Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Hero! F-Zero! and melee, mprime, zelda, bioshock and more

F-Zero is awesome. 'Nuff Said.

I've been in embroiled in a Super Smash Bros. Melee wiki read where I learned of shffl-ing and wave-dashing.
Whatever, I don't want to learn that stuff or else then Melee would lose its fun.
Brawl will still own my face. I can't wait. It kinda sucks that I'm going to fail this semester after putting in effort for 3 months.
I probably won't be in any classes from November 20th to Mid-December.

Metroid Prime 3 is still alluring and harkens back to the mystique that Metroid Prime had when I first got it. The mystique that Metroid Prime 2 had for about two minutes before the stupid fucking alien thing was like 'Save usssssss!' and I was all like 'Hell no' but Samus is mute so I couldn't verbalize my thoughts.
I mean, I know the Aurora Units are probably evil because of the corruption and the Mother Brain comparisons, but that doesn't stop me from being in love with this game.
While the boss battles run rather long sometimes, its an epic adventure in itself figuring out how best to kill these giant intimidating creatures. It's a challenge as well. Something that Twilight Princess lacked.

Don't get me wrong, Twilight Princess was what I wanted in a Zelda game, but the game was pretty damn easy and I think Nintendo needs to make what they want in a Zelda game and not what the fans want.
We currently have one good example of this and one bad example.
Good Example: Phantom Hourglass for the DS.
The more I read about this game the more I'm hooked. All Stylus Control that's been subject to rave reviews over in Japan? Awesome. Many dungeons and a direct sequel to Wind Waker? Cool. Some weird dude who graces the cover and gives you your boat? Umm...ok.
Bad Example: Link's Crossbow Training for the Wii
Most of my fan base (please tell me you exist) probably has not heard of this unless they've heard it from me, but Link's Crossbow Training is a cheap game that is coming packaged with the Wii Zapper (aka The Wii Tommy Gun). It apparently is going to be about Link and how he gets his new crossbow and is like "let's shoot some shit." I remain optimistic because this is how I am with Nintendo and other companies that I cautiously trust (Marvel, Sega...actually, no. Sega has lost my trust when they made the new Monkey Ball game) but this Crossbow Training game shouldn't be here. It should be Duck Hunt.
Duck Hunt would sell boatloads and I don't get why Nintendo doesn't just fucking remake Duck Hunt, warts and all, and release it on Virtual Console or as a $20 game.
Whatever, they're making more money than I can fathom. We'll see if they can actually market themselves out of a paper bag.

Bioshock is still wonderful but I'm noticing a kind of inherent fault in this game. Once you reach a certain point, there's not much new shit to do. I'm relatively sure I have access to almost all of the Plasmids and Weapons and I'm about 2/3 through the game (I think, I'm in Fort Frolic.)
I love this game. Still one of the best games I've played in a long time, but after the "holy shit I'm electrocuting things and beating them with wrenches" glee wears off, you're left with a very sound game that looks pretty. Not as ground-breaking as the world is telling you.
Still a lot of fun and everyone should see it in action.
It's also incredibly fucked up. There was an audio log about this demented artist ripping off bunny ears.

Speaking of incredibly fucked up games, I think Manhunt 2 might take the cake.
I'm still up in the air about buying it, but I figure I'd share this tidbit I read today. Apparently you decapitate a guy and then take his head and use it to get into a door and then the guy who opens it expects to see his friend and then freaks out.
Also, apparently a death scene that was cut out to make it rated Mature instead of Adults Only was using pliers or something to crack some dude's nuts.
Yea, pretty fucked up.
Mull that one over.



hioo1 said... balls hurt now just from you saying that...

Oh and the crossbow training thing, isn't it supposed to come with the wii tommy gun thing? So it probubly is just something to show you how to use it.

Con Carnage said...

well, yea. I did say that the crossbow training comes with the zapper. I was just saying that Duck Hunt would've been cooler

joePWNSyou said...

I've decided that I'm too cheap to buy Galaxy or Brawl when they come out, I'll just make someone buy them for me for Christmas. It'll also help finals go a bit more smoothly