Monday, September 24, 2007

A Mild Hootenanny of X-Box 360 Reviews

This will be an abbreviated version of mini-reviews.
Also, I will refrain from mentioning Bioshock, because I am going to write a full-blooded review as soon as I finish it.

Perfect Dark Zero - 7.5/10
A disappointing but solid launch game. Gets bonus points because it has bots (eat it Halo!)

Kameo: Elements of Power - 7.5/10
Rare dropped a disturbingly solid launch game duo with this long-delayed adventure game. Very pretty and pretty fun. Very good concept that will probably never see a sequel but might benefit from such a thing.

Viva Pinata - 9.5/10
Probably one of the best games for 360. Pokemon meets Pinatas meets Harvest Moon. The terrible puns in every pinata name makes it just that damn cool. I mean, c'mon, Chewnicorn! ROARIO! Fudgehog!

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 8.5/10
A very deep game that offers solid gameplay. Although, once you beat the main game and its various arcs (which can be grinded through very quickly), it can get old very quickly. The downloadable content adds to this, but that shit be money.
I guess you can make a new character but I'm sorry, same game with a new character doesn't make a brand new game.
That would be like taking the famous puzzle series Puyo Pop and releasing it on Wii's Virtual Console in its Genesis incarnation, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, and then taking pretty much the exact same game and release it in its SNES incarnation, Kirby's Avalanche and have it be more expensive. Wait...they did that? Oh...this is awkward...

Dead Rising - 9/10
Its fucking Dawn of the Dead, with a bajillion weapons. Fuck yea!
This may go against my somewhat negative comments about Oblivion, but LOTR-ish fantasy shit gets old'd, zombies don't.

XBox Live Arcade Games

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
- 9.5/10
The best launch game for 360 and still one of the best games for the system. Very trippy. Not recommended when you're in an altered state of mind. Trust me.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 9.5/10
Think of this as Castlevania aping Super Metroid. Did anyone notice how I gave Super Metroid a perfect score?
Yea, this game is just as good.
If you own a 360, download this game. For $10 it offers a deeper game experience than most new releases.

Ball - Camera/10
Probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. It uses the XBox Live Camera to control some Ptolmec Pturtle. Fucking stupid shite. I thought I liked it, but then I got really irritable when I played it and then realized that only Mario Strikers is allowed to do that to me and then started burning shit.

As you can probably see, I don't have a huge 360 collection.
If you wish to donate games, go for it. I love free stuff.

I figure I'll write about some games that may or may not be out that I am excited for the 3-red-rings-of-death'd system.

I need this game. The demo is just so enjoyable. It takes everything wrong with Tony Hawk and makes it fun again. I played the demo for Tony Hawk's Proving Ground after it and I couldn't stand it. I love skate for the fact that it encourages you to just fuck around in it.

Eternal Sonata
I've a big on for this RPG about Fredrick Chopin's last moments as portrayed in a freaky music-inspired dream where terminally ill people have special powers.

Mass Effect
New RPG from the guys who brought us KOTOR? Lesbian alien sex? Epic space story?

Guitar Hero III
Getting it for 360 instead of Wii because 360 promises confirmed DLC and I've got another controller for...

Rock Band
Nothing else matters*. Rock Band will rule.

*Super Smash Bros Brawl also matters.

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