Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Theories

Well, there is one week til the Japanese Brawl release...and 44 days til the American release.
Anyway, I figure I'd throw my hat into the ring for the veritable character bonanza going on. It's almost like my NFL playoff predictions (where I am 7-3 this year) where I place my bets and get no monetary value...just self-satisfaction or demoralization.

Before I get into that, I'll make a brief comment on my NFL playoff predictions. I aced Wild Card weekend (even though I still rooted for the Redskins, I knew the Seahawks would win) and then I bombed in the AFC in the Divisional Round. Then the Packers loss made my record 7-3. If I pick the Super Bowl correctly, than I beat last year's record of 7-4.
My pick for the Super Bowl will be in similar fashion as my AFC Championship game pick. I'm picking the Patriots but will by no means be disappointed if the Giants win.

Alright...Brawl character speculation time...
I think there will be 35 characters. This rumor has circulated and while there could be some doubt, it is a number that makes sense.
Now for the list...

1. Mario
2. Link
3. Kirby
4. Pikachu
5. Yoshi
6. Bowser
7. Samus/Zero Suit Samus
8. Peach
9. Ice Climbers
10. Fox
11. Zelda/Shiek
12. Donkey Kong
13. Pit
14. Meta Knight
15. King Dedede
16. Ike
17. Olimar
18. Snake
19. Sonic
20. Lucas
21. Wario
22. Pokemon Trainer
23. Diddy Kong

These 23 are all confirmed by the wonderful Smash Blog

Practically Confirmed
24. Ness
25. Jigglypuff
26. Lucario

These are practically confirmed by a leaked Japanese video with a screenshot with their picture. Look it up, its on the internets.

27. Luigi
28. Captain Falcon

The final two unconfirmed originals. These guys will be in it.

My Thoughts
29. Ganondorf
30. Falco
31. Marth
32. Mr. Game & Watch

Ganondorf is close to the practically confirmed list. Falco makes too much sense to come back. Marth was a well liked character and I think we'll see two Fire Emblem characters and I think he is the only other logical choice. Sakurai loves crazy shit, so G&W is shoe-in...similarly to why we see 3 Kirby characters and a bunch of things that echo Kirby Air Ride.

33. Wolf
34. Wind Waker Link
35. R.O.B.

I am picking up these 3 mainly from speculation. Wolf would be cool as hell if and only if he is different from Fox and Falco in ways other than a different speed. He has potential to be a bad ass character. Wind Waker Link might be a pipe dream but I think it is a really cool idea to have a character that is done in a drastically different style and it seems something that is just crazy enough to work. Give the guy some Wind Waker abilities and you are not getting much of a Link clone. R.O.B. is a rumor but with his inclusion in Mario Kart DS, it doesn't seem too far enough. I have no fucking clue what his moveset would be though.

As for the characters that are cut...
Roy is the Fire Emblem character that time will forget.
Mewtwo had his movie and now he is old news. Lucario 'replaces' him in my mind.
Pichu was a pile of shit anyway.
I loved Dr. Mario, but there's no point for him as he is a clone.

There you have it. My picks for the remaining characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl. I'll review these before the American launch mainly because there is a FUCKING MONTH AND A HALF GAP!!!
Fucking Nintendo...

1 comment:

hioo1 said...

My guess is that they may make Dr. Mario a different costume for mario. They better have captian falcon in it.