Monday, September 3, 2007

Toad Is A Huge Asshole: A Dissection of Mario Party 8

So I played a round of Mario Party 8 with Lauren and my roommate tonight and once again, I wonder why people bitch so much about how terrible that game is supposed to be.
In all honest, the fucking game is a lot of fun. I think people to step back and realize that Mario Party is not this legendary masterful game that our child-like nostalgia holds it be.
Mario Party has always been boring and cheap as shit.
People just fantasize Mario Party 8 being epic and legendary like all the other Mario Parties in their childhood. Did anyone play Mario Parties for Cube? ITS THE SAME CRAP IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING! Who cares if it was fresh then. It was still boring. My pre-pubescent self could still barely sit through one game.
The Wii breathes life into Mario Party 8, placing it 4th on the list of best Wii multiplayer titles (thus far). For anyone that cares, the top 3 spots, in my opinion, are Wii Sports, WarioWare and Mario Strikers Charged. Shit, if anyone wants to contest my view, go for it. I relish controversy.

But whatever, right now I'm bitter that Toad beat all three of us because the little fucktart stole my star and then won a bonus star from walking the most. He's fucking midget Toad, of course he's going to walk the most, he's got little baby legs. Lauren was Boo. Boo doesn't even fucking walk. Just tell me how that star isn't a rip-off.
However, it felt strangely satisfying to whip out two Duelo candies on Toad at the end and whip his bitch ass and steal all his coins.
I fucking hate Toad.
Princess is in another castle? Fuck you, Toad. Go sacrifice yourself for your goddamn Princess you miserable asscrack.
Whatever, I'll still play as you in MKart 64...

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