Friday, August 10, 2007

Great Games of '07 (Thus Far) And Other Video Game Comments

I don't exactly where to begin with this. I feel the need to start off somewhere with video games and this seems to be the best place to begin.
I've had my sporadic posts about movies and Pokemon (Pokemon doesn't count as a normal game in my book, its more of a way of life) and it seems like something about video games as a whole needs some grand introduction. It's no longer the niche market it once was. Just ask Manhunt 2.

I started looking at the games I've played that have come out in 2007 and I have figured out I've pretty much played Guitar Hero, Wii games, MLB 2k7 and Pokemon and that's it. My 2007 experiences on other systems have been muted thanks to the death of my 360 (and subsequent free resurrection), No PS3 and not getting back into DS until Pokecrack D&P were released.
However, when glancing over the release lists of games this year, it rekindled thoughts on some games that I want to play and others that look interesting that are on the horizon.
So here goes shit...

Here are the top 5 games I have played that have come out this year

1. Pokemon Pearl (DS)
2. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)
3. Warioware: Smooth Moves (Wii)
4. Super Paper Mario (Wii)
5. Mario Strikers Charged (Wii)

Obviously, Pokemon tops the list. No game on any system released thus far can even match the quality and depth of that game. I believe 3 days of my life have been spent playing that fucking demonspawn. I still play it almost daily even if its just 'hmm, let's see what Pokemon is swarming today' or 'Ya know what, let's level up my Cubone'
The number 2 spot was rather easy mainly because...well...I never played a lot of RE4 before I picked up the Wii Edition. I'm ashamed to admit it but its true. In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't get it, because this game feels like it was made for the Wii and its just fucking beautiful. Hands down the most atmospheric game I've played since Eternal Darkness. Although from what I've read about the Ayn Rand-inspired Bioshock is that that game should be rather unsettling with the atmosphere and such.
Warioware is still without a doubt the second best multiplayer game on Wii. The top being Wii Sports, naturally. I didn't expect Warioware to be that good until I actually played it. The game is a wonderful early showing for Wii much like it was for DS at its launch. I mean, flying around as angels and falling out of the sky? Priceless.
Super Paper Mario was probably my most anticipated Wii game after Zelda game out and it did not disapoint at all. Once again, Intelligent Systems brings forth one of the most ridiculous outlandish stories with the most absurd characters ever. Throw in the fact that it plays amazingly and you can play as Peach, Bowser and Luigi and its just pure gold.
Mario Strikers Charged rounds out the top 5 but might easily move up as we press on farther into the year. I picked this game up last week and it was well worth it. A ridiculously intense game that actually reminds me of playing Ninja Gaiden for NES (Shit, I haven't cursed that angrily at a game since I last played Ninja Gaiden...). The more I play this well made soccer game the more I worry for the safety of my Wii remote because Ninja Gaiden was the catalyst in my only thrown controller...

Here's another list, this one of games I need/want to play (in no particular order).

1. Project Sylpheed (360)
I kind of like shooters and I've been perplexed by the fact that Square-Enix made this game. Reviews were decent and I hope there's a demo on XBL.
2. Odin Sphere (PS2)
To be entirely truthful, I don't think I know what this game is even about but I keep hearing that it is the most beautiful and amazing 2D game evar and because I like pretty things, I wanna play this game.
Note to self: You need to finish Okami...
3. God of War II (PS2)
God of War was quite possibly the second best impulse buy my brother has ever made regarding video games. This can only be topped by the time he bought a PS1 and thanks to that random act of buying, I got to play Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Cross. So, naturally I need to play God of War II.
Note: Am I the only one confused when people refer God of War or Gears of War as GoW?
On The Same Note: Am I the only other one perplexed when GT4 and GTA4 get thrown around for Grand Turismo and Grand Theft Auto.
4. Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
This is more of a need to beat. As legend states, I bought Pheonix Wright about 3-4 weeks ago and enjoyed it a lot. Beat the first two cases and then paused. Then I got Billy to buy it and now he's beaten it.
I don't like being behind.
5. SSX Blur
Ok, I'll come clean, I'm a closet whore for extreme sports game. I use a lot of my resistance to not buy this shit but I keep on hearing good things about this game and there was a price drop recently and...damnit I don't need anymore games...
6. Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
If this doesn't come out in America then I am totally going to not be suprised at all. Doesn't mean I don't want it all hardcore and shit.

And before I end this, here's a few parting notes
There needs to be a good 300 game made.
Wario needs to be in a Wario Land-esque game or at least another Treasure-made game.
If Rockstar releases Red Dead Revolver 2 for PS3, the combined pressure of that and MGS4 might make me consider beginning to think about possibly doing something to maybe think of possibly buying a gift card that I could use to redeem for cash at a store that sells PS3 and then buy a PS3 so I can play RDR2 and MGS4.
Also, Julia Stiles looks like a man. Not a horrible actress, but rather mannish.


hioo1 said...

you must beet phoenix or else!

Con Carnage said...
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Con Carnage said...

at least i'm not sitting in my room playing WoW.

MichelleP said...

an eiffel 65 song mentions resident evil...just thought i'd put that out there.