Friday, August 10, 2007

Such Heroic Nonsense

I really didn't think it would be good...
That's why I wasn't pumped for it. I mean, I'm me, so no shit, I'm seeing the goddamn movie opening night, but I really wasn't expecting much. Michael Bay is some kind of demonspawn. The only two names I recognized from the cast was Jon Voight and Shia LaBeouf. One was an aging legitimate star and the other is a rising former-Disney-Channel star.
Although...Optimus Prime was on the cast list.
I guess the trailers that revealed little about the wonderful machines made my hopes low.
I have to give the trailers credit, they didn't reveal too much. Probably the best ad campaigns that I have seen in a long time. They tantalize with fleeting shots of battling robots or quick shots of transforming Autobots but they never were like 'Peter! Did you know Harry's pissed at you and you're going to hurt him and the Sandman really killed your Uncle and You're going to get a black suit and lose it and Eddie Brock's gonna get it and then at the end of the movie, Harry's good and everyone else dies? Oh yea, and Gwen Stacy's blond. Did you hear me, GWEN STACY!'
Don't get me wrong, I throughly enjoyed Spider-Man 3, but if you saw any of the trailers and not the movie, I truly spoiled nothing. They tell you that shit in the trailers.
But anyway, this shit ain't about that Spider fuck. This shit is about the Autobots kicking Decepticon ass.
And that goes back to what I forgot about this movie. Its got that ingredient that made the Iron Giant such a great movie, Kids and Big Fucking Robots. I read somewhere about how Speilberg (who produced Transformers) was pushing hard for making the movie a 'boy and his car' movie. He obviously wanted to make the movie in a similar vein as ET or the classic video game, A Boy And His Blob.
I'm looking over this post and I have to apologize, it's got no focus, but I assume the 3 or 4 people who read this don't mind the lack of focus.

But whatever
Transformers was a wonderful breath of 80s' nostalgia and was perfect in this mild fan's eyes.
Here's to a sequel with Starscream being the douchebag he is and Megatron bitchslapping him. And let's bring on the Dinobots, because retard Grimlock is the shit. And Hot Rod aka Roddimus Prime best be showing up sometime.

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