Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sic Transit Rock Band...NFL Rises (Kinda Sorta)

Yes, I am still enraptured by Rock Band, but I am also dealing with real life rearing its ugly head ahead again. Yes, I still attend classes and get assignments done. Yes, Rock Band is awesome. Yes, I've played it a lot and for fuck's sake, no I don't give a shit about your two cents and what misconceptions you heard about the game. Shut the fuck up about the Strat! Mine is working fine (for now) so quit bitching when you suck at the game, Ricky! And when it is blatantly obvious that both of the people that live in the room are done with the game and one is going to bed in a matter of minutes, stop playing the fucking game and go to your room and piss off your own roommate some more instead of me!
Ricky, if you read this (which I don't think you do), just take a hint next time when it is largely obvious that you should be done with the game. If you want to play it so badly, but it yourself. Yes, you might not have the money, but does that mean that the money I saved up (kind of, my credit card bill balooned because of it) should go towards your entertainment?
This goes out to all current and future college students, if you happen to be in a room that is not your own and the people who live in the room are grimacing as you play their video games and eat their food, get the fuck out.

Anyway, I just finished an interesting experiment regarding our very own National Football League. In a conversation I had with Allon a week or so ago, when we realized how awesome it would be for his Jaguars of Jacksonville (yes, they're not his team, but I don't feel like being "his favorite team, the Jaguars of Jacksonville" and I know I did it right now, but fuck off, its my blog) to not be in a division with the Colts of Indianapolis. Then I realized that there once was a mythical time when this was true.
So during work today, I scoured for the old division lines that were used up until the Texans of Houston were added to the league in 2002. So I added those very same to the AFC West and moved the Seahawks of Seattle to the NFC West from the AFC West to even out the divisions.

Surprisingly, nothing really changes. If the season ended today, every single team that would get into the playoffs in the current format would get into the playoffs in the old format. Albeit the schedules would be different if this setup were used, regardless, the only thing that changes is that we'd have more interesting divisions and teams given new life.

The NFC East (feat. Cowboys, Gints, Faggles, Cardinals and Redskins) would still be a great division, but nowhere near as battle hungry as those damned Centralites (feat. the Pack!, the Pirates, da Bears, the Lions and the Vikings). Granted, only two teams are added to these divisions, but it still would be interesting (and nerve-racking) to see the Packers play the renewed Buccaneers twice this season. I'd actually like to see if the Cardinals would play up to their decent opponents in the East or if they really do suck.
The NFC West would be as boring as ever as it had one fucking team with a winning record (the Seahawks) and said team (the Seahawks) would hold a two game lead over the schizophrenic 'Aints and some other teams of no note (except that one team used to have Mike Vick. And three of the were in Super Bowls in the past 10 years)

The AFC East would be hot shit, only for one fact and one fact alone. The Colts of Indianapolis would play the Pat Riots twice a year and share division of shit (besides them, of course). Other than that, the other three teams would be cannon fodder (Bills, Just-end-the-season and the Hapless 'Fins).
The AFC Central would be a battleground of sorts. The Pittsers of Steeland and the Jaguars of Jacksonville would be battling for the title as the Browns of Cleveland would be chomping at the bit while the Houston Oilers suck the shit for the top three teams as they plummet because apparently Vince Young can't win games (but he's ok in fantasy, but no quite good enough because I was the jackass who banked on Cedric Benson and Reggie Bush to be my running back darlings). The Ravens aka the Browns and the Bungles would still be freefallin'.
The only cool part of the AFC West would be the fact that the Texans of Houston would actually be in the playoff race as they'd be sitting tied for 2nd with Broncos of Denver and only one game behind the SlightlySuperChargers.

A more interesting view on this would be if the divisions were aligned by their real life boundaries, which is what I thought would happen when the divisions were realigned (seriously, I understand the Cowboys having solid rivalries with East teams, but why move the Colts from the East (which they sort of belong) to the South (where they most certainly do not), all for what? Keeping rivalries in the East and North?
Whatever, I'm just gonna go play Rock Band.
I have a paper due?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rock Band Consumes and Business as Usual

Well, the 12 days of Rock Band are over and now we begin the "rest of my life of Rock Band" as the game is out and I own it and have made sweet rock with it.
This game is quite simply the greatest concept and game I've ever been privy to. I know I have a tendency of hyperbole and probably have made that comment about Super Mario Galaxy but there's a big difference.
1) Galaxy is a single player and one of the best single player games in recent memory.
2) Rock Band is a music game and is the shit (no doubt).

