Sunday, August 12, 2007

There's Halo 3 Soda...I See No Presence of God

So I walked into Shop-Rite to get some food stuffs for the poker game I hosted and I walked down the soda aisle and noticed something rather appalling but, like a train wreck, I had to look at it and eventually buy it. There was Mountain Dew Halo 3 soda code-named, "Game Fuel".
I demand a Wii version that is akin to the short-lived Strawberwii Kiwii Slurpee flavor that existed for about a month after the system launched.
That was one of my favorite slurpee flavors.
And when Manhunt 2 comes out (it will), let's have a blood flavored drink called "Kill Fuel". It'll sell well with vampires.

Note: The book ending to Fight Club will forever pwn the movie ending. 'Nuff said.

It's August, which means fantasy football season is upon us. I participated in my first draft and did not take Michael Vick. So I guess I win. I do have Peyton Manning. That means I'll have amazing stats and a bunch of cheezy acting.

Speaking of football, Madden 08 comes out on Tuesday. Too bad it can only be the second best sports game of the year. Mario Strikers Charged has officially won that title unless Rock Band, Brawl or Mario Galaxy are somehow morphed into sports games.

Note: CTF is not a sport

Speaking of Mario Strikers Charged, Hammer Bros is the new cheap character. Hammer Spam is obnoxious and Joe's a prick. However, Dry Bones is still fair and still dominant.

I think Beerfest is probably one of the greatest comedies of this era. Its got a great mix of ingredients that make a perfect comedy. Its got overt slapstick comedy, verbal wit, beer, foreigners, emotion, suprises, boobs and pot.

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