Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Last Metroid Is In Captivity, The Galaxy Is At Peace

With those immortal words, one of the greatest games of all time began to totally rock our faces off.
Yes Virginia, I am talking about Super Metroid for the greatest system ever made, the Super Nintendo.
I'm currently firmly baited in Nintendo's very late hype for the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Mother Brain is going to be in it and that excites me in an old-school Metroid fanboy way. For the people not as versed in Metroid lore, Mother Brain is a giant brain that was the final boss in Metroid and Super Metroid. Apparently, as revealed in the latest videos hyping the new game, Mother Brain is apparently trying to have sense made of out of her (it?). Whatever sci-fi "OMG THE GOVERNMENT CREATED THE REAVERS!" bullshit they throw at us, I'm in. I have the game pre-ordered anyway as part of my epic "Buy 3 Harvest Moons at Best Buy for $25 and make about a $20 profit at EBGames" deal.

Speaking of my deal whore nature, I got the Brak Show Season 2 for 15 bucks at Best Buy. However, I negated that saving but caving and buying Harvey Birdman Volume 3 for 27, but I love me some Harvey Birdman.

I'm about to finally try the new Madden for Wii. I trust it will be good. Whatever happens, I have a Packer team to rebuild. I've been asking for a non-dominant Packer team to rebuild on Madden back when they were awesome and now I want my balls-to-the-wall kick ass Packer team back. I mean, Verrand Morency? Who the fuck?

Speaking of sports, the Yankees are on fucking fire. I really hope there are at least three people in Boston that shit their pants. That would make my day.
My nickname for Joba Chamberlain (the Yankee's hot shot rookie pitcher) is Thunderbird, because I love my X-Men and the man is a fiery Native American. Hopefully he won't die in his second issue he's in.

Mario Strikers is the best game on Wii.
You have a differing opinion than me? Then blow me, because I am right and everyone who has played that game knows it is true.
Hammer Spam is cheap.
So is Toad's Flip.
Dry Bones is still pimp.

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