Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Stephen Rockers Reunion Tour (Rock Band Tour Post)

I make a lot of regrettable decisions throughout my life. While I definitely don't take back anything that I've done over the years since that would alter who I am now, but there are things I would've done differently.
Going to the Rock Band Tour in Philly yesterday was not something I would ever consider taking back.
For the uninitiated, the Rock Band Tour is a crafty ass method of pimping teh warez of the wonderful video game called Rock Band. Basically, this tour bus goes to college campuses and video game expos/conventions and offers a demo of the greatest game ever made.
The Stephen Rockers (The Bear on vocals, Sly Rocktar on guitar, The Cahn on bass and Nick Monaghan on drums) rocked some faces off during the tour stop at America's Video Game Expo in Philadelphia.
I will be sure to post the videos of our renditions of Black Hole Sun and Wanted Dead or Alive when they are posted on the website.

This post doesn't have a lot of meaning. I just wanted to tell everyone how amazing Rock Band is and how everyone should fucking buy it right away.

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