Wednesday, November 7, 2007

13 Days Til Rock Band

I sit here at my place of work with just under 13 days until Rock Band comes out.
As most of you might be aware, I am just a little bit excited for this game.
As a treat to all of my reading faithful, I will post once every day until the game comes out. The post might not be anything about Rock Band (it probably will) but I will write something everyday until the game comes out.
So from November 7th until just before the clock strikes midnight and closes out November 19th, be prepared.

So anyway, Rock Band has done some cool things before it has even come out. For one, it has gotten me into Rush. Tom Sawyer is an amazing fucking song. I always liked YYZ in GH2 and have never really hated on Rush. I knew Neil Peart was a great drummer and that, according to Dave the Lighting Guy in Orgazmo, Geddy Lee is 'the best bass player ever'. It wasn't until I played Tom Sawyer with the Stephen Rockers at Rock Band Tour Philly that I truly realized how awesome this band is. I can't wait to play Tom Sawyer a lot and attempt to beat the song on Expert on drums.

Super Mario Galaxy is sneaking up on me. Its also not receiving the credit from me it deserves. I've put Rock Band on this outrageous pedastal when the game that is being compared to Super Mario Bros 3 just kind of chills waiting for me to be like, "Oh shit, that came out today. I guess I'll buy it. *shrug*"
I've yet to read a negative thing about Mario Galaxy and I hurriedly downloaded Super Mario Bros 3 on Virtual Console to get myself mentally prepared. While I am saddened by the lack of Tanooki Suit, I'm joyous for the 3D Fire Flower and the various other power ups. I am currently planning on watching the Wizard at some point in preparation. I could always do some weird shit and look at pictures of Rilo Kiley and then feel really awkward when I watch the Wizard and Jenny Lewis appears in all her tomboy-prepubescent manner. Oh, and apparently there's some fucked up date rape video where Fred Savage kills DJ from Full House. Chalk that up there with Ryan Reynolds being 12 years old with a drunk mom in a Canadian after school special.

Steve Rock (Sly Rocktar of Stephen Rockers fame) tried to talk me into getting Call of Duty 4 because apparently the game just totally rapes Halo 3. All the hype I've read points to this statement being true, but I just can't bring myself to buying another first person shooter, considering I barely play Halo 3 right now and haven't even beaten campaign (its not that it was hard or anything, I just don't care. If I sit down to play Halo 3, its usually for multiplayer). Also, I'm already overwhelmed by games coming out. I've gone over it in the past. This month is fucking packed. And there's already at least 3 games that I can think of that are already out that I really want to buy. This is going to be the best offseason of gaming ever for me because I'll probably have the likes of Mass Effect, Zack and Wiki, Assassin's Creed and NiGHTS to keep my busy. Although Brawl comes out in February and Mario Kart Wii comes out in Spring...
What the fuck! Is there even an offseason anymore? I need an offseason! How the fuck else am I going to keep up with gaming.
Oh yea, that span of 2-3 years when the next generation of systems come about and everything is dead...

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