The game is fantastic. I recommend everyone find someone they know with a 360 and get them to buy it or get a 360 and buy it. Steal a bank if you have to. It's that fucking good. to business notes...

Video Game Program: ROCK BAND! is at the Hopewell Library this Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM. Come play the game and see how it rocks faces.

Billy, write in your fucking blog, you bitch.

Monday, November 19, 2007

On the 12th and final day of Rock Band...(YES!!!!)

On the 12th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 12 drummers drumming, a rumored packed program, confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

the 12 drummers drumming seem so appropriate, I decided not the change it.

So I'm done with this.

I am so excited I can't even detail it.

Rock Band is amazing and I don't even own it. At approx. 10 AM tomorrow I will walk into the Gamestop down the road from school and pick up my already paid off copy of Rock Band. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

On the 11th day of Rock Band...

On the 11th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me a rumored packed program, confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

Supposedly the Video Game Program at the Hopewell Library on Saturday is getting a lot of questions asked about it. Sweet, success and money all at the same time.

I have 106 stars in Mario. Its ridiculous.

The Packers fucking rule.

I'm getting tired of writing every day. I don't really have that much to say.

On the 10th day of Rock Band (CONFIRMED!!!)

On the 10th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

A little explanation for tonight's reference. I stopped by the Gamestop that I have Rock Band pre-ordered at and paid off the rest of my pre-order. I also asked what time the game would be there. They answered with the best words I could hear. "We already have it here, we just can't sell it until the 20th."
So...10 AM Tuesday, I will own it.

Other than that, I'm up to 95 stars in Mario Galaxy.

Its a weekend. Fuck you, I don't wanna write a lot.
Now time to do a lot of alcohol and drink some drugs cuz I'm at college.

Friday, November 16, 2007

On the 9th day of Rock Band

On the 9th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I couldn't resist the obvious joke with the ninth day being "nine ladies dancing."
Anyways, I played a demo in a Best Buy at Garden State Plaza today and while the drums were broken and the guitar was half-broken, the vocals worked. I busted out some sick notes on Say It Ain't So, Suffragette City and Tom Sawyer. Lauren, in a very shy manner, sang Wave of Mutilation and busted out some bad-ass guitar licks on the other songs. Despite what she might say, she's not that bad at the game considering she plays Guitar Heroes and Rock Band sparingly. She can beat most Medium songs with no trouble and can hold her own on Hard. Makes me proud.
The vocals in Rock Band are fantastic, though, and I can't wait to sing these songs as loud as I want to in the privacy of my own home or dorm room. This game, in my eyes, is practically flawless. I have not really seen anything that disappoints me besides the fact that a) its not out and 2) not every song is on it.

I'm up to 73 stars in Mario Galaxy. A daunting number considering I've had the game since Monday. I'm still aiming for the rather high unreachable goal of getting all 120 stars by Tuesday. I don't think I'll force it and merely play as much as I want/care to until Rock Band comes out.

As a bit of a test, I would like to ask anyone who reads this to leave a comment.
Do it. I wanna know if I actually have a viewership.

On the 8th day of Rock Band...(Trip to Wal-Mart)

On the 8th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

This 12 days of Christmas horseshit is getting dumb. First it was just Mario for the majority of it and now its just a stretch to see whatever I can get to fit.

