Friday, August 17, 2007

Irony Thy Name Is Peach (For Today At Least)

Last night I binged on Super Smash Bros Melee with Billy and Manny and I discovered an unbeatable force (for the night anyway). A character that no one could beat.
Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom.
I can't really explain it. It might have something to do with her sweet down smash or her frilly umbrella, but Billy and Manny could not touch the fury that was pink and wearing a dress.
Now for the ironic part.
I check the Smash Bros. Dojo website today and what character has information revealed about her?

VG Cats is a pretty damn funny webcomic. I've been reading that at work all morning and churned through the entire collection. The Warioware comic deserves recognition. So does the Mario Bros/300 comic.

Superbad looks fucking fantastic. I will hopefully see that tonight and laugh uproariously at the genius that is currently Seth Rogen.
Even if the movie sucks, he still was in the greatest TV show ever made. (Freaks and Geeks)

Harvey Birdman is amazing. Despite it being over, its still the cream of the crop at Adult Swim, in my opinion. A part of me is sad that the Hanna-Barbera mocking cartoons are dying out. We need more Space Ghost action!

Mario Strikers is still the devil as it continues to thwart me at every attempt I make at beating the second cup.
My gaming affections are getting focused there and on Metroid Prime 3, Melee and Bioshlock.
I believe I've already emphatically talked about my Prime 3 adoration and Melee was touched upon already and didn't really need any explanation to begin with.
Bioshock looks fantastic and I'm pissed off because I keep on hearing wonderful things and I don't wanna be forced to buy it because I don't wanna spend money.
Damn you good games! Why can't I be like Patnick and be bitter at the world of console gaming and just play WoW and the occasional MKart or Melee?

Dewy's Adventure comes out on September 5th...and then we go into another month of about 3-4 games I want.



hioo1 said...

I'll get you next time Peach! Next TIME!

joePWNSyou said...

Step 1: dthrow
Step 2: dsmash
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: profit

Con Carnage said...

damnit joe, you spoiled my entire ruse.
now i have to move onto another character and exploit them...

joePWNSyou said...

it doesn't really matter if they see it coming, they aren't going to stop it