Monday, September 24, 2007

The Packers are the Best Team in the NFL

...For now.
Yes, this joyride of my preferred football team being undefeated will be torn asunder when they finally gain humanity (and has already been deflated by the fact that if they played any of the other undefeated teams, they'd be fucked three sides of Friday) but until they lose a game, there is no truly no team better than them. Sure, there are teams that are equal to them, but they all have the same damn record.
It truly is a joy to see Favre stop struggling and flailing, as has been the case the past few years, and finally see him kick ass and take names like he used to. This proves that Brett Favre is the motherfucking shit and will always be a force to be reckoned with no matter how close to 40 he gets.
I am very excited about the Packers now, because they actually look good and hopefully this will continue.

In other news, Halo 3 comes out tonight. That's cool. I'll write a blog post on Wednesday or Thursday about it so you fucks can know whats what in the world of trilogy finales.

Speaking of trilogy finales, Resident Evil: Extinction was dumb, brainless fun and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't like to think too hard and likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other movies with bad ass women as the lead.
Resident Evil 4 is amazing. (This ain't no damn cutscene! PRESS A! You don't have time to smoke a bowl! PRESS A!)

As a personal note to Billy, I played some more Phoenix Wright, I am at the final day in court of the 3rd trial and I'm about to find out if Phoenix and Co. are wright about who killed Jack Hammer. Speaking of that, did you hear about Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?

I will continue my mini-review shenanigans tonight. Enjoi.


hioo1 said...

yeah, I heard about apollo, I will miss nick though...

hioo1 said...

P.s. I need to get resident evil now...