Friday, September 7, 2007

Halo 3 and My Purchasing Decision.

I've currently become embroiled in the web browser game Sproing. It is fun. You basically just drag a ball around a screen and build momentum and hit green balls while not hitting ones of color. Its high class.

I've been dwelling on Halo 3 for a while. Whether or not to get it. Do I truly care? Do Spartans actually hold my interest? Is Master Chief anything more than one bad-ass line to me? (That bad-ass line is, of course, "I need a weapon." I've gotten into the habit of throwing that line at people when I, well, need a weapon.)
My ultimate answer is "I don't give two flying fucks about finishing the fight." Master Chief and his gang-banging group of Arbiters can go fuck themselves because I don't care about the story. I didn't care in Halo, I cared for five minutes in Halo 2 and I still don't care about it in Halo 3. I understand people enjoy the story and apparently it is sci-fi gold (blasphemy in my opinion. Sci-Fi gold to me is BSG and Firefly. So, I guess I enjoy real characters and solid interaction and development as opposed to bullshit about 3 warring races worried about ancient rings. I've played too many Sonic games to learn that rings can old fast. I don't give a shit if you rename it, a Halo is still a ring. And I'm still waiting for Master Chief's Cooking Mama turn since if you drop the I, he is Master Chef.

For people against the wall of text, my final answer is a solid maybe on my purchase of the game. Multiplayer is the only thing that allures me and I might just bring my N64 and Goldeneye and PDark and binge on FPSes with that.
If anyone in my dorm who cares about Halo reads this, you've got a lot of convincing to do because I think I'd much rather purchase Dewy's Adventure and the Didder game for Wii than buy Halo 3. Also, LoZ: Phantom Hourglass comes out the next week and stylus controlled Link trumps "same old shit" Spartans.

And speaking of the present, I still have a handful of games to beat.
That list consists of:
1) Bioshock - I'm about halfway through, maybe more. That might be the next game I beat. When I finish it I'll go on a spoiler-laden rant about it.
2) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - I'm only like 2-3 hours into this, but I've loved every second and can't wait for a long period of time with it.
3) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - It's been so long since I picked this up that I might just restart, but if I don't, I think I've got like 5-6 hours logged and I imagine I'm damn near halfway through the game
4) Dead Rising - Really only bought this because I got it cheap. I'll play it when there's a like in two years.

If I finish all these games, maybe there is a better chance of Halo 3 in my future, but I don't know. I'd rather just play Rock Band and Brawl forever when they come out.

Note: I am totally planning on buying more Halo 3 Game Fuel because the concept is ridiculous and it makes me laugh. The Halo 3 Advertising Campaign is probably one of the funniest ones I've ever seen.


hioo1 said...

You finished phoenix wright? OMG!

joePWNSyou said...

If by "science fiction gold" you mean ripping off the plots of half a dozen scifi stories I never read, then you're spot on

Con Carnage said...

someone is bitter at life