Anyway, I was kind of "meh" about Rock Band for the past week if anyone could notice by the obvious Mario flair that this blog had for the past week. However, the Wal-mart trip that I made last night on the fool's hope that there might be a Rock Band leak got me pumped again. Drums are so much fun even without the bass pedal.
This trip was chaotic in nature and rather impromptu. You see, I was working and I got a phone call from my friend Jen. I'm not supposed to use my phone at work, so I passed the phone off to Lauren, who graciously visited me, in case it was something important. It was, since Jen was actually Dan (they date and Dan borrowed Jen's phone) and he had taken the wrong bus from NYC and was about 20 minutes away from school. So, we picked him up and then I coaxed Lauren to make a stop at Wal-mart. At Wal-mart we ended up discovering the area where they had Rock Band set up and Dan and I began to play. The guitar was broken and thus I let Dan play a song since he had not played it. As Dan finished one song, some little shithead kid with a rat-tail said, "Is that your last song?"
Dan, not being a prick by any means, let the kid play. The kid then preceded to play Black Hole Sun, which, if anyone knows, is retardedly long. The little kid's sister than played a song and he helped his sister out by beating the red drum with the guitar in a rather animalistic manner. Just a very baser instinct of just beating the fuck out of it. I learned then that there is nothing wrong with the guitar or drums, people are just fucking stupid.
Of course it gets a bit better. This little rat-tailed shitfuck told Dan that he knew him and that he lived near Brett and was friends with some other douchebag. Dan was caught off guard at first and then was like, "Oh yea! Brett. I remember him."
Finally the kid's mother dragged him out after much whining. "Say hi to Brett for me!" was Dan's parting shot.

I fucking hate kids.
Remind me to shoot my own if they are that dumb...or shoot myself.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On the 7th day of Rock Band...

On the 7th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

The downloadble content prices were released for Rock Band. 1.99 a song and 5.49 for the 3 packs of songs (although you can buy all the songs separately).
The schedule until Christmas for DLC was released too and I am really really excited. There is pretty much something every week that I want. YAY!
Although the two albums (Who's Next and Nevermind) are disgustingly M.I.A.
Very worrisome.

School is boring. Although I only have 2 days of classes before I have ROCK BAND! And all I have is to write 4 pages combined across two papers spanning 14 pages and do an online health assignment and I am free to play Rock Band throughout T-Giving break (although I'll have a Sci-Fi paper to write).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On the 6th day of Rock Band

On the 6th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

Pardon the filthy handjob comment, I watched Rushmore tonight and basically that movie is all about handjobs. Its really an amazing film and I recommend everyone watches it...and then talk to me about the significance of handjobs in the movie. It actually does seem to have some thematic correlation to the entire story.

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is still pimp. I've got 37 stars currently (in a row?!?) and Lauren is currently playing and she has 18 stars. It is simply amazing. I was mesmerized by jumping around a little spaceship and flying through the gravity around it for about 10 minutes and then I blew up some trash. Its the shit.
I'm kind of glad Brawl was delayed so I had the opportunity to bask in this perfect successor to Super Mario 64.

Now for an addendum to my Metroid Prime 3 review. The entire game was fucking fantastic up until I realized it suffers from the occasional Nintendo plight of "Well, the game's almost over, I guess you have to backtrack and find some random items." Needless to say, the game has been shelved until I get bored and decide to find the 5 (out of 9) energy cells I need to get to get to the final area. It obviously suffers from Metroid Prime syndrome. Basically, keep the player occupied until he gets near end game and than throw some arbitrary collection at him. Consider my original Metroid Prime 3 review docked a half point.

Monday, November 12, 2007

On the 5th day of Rock Band, Super Mario Galaxy came out

On the 5th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I was hoping there would be something in Mario Galaxy that would come in 5. I was in luck, because perodically throughout the game you need to collect five pieces of a star to create a launch star or some crap. Nintendo doesn't have memorable names for items anymore. Except star bits...damn I need me some more star bits.

Anyway, the launch party at Nintendo World Store was fucking bonkers. There was a DJ, lights, bungee walls, strippers, Mario and a bunch of free swag. Billy and I were numbers 359 and 360. I believe there were 500 people there. For such a last minute plan, it worked flawlessly and I'm already planning my return trip for Brawl in February.
Note: As I discussed with Adam earlier, I think drinking would make the wait for Brawl easier...and warmer.
Now onto the game.
Super Mario Galaxy is the new best game for Wii. Hands down. No contest. Super Smash Bros. Brawl will probably top it, but until February 10th, 2008, it is the best game for the system. It is beautiful. It is fun. It is an absolute dream to control, everything is intuitive. I've probably played about 2-3 hours and I've got 22 stars. I've got the crazy idea that I could churn out all 120 before Rock Band comes out (won't happen) but regardless, I could probably play this game for a long long time and not get bored with it. This is the sequel to Super Mario 64 in every aspect.
With the advent of Galaxy, here's my top 5 Wii games:
1) Super Mario Galaxy
2) Mario Strikers Charged
3) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
5) Warioware: Smooth Moves
The list of 5 was easy to pick (#6 is Super Paper Mario, by the way) but the order was tricky. Galaxy owns the top and I give Strikers the nod over the latter 3 because of the polish, strategic depth and solid single and multiplayer nature. Zelda beats RE4 mainly because of the fact RE4 is a remake, but also because Twilight Princess is a pretty damn good game. Warioware rounds out the bottom 5 by still offering the most solid multiplayer experience on Wii.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On the 4th day of Rock Band...(More Mario)

