Thursday, September 6, 2007

College: Classes and Video Games

So my schedule is dictating something. I will be gurranteed to be writing in this bitch on Monday and Thursday nights. So all you waiting with the bated breath get at least 2 blog posts per week.

Today's topic: College: Classes and Video Games

My classes are pretty flipping sweet. 60% of my Professors have beards. That's always a good ratio. Also, I've got on Canadien and a few of my Professors have totally smoked the reefer. Being a English/Philosophy student, that's what I look for in teachers.
Beards, nationality and pot smoking.
But seriously, show me an English or Philosophy Professor who hasn't smoked pot and I'll show you my Creative Writing teacher, who makes up for whatever English or Philosophy Prof hasn't smoked.
He pulled a wonderful switcheroo on the class. He seemed all legitimate with a little hint of intrigue. Than, about a half hour in the class, he drops an f bomb. Then explains his life.
He almost flunked high school because he smoked too much pot, then he joined the army and ran illegal gambling and candy rings and lasted 10 weeks before he got the fuck out of there. He started snorting coke after that and that was followed by bouncing around rehabs until he followed the Grateful Dead around the world and wound up in Seattle where he worked for Starbucks Corporate and opened Starbucks. His sister died and he went back to college and became a writer/professor.
That class should rock my face off.
My Methods of Literary Analysis professor doesn't have the same colorful background that my CW guy does, but he reminds me of Woody Allen with an influx of Monty Python and the Simpsons. Cool beans.
My Existentialism professor is pretty much Lewis Black. I wish I taped his rant today. I think what can sum this up is this dialogue:
Student: What books are we going to read?
Professor: What am I, a fucking prophet?
My Gym teacher is Canadien.
My Sci-Fi teacher was talking Sandman with me, so I respect that. We're also reading Harry Potter, Neverwhere and the Golden Compass.

So there goes the boring shit.
My assessment of the semester? I'm getting straight A's. Not because of easiness but because straight A's would be dope as hell.

Onward to the second part of my self-imposed topic which I'm surmising will be a short essay on my view of video games in college.

My one and only beef with the beginning of this college year.
Too many fucking people wanna play video games and I don't have enough free time. I've been meaning to just binge on Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 but NOOOOO everyone's all socialable and like 'Let's play Halo and Melee and Guitar Hero!'
(Note: If anyone on my floor reads this, my moaning is a little bit of the whiny 3rd grade bitch variety. I don't mind playing Halo or Melee or GH. I actually enjoy it a lot.)
But as I've played Halo for the first time in at least a year, I must say my original impression of the game stands. It is an underwhelming first person shooter that is only bettered by familiarity. Basically, it's Goldeneye. Not a bad thing by any means, but still.
Anyway, Melee is still the greatest multiplayer game ever invented by the Japanese. Brawl should be the only thing that rivals it...that and Rock Band.
Christ will come twice this year. In two different forms: Rock Band and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Guitar Hero is pimp.


1 comment:

hioo1 said...

so, if i don't own those two games, do I go to hell?