Friday, September 28, 2007

Comments of Varying Length on the 3 Biggest Games of the Fall

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, I've kind of had this fight to finish...

Sorry for the lame intro. Truth be told, I've played one mission in Campaign in Halo 3 and played way too much fucking multiplayer because well, why the fuck else does one buy Halo 3?
Answer: For the multiplayer
And while the game is certainly not ground breaking, it improves on everything that was laid out in the previous games. Albeit, I've heard reports of the Campaign being just a little less disapointing than the rug pull-out that was Halo 2's conclusion and overkill of monotony that was Halo: Combat Evolved's single player affair.
Although I'm sure some of you Halo faithful will disagree and praise the story and gameplay of the Campaigns, I don't buy it. Then again, I actually enjoyed Perfect Dark Zero so maybe my opinion doesn't matter.

But, the game is a freaking blast in Multiplayer and I really don't think it is a game that will ever get old. As I described to my roommate and suitemate, I have only begun to occasionally make out with the metaphorical girl that is Halo 3. I don't know, shit with me and Halo 3 might not get serious. We might never fuck, but right now I've been playing her multiplayer a lot and I feel like we've really meshed.
Note: Attempting to field a baseball game using Rockets and Gravity Hammers doesn't work so well but it is very fun if you throw in the Sentinel Beam.

In other non-Halo 3 news, I harbor good news and bad news.
Good news: Rock Band is going to be $170 for the bundle that comes with guitar, drums and mic. Cool beans considering those items separately would be about 200+. Cool beans, Harmonix...Cool beans.
Bad news: Rock Band is coming out of November 23rd. Now let me tell you all about a little date called November the 23rd. Go....check your calendar. What day is it? ITS FUCKING BLACK FRIDAY!!!! THE WORST GODDAMN SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR!!!! I suppose I might be pulling off an early morning smash-and-grab at a game-selling store and then being lethargic at my house while totally rockin' out while my mom yells at me because I'm not cleaning up after Thanksgiving. Although I heard rumors of Thanksgiving being at my brother's house. This might be good because then my mom won't be the clean nazi she becomes when company comes over. I don't fault my mom for being that way, but it would severly cramp my Rock Band style. I mean, how can I work on singing Suffragette City while playing guitar at the same time?

On a final note: This is the lamest week of Super Smash Brawl Blog ever. I want a new character announcement or something. Today's update was about Tourney mode. It didn't even really fucking say anything. It was just like 'Hey guy, there's gonna be Tourney mode! It's exactly like it was in Melee!!'


joePWNSyou said...

The gravity hammer is pretty much the best part of the game. The rest would get old in a week or two, but smashing vehicles across a map with a giant hammer makes me wish Project HAMMER never died.

MichelleP said...

november 23rd is my sister's birthday!