On the 4th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I'm going to head into the world of long lines and cold again so I can get Super Mario Galaxy at Nintendo World Store at midnight tonight. I figured it was a cool idea that was spawned more out of boredom than a necessity for the game. I mean, I like fun things, so that's cool. I'll be sure to tell everyone about it when I play it.

Rock Band is still greatly anticipated, but its Mario time for the next week.

On the 3rd day of Rock Band...

On the 3rd day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I had a video game program thing at college today. It was moderately successful. People came, it was cool. Tomorrow will not be tournaments...which sucks, but whatever...less planning for me.
I learned a few things.
1) Don't bank on the non-gamer crowd to show up, even if they trip and fall into it. They will still get intimidated and leave.
2) Guilt more friends into coming. Thats the only reason the ones of the library worked.
3) Perhaps take drinking/pot breaks
4) Drop acid

As you can see, it could've gone better. But whatever...the people that showed up seemed to enjoy themselves.

Friday, November 9, 2007

On The 2nd Day of Rock Band... (Super Mario 64 is Jesus)

On the 2nd day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me Super Mario Bros. 3
and an announcement on DLC...

I've been playing a lot of Super Mario Bros. 3 thanks to Wii's brillant amazing dollar-eating Virtual Console. If I were a weaker man (and I am already a weak man), I would be flat fucking broke selling my body for Wii Points on the streets of Paterson.
As it stands, I have some modicum of self control and I did not secede to that.

I'm relatively proud of my school escapades so far. In Mission: Finish All Work Before Rock Band, I have been suceeding. As it stands, I have 3 pages of a 10 page paper to finish due on 11/21, a book to read (or at least read enough) and a 4 page paper to write by Wednesday and another book to read half of by Thursday. Also, there is the pending portfolio I should begin working on for my Creative Writing final.
The happy note out of all this: I finally prove my worth as an English major. I've had 3 papers that I've received back so far. All 3 papers have been As and I've only been satisfied with one of them. I rock. Imagine if I didn't rush these papers and dwelled on them longer. Everything would be awesome. Oh shit, it already is!

Super Mario Galaxy is my surging dark horse right now. I was kind of ho-hum about this game for a long time. I mean, its a main Mario game, I guess I'm there. I wasn't there for Sunshine, but whatever. I was not in full control of my gaming dollar. Actually, I was, I was just stupid and didn't understand video game economics (that is, trying to find the sweetest deal ever and possibly trading in games to fufill it).
But as I read and hear more and more about Super Mario Galaxy, it appears to truly be some sort of second coming of the Video Game Christ (Super Mario 64).

Now to cut that Mario Galaxy rant off completly, let's look at Super Mario 64 as the Video Game Christ. Let's see...It arose in a time of video game division. Sega and Nintendo has split gamers and Sony had widened the gap. It came about, highly praised, but the platform it was on was screwed over by its own Judas kiss to Sony. Its been highly revered by all. Probably hated by a bunch of people. I guess Jews don't beleive in It. Now people (myself included) doubt Its second coming.
I could probably drag that paralel out longer, but I doubt anyone cares. So go fuck your mother...or, you know, leave a comment and I'll think about this further.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

On the 1st day of Rock Band...

On the 1st day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me an announcement on DLC...

So In Rock Band news, there were some pretty sweet announcements.
First, in regards to the actual game, Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld is apparently going to be a bonus song. Holy shit, now we can all pretend to be retarded!
Second, some Downloadable Content news...Apparently there's going to be an amazing list of DLC consisting of Heroes (Bowie), Roxanne (The Police), War Pigs (Black Sabbath), Buddy Holly (Weezer), Fortunate Son (CCR), Jukebox Hero (Foriegner) and MY SHARONA!!!!
here's a link

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is nearing release. I will probably watch Super Mario Bros the Movie this weekend in preparation.

