Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shoot Him In The Head! You Don't Have Time To Make A Profile! SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD!

I'm going to preface by telling everyone just how insanely awesome the new DC Animated Movie, Superman Doomsday, is. While my view of the movie might be blinded by the awesome drinking game me and the boys accompanied it with, it was still the proverbial schiznit.
Anyway, see the damn movie. It's awesome.

On a related note (kind of...not really), I finally started watching Arrested Development and let me tell you, that show is damn good and everyone who sang its praises was completly right.

In some blog business news, I think this is how shit will be laid out. Monday is Review day. So that's when I'll continue doing the review crap I started this Monday. Wednesday and Thursday will be meaningless rant days with unspecified topics. Fridays might see action too.

I'm still plugging through Metroid Prime 3 and the game is still really solid. The high review score still stands the test of 2 days.
F-Zero is amazing. I'm really disapointed in the world that F-Zero gets the shaft and other racing games are more popular.
For all you Captain Falcon-loving sons of bitches out there, give F-Zero a chance!

In Video Game Tournament News, we are still currently on tap for a late December Video Game Quadrathlon II. It is with great glee that I reveal the next game for the upcoming 4 game tourney.
Game 1: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
Game 2: F-Zero X (N64)
While I will not be revealing the final two games until time passes and I settle on exactly what games should be in, I will give you this following note about the last two games.
Brawl and F-Zero satisfy the Fighting and Racing pseudo-topics I have enacted. The remaining topics that were present in the first Quadrathlon (Shooting and Sports) are not gurranteed to be in the next one.
I will reveal that the final two games will come from any two of these categories: Shooting, Sports, Puzzle or Worms

But yea, this is getting boring, so I'm gonna peace out of here and await the pending Tokyo Game Show announcement about Kingdom Hearts and pray it's not going to be on PS3 because I really don't wanna have to buy that system.


hioo1 said...

Hey, could you post the link of the Shoot him in the head thing you showed me?

Con Carnage said...