Monday, November 12, 2007

On the 5th day of Rock Band, Super Mario Galaxy came out

On the 5th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I was hoping there would be something in Mario Galaxy that would come in 5. I was in luck, because perodically throughout the game you need to collect five pieces of a star to create a launch star or some crap. Nintendo doesn't have memorable names for items anymore. Except star bits...damn I need me some more star bits.

Anyway, the launch party at Nintendo World Store was fucking bonkers. There was a DJ, lights, bungee walls, strippers, Mario and a bunch of free swag. Billy and I were numbers 359 and 360. I believe there were 500 people there. For such a last minute plan, it worked flawlessly and I'm already planning my return trip for Brawl in February.
Note: As I discussed with Adam earlier, I think drinking would make the wait for Brawl easier...and warmer.
Now onto the game.
Super Mario Galaxy is the new best game for Wii. Hands down. No contest. Super Smash Bros. Brawl will probably top it, but until February 10th, 2008, it is the best game for the system. It is beautiful. It is fun. It is an absolute dream to control, everything is intuitive. I've probably played about 2-3 hours and I've got 22 stars. I've got the crazy idea that I could churn out all 120 before Rock Band comes out (won't happen) but regardless, I could probably play this game for a long long time and not get bored with it. This is the sequel to Super Mario 64 in every aspect.
With the advent of Galaxy, here's my top 5 Wii games:
1) Super Mario Galaxy
2) Mario Strikers Charged
3) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
5) Warioware: Smooth Moves
The list of 5 was easy to pick (#6 is Super Paper Mario, by the way) but the order was tricky. Galaxy owns the top and I give Strikers the nod over the latter 3 because of the polish, strategic depth and solid single and multiplayer nature. Zelda beats RE4 mainly because of the fact RE4 is a remake, but also because Twilight Princess is a pretty damn good game. Warioware rounds out the bottom 5 by still offering the most solid multiplayer experience on Wii.

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