I'm sorry this post sucks. I'm tired and trying to finish a 300 page book that I started today by tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

13 Days Til Rock Band

I sit here at my place of work with just under 13 days until Rock Band comes out.
As most of you might be aware, I am just a little bit excited for this game.
As a treat to all of my reading faithful, I will post once every day until the game comes out. The post might not be anything about Rock Band (it probably will) but I will write something everyday until the game comes out.
So from November 7th until just before the clock strikes midnight and closes out November 19th, be prepared.

So anyway, Rock Band has done some cool things before it has even come out. For one, it has gotten me into Rush. Tom Sawyer is an amazing fucking song. I always liked YYZ in GH2 and have never really hated on Rush. I knew Neil Peart was a great drummer and that, according to Dave the Lighting Guy in Orgazmo, Geddy Lee is 'the best bass player ever'. It wasn't until I played Tom Sawyer with the Stephen Rockers at Rock Band Tour Philly that I truly realized how awesome this band is. I can't wait to play Tom Sawyer a lot and attempt to beat the song on Expert on drums.

Super Mario Galaxy is sneaking up on me. Its also not receiving the credit from me it deserves. I've put Rock Band on this outrageous pedastal when the game that is being compared to Super Mario Bros 3 just kind of chills waiting for me to be like, "Oh shit, that came out today. I guess I'll buy it. *shrug*"
I've yet to read a negative thing about Mario Galaxy and I hurriedly downloaded Super Mario Bros 3 on Virtual Console to get myself mentally prepared. While I am saddened by the lack of Tanooki Suit, I'm joyous for the 3D Fire Flower and the various other power ups. I am currently planning on watching the Wizard at some point in preparation. I could always do some weird shit and look at pictures of Rilo Kiley and then feel really awkward when I watch the Wizard and Jenny Lewis appears in all her tomboy-prepubescent manner. Oh, and apparently there's some fucked up date rape video where Fred Savage kills DJ from Full House. Chalk that up there with Ryan Reynolds being 12 years old with a drunk mom in a Canadian after school special.

Steve Rock (Sly Rocktar of Stephen Rockers fame) tried to talk me into getting Call of Duty 4 because apparently the game just totally rapes Halo 3. All the hype I've read points to this statement being true, but I just can't bring myself to buying another first person shooter, considering I barely play Halo 3 right now and haven't even beaten campaign (its not that it was hard or anything, I just don't care. If I sit down to play Halo 3, its usually for multiplayer). Also, I'm already overwhelmed by games coming out. I've gone over it in the past. This month is fucking packed. And there's already at least 3 games that I can think of that are already out that I really want to buy. This is going to be the best offseason of gaming ever for me because I'll probably have the likes of Mass Effect, Zack and Wiki, Assassin's Creed and NiGHTS to keep my busy. Although Brawl comes out in February and Mario Kart Wii comes out in Spring...
What the fuck! Is there even an offseason anymore? I need an offseason! How the fuck else am I going to keep up with gaming.
Oh yea, that span of 2-3 years when the next generation of systems come about and everything is dead...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Stephen Rockers Reunion Tour (Rock Band Tour Post)

I make a lot of regrettable decisions throughout my life. While I definitely don't take back anything that I've done over the years since that would alter who I am now, but there are things I would've done differently.
Going to the Rock Band Tour in Philly yesterday was not something I would ever consider taking back.
For the uninitiated, the Rock Band Tour is a crafty ass method of pimping teh warez of the wonderful video game called Rock Band. Basically, this tour bus goes to college campuses and video game expos/conventions and offers a demo of the greatest game ever made.
The Stephen Rockers (The Bear on vocals, Sly Rocktar on guitar, The Cahn on bass and Nick Monaghan on drums) rocked some faces off during the tour stop at America's Video Game Expo in Philadelphia.
I will be sure to post the videos of our renditions of Black Hole Sun and Wanted Dead or Alive when they are posted on the website.

This post doesn't have a lot of meaning. I just wanted to tell everyone how amazing Rock Band is and how everyone should fucking buy it right away.