Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sic Transit Rock Band...NFL Rises (Kinda Sorta)

Yes, I am still enraptured by Rock Band, but I am also dealing with real life rearing its ugly head ahead again. Yes, I still attend classes and get assignments done. Yes, Rock Band is awesome. Yes, I've played it a lot and for fuck's sake, no I don't give a shit about your two cents and what misconceptions you heard about the game. Shut the fuck up about the Strat! Mine is working fine (for now) so quit bitching when you suck at the game, Ricky! And when it is blatantly obvious that both of the people that live in the room are done with the game and one is going to bed in a matter of minutes, stop playing the fucking game and go to your room and piss off your own roommate some more instead of me!
Ricky, if you read this (which I don't think you do), just take a hint next time when it is largely obvious that you should be done with the game. If you want to play it so badly, but it yourself. Yes, you might not have the money, but does that mean that the money I saved up (kind of, my credit card bill balooned because of it) should go towards your entertainment?
This goes out to all current and future college students, if you happen to be in a room that is not your own and the people who live in the room are grimacing as you play their video games and eat their food, get the fuck out.

Anyway, I just finished an interesting experiment regarding our very own National Football League. In a conversation I had with Allon a week or so ago, when we realized how awesome it would be for his Jaguars of Jacksonville (yes, they're not his team, but I don't feel like being "his favorite team, the Jaguars of Jacksonville" and I know I did it right now, but fuck off, its my blog) to not be in a division with the Colts of Indianapolis. Then I realized that there once was a mythical time when this was true.
So during work today, I scoured for the old division lines that were used up until the Texans of Houston were added to the league in 2002. So I added those very same to the AFC West and moved the Seahawks of Seattle to the NFC West from the AFC West to even out the divisions.

Surprisingly, nothing really changes. If the season ended today, every single team that would get into the playoffs in the current format would get into the playoffs in the old format. Albeit the schedules would be different if this setup were used, regardless, the only thing that changes is that we'd have more interesting divisions and teams given new life.

The NFC East (feat. Cowboys, Gints, Faggles, Cardinals and Redskins) would still be a great division, but nowhere near as battle hungry as those damned Centralites (feat. the Pack!, the Pirates, da Bears, the Lions and the Vikings). Granted, only two teams are added to these divisions, but it still would be interesting (and nerve-racking) to see the Packers play the renewed Buccaneers twice this season. I'd actually like to see if the Cardinals would play up to their decent opponents in the East or if they really do suck.
The NFC West would be as boring as ever as it had one fucking team with a winning record (the Seahawks) and said team (the Seahawks) would hold a two game lead over the schizophrenic 'Aints and some other teams of no note (except that one team used to have Mike Vick. And three of the were in Super Bowls in the past 10 years)

The AFC East would be hot shit, only for one fact and one fact alone. The Colts of Indianapolis would play the Pat Riots twice a year and share division of shit (besides