, tell me what you think.
Anyone who has finished all 60 issues, talk to me. I need someone else to talk about this.
I think that is everything relevant going on right now.
As far as gaming goes, my habits continue to be my other part time job as I seem to fit time and feel like I should play (not saying I don't enjoy it, but there's so many fucking games I want to play).
This week has been Mario Strikers Charged return to glory. I sat down on two consecutive nights and finally beat the Crystal Cup and unlocked Diddy Kong. Now all that is left is the insurmountable wall of the Striker Cup. I will probably put the game down and come back to it again in a few months.
Eternal Sonata is currently on my gaming backburner. I haven't had the time for an RPG as of late and thus I've been focusing on my short play session games. I'm stuck at Fort Fermata which, from what I read, is the place where everybody stops because its a weird/tricky/confusing/stupid puzzle and everything looks the same and because I put the game down for a while, I don't know where to go. Pending on when time frees up, I will probably sit down with a walkthrough and churn through that part and then continue my Chopin-inspired journey through a music-referencing world.
Rock Band, as per usual, gets a lot of play. Not as much as it has in the past, but once a week there is usually a DLC song or three that demand me to buy them.
I downloaded the Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble and Startropics on Virtual Console. Lolo is hard as shit, I think I am on floor 6 of 10. I'm on the final boss in Bubble Bobble with Lauren. I plowed through Startropics' first two worlds and now the game actually gets mildly challenging, so I have to be awake while I play now.
I'll probably be playing some more Super Smash Bros Melee as Brawl approaches. Melee will benefit from what I will dub "Guitar Hero Syndrome". "Guitar Hero Syndrome" is the phenomena where you play a game a lot, regardless of quality, because you are anticipating a similar game or sequel. GHS has occured with Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Rock Band and now, Super Smash Bros Brawl. It is dubbed after Guitar Hero because I personally think Guitar Hero III is a shitty, shitty terrible game and the only reason I bought the game was because Rock Band wasn't out yet. Basically, I spent $100 on GH3 for a wireless guitar and Contra IV.
But apparently GHIII has Journey, so it's just a shitty terrible game.

1 comment:

hioo1 said...

OK, I just read up to issue 48 or Y the last man, I was wondering if you have the rest so I can read them, maybe this weekend? :D