Friday, September 21, 2007

I am weak. This is truly the way the world ends.

Apparently people love T.S. Elliot.
I am currently ensnared by two entertainment vehicles that quote "The Hollow Men"

The first being Richard Kelly's finally-soon-to-be-released film, Southland Tales. Its weird and it stars the Rock and Stifler. Also, Kevin Smith is an old war vet.
Note: Richard Kelly made Donnie Darko. OMG EVREE1 FREEK OUT!
I personally was not all too impressed with Donnie Darko. I didn't know if you made a confusing movie you should get lauded for it. Whatever...Southland Tales seems to be just the right amount of peculiar to make it some mildly thought-provoking fun.

The second entertainment vehicles is the one, the supposed almighty. Teh Halo 3.
As the title says, I am weak. I'm at the point where I am probably going to buy this game at launch. I was in 'fuck it, I'll play Bond' camp until today.
Two things went down.

First, I played Goldeneye 64. Holy shit, that game is so fucking dated. I found myself wishing it was more like Halo. Its aiming is not precise and it is a game that has been hurt by age. Not saying I never want to play the game again, but its old'd. I took me 10 fucking years to finally acknowledge that Goldeneye is an old ass game.
Note: Perfect Dark, however, is still the pinnacle of gaming that all First Person Shooters should strive to be.
Double Note: Only Perfect Dark for the N64. Perfect Dark Zero, while an amusing launch game, is just your standard generic FPS with Joanna Dark in it.

Second, Steve Rock sent me a link to the most recent Video Documentary on about the multiplayer level editor and video recording. He sent me this link the preface of "This finally got me psyched for the game" and it did the same trick for me.
I am finally psyched for the game. Like, for realz.
I'll admit, I'm not that pumped. This is by no means the end-all be-all of video games for me. Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Rock Band still trump the game without even being released. Shit, even the crapfest that will probably be Guitar Hero III will trump Halo 3 in my book.

But I think I'm going to buy the stupid godforsaken game now. I wanna play multiplayer but I wanna play it on my own terms.
I don't want to play this game with hardcore fucktards who will review tape after every match and know where to camp and where every single spawn location and obtuse hiding spot is. I don't want to play this game with people who shoot down the noob who has just picked up the controller after hearing endless hype and decided to give the game a whirl. I don't want to talk to the asshole who pads his score by endlessly killing the same person and using the defense of that 'he or she was in my way!' because you know how to use your radar and you are totally fucking aware of who everyone is. That shit works once or twice, but not everytime you see the person. Fucking cockfuckasscrackholesshitbitches.
I want to play with people who will fuck around and do Wraith Battles. I want to play with people who play the game for fun.

That's my credo for Halo 3 when I buy it, probably on Tuesday.
I'll probably buy it on launch day mainly because I have one class all day on Tuesday and my roommate is excited for Halo 3 and shares a similar philosophy on the game as I. So I'm going to power through Co-op with him and see how the world ends.

Not with a bang but a whimper.

P.S. If any of you readers out there share a similar philosophy on Halo 3 as I do. My totally uberrad bitchin' XBox Live Gamertag is Con Carnage.


hioo1 said...

I need to get a wii first, then a 360...

Con Carnage said...

good priorities