Friday, August 10, 2007

Metroid Mania Month, Multiple Movies and More

After reading an IGN article about how Metroid Prime 3 is not being hyped at all, Nintendo finally has done something to hype up its next big release.
They made August Metroid Mania Month! YAYLOLROXORSHRDCR!
And the only thing that really matters about that is the Virtual Console release of one of the greatest games ever made, Super Metroid, on August 20th.
I mean, I guess I'm excited about MP3 (haha, its like a music file!) and I guess its kinda cool that theres some out there rumor about Mother Brain being the final boss (Bring back the Brain and Kraid and that shit's easily the best Metroid game out of the Prime trilogy) but there's one problem that every Metroid Prime game faces and every Metroid game faces after Prime is done.
It's not Super Metroid.
All the graphix in the world will not make a game more beautiful and jaw-dropping and wonderful as Super Metroid.
So everyone should play it.

I've been reading about Stardust today during work (which has deterioated into having a stock Excel file up and reading shit on the internets and writing this) and I must say, I kind of want to see it at some point. I've always liked Neil Gaiman's stuff (I still have to watch the end of Mirrormask) and despite the fact that I kept on getting Clare Danes confused with Claire Forlani from Mallrats, the movie looks amusing.
I'm also reading a Gaiman book for my Sci-Fi/Fantasy lit class next semester. It's called Neverwhere...dunno much about it.

Mario Strikers Charged is an amazing game. I am continually amazed at the depth and strategy in what appears to be a simple game. My only complaint is how absurdly challenging it is. The computer is really cheap but they basically play like a real person and exploit the little things in the game that a live player would. I haven't had my Wii hooked up to the internet since I got it, but I probably will try out online play in the near future. I think I've finally settled on my team in the game though. It consists of Waluigi (he's quick), Dry Bones (easily the best sidekick in the game), Hammer Bros (cheapest deke ever) and Shy Guy (he's a cutey). I'm currently sitting in 2nd place in the 2nd cup with a record of 3-2. Hopefully I won't fuck it up again.
Also taking up my gaming time is Guitar Hero: 80s Edition. I've noticed I'm overcoming my bum pinky and slowly getting better at this game. I destroyed the game on Medium, five starring everything and getting 3 perfects and now I'm cruising through hard. Best songs in the game thus far: Play With Me, The Warrior, Balls to the Wall and I Wanna Rock
As usual, I probably play Pokemon more than anything else and I'm currently building up my team to the mid-50s so that way I can breeze through the Elite 4 without crapping my pants everytime I near the end because my team is slightly underleveled. My Elite 4 smashing team consists of: Lauren the Infernape (Fire/Fighting), Shithead the Staraptor (Normal/Flying), Bong the Roserade (Grass/Poison), Bronzong (Psychic/Steel), Gyrados (Water/Flying) and Gengar (Ghost/Poison).

Well, I think I'm gonna go on break or, I don't know, start going postal. Today's really fucking boring. I spent 20 minutes looking at Virtual Boy games.

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