Friday, January 18, 2008

Its Still Alive

In one of my typical impulse midnight showings, I went to see Cloverfield last night.
For anyone that has followed the odd evolution of me writing on the internet (Random Websites->Xanga->LiveJournal->Here), you have probably heard me list the obnoxious amount of movies I have seen at midnight. For the unaware, here is a brief history.
It all began with Star Wars Episode 2 in 8th grade where I went with my college age brother because he has seen every Star Wars since the re-release on opening day and his friends were all busy. It then continued with Star Wars Episode 3 for pretty much the exact same reasons.
In the ensuing time, I proceeded to see Harry Potter 4, X-Men 3, Superman Returns, Pirates 2, TMNT, Spider-Man 3, Transformers, Harry Potter 5 and now, Cloverfield. That adds up to11 different movies I have seen at midnight (or in two rare cases, at 10 PM the night before they came out). In total, 3 of them have been on a weak impulse.
Cloverfield was one of those movies.

Cloverfield also happened to be the most intense and unsettling cinema experience I have been privy to. The combination of the shaky handheld camera, the lighting and the monster made it one of the creepiest spectacles I have ever seen on film. I must tell everyone to avoid waiting for DVD as I believe this movie deserves to be seen on the big screen.
In my opinion, this is the new definitive Godzilla-ish monster movie. Its Blair Witch meets Godzilla. Its Lost meeting that fucked up love child. Its an hour and a half thrill ride that takes little time to pause once it starts moving.
Hands down, its the best movie of the year...but remember, this is January 18th. We got a lot of year left. And The Dark Knight, The Pineapple Express, Iron Man and a new Star Trek movie.

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