Friday, November 16, 2007

On the 9th day of Rock Band

On the 9th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I couldn't resist the obvious joke with the ninth day being "nine ladies dancing."
Anyways, I played a demo in a Best Buy at Garden State Plaza today and while the drums were broken and the guitar was half-broken, the vocals worked. I busted out some sick notes on Say It Ain't So, Suffragette City and Tom Sawyer. Lauren, in a very shy manner, sang Wave of Mutilation and busted out some bad-ass guitar licks on the other songs. Despite what she might say, she's not that bad at the game considering she plays Guitar Heroes and Rock Band sparingly. She can beat most Medium songs with no trouble and can hold her own on Hard. Makes me proud.
The vocals in Rock Band are fantastic, though, and I can't wait to sing these songs as loud as I want to in the privacy of my own home or dorm room. This game, in my eyes, is practically flawless. I have not really seen anything that disappoints me besides the fact that a) its not out and 2) not every song is on it.

I'm up to 73 stars in Mario Galaxy. A daunting number considering I've had the game since Monday. I'm still aiming for the rather high unreachable goal of getting all 120 stars by Tuesday. I don't think I'll force it and merely play as much as I want/care to until Rock Band comes out.

As a bit of a test, I would like to ask anyone who reads this to leave a comment.
Do it. I wanna know if I actually have a viewership.

1 comment:

hioo1 said...

viewer ship? is that a firefly class ship?