Monday, January 28, 2008 and other things, like how Juno's fucked (this time, not literally)

The Oscar nominations have been released. Go check them out if so wish than come back and read my whopping one comment that I care about.

Did you read them?
No? Whatever...

Juno is nominated for Best Picture and, much like Little Miss Sunshine before it, a bunch of indie scene kids are going to get all excited and than will be all mad when it doesn't win shit. Of course, the big difference between Juno and Little Miss Sunshine (at least for me) is that I actually enjoyed Juno and thought Little Miss Sunshine was too much about 'Holy shit it's Steve Carell! He was the 40-year old virgin! And he has a beard!' than the actual movie. Although, the more I think about it, I think Judd Apatow is a cancer on the small indie movies of the world, because part of my attraction to Juno was 'Holy shit it's Michael Cera! He was the awkward kid in Superbad! And he's wearing track shorts!' but I actually enjoy Cera's subtle acting talent than Carell's obnoxious unfunny schtick (which only really works on the Office and the Daily Show). Also, Juno gains points for having Jason Bateman, who needs to act in more things because the man is damn good when dealing with dramatic turns and comedic timing.
But anyway, I would love to see Juno win Best Picture and Ellen Page get Best Actress, but that probably isn't happening because the Academy is still a bunch of people with different film tastes than my own.

Anyway, here are my Best Picture Nominations for 2007.

Knocked Up
Live Free or Die Hard
Sweeney Todd

Let the debate (if anyone cares) begin. People might gawk at my list, but this is my personal list, so I really don't need anything to back it up. I'm going to back it up anyway.
Knocked Up was, in my opinion, the perfect amount of heart and dick and fart jokes to make it hysterical without making it stupid.
Juno was one of those heartwarming movies with superb acting, great direction and a lot of slightly out of place 80s' references.
Live Free or Die Hard was Bruce fuckin' Willis kicking ass and taking names. Also, Justin Long brought superb comic relief while Kevin Smith did a damn fine cameo. Olyphant was a passable villain and my only complaint about the film.
Superbad was Superbad, everyone should know that. It gets an award for being the gayest movie I have ever seen. Somehow, that's a compliment.
TMNT really only has any right being there because this my list and for some reason that movie made me smile all gawky and awkward and happy like I did throughout all of Clerks II. What can I say, the Turtles rule.
Sweeney Todd almost made me do the whole TMNT/Clerks II thing, but I really don't like Tim Burton but I have to begrudgingly respect him for this, Pee Wee's Big Adventure and, inadvertenly, Batman Begins. Johnny Depp made me proud (like it matters) and Helena Bonham Carter did not make me want to slap her bitch-ass across the face, which is a plus. Also, Rickman was in it and fucking a, Rickman was Hans fucking Gruber AND the Metatron AND Snape. Mad propz, yo.


hioo1 said...

I believe that Walk hard should be put on the list. It was fucking hysterical. Maybe I should support it with facts...but...nah...fuck that don't want to think too much.

I also believe that Harry potter 5 should have an honorable mention for being the best harry potter film to date.

Con Carnage said...

straight comedies, while funny, don't hold much merit as great movies to me. I actually debated as to whether or not superbad deserved to be on the list.
And...Best HP film doesn't mean its a candidate for best film of the year.
Plus, this is my list

hioo1 said...

you said you wanted debate, and the harry potter is an honorable mention. not on the list.

Con Carnage said...

I was going to include honorable mentions, but then I'd list any halfway decent I saw all summer. And we don't need to hear about the Fantastic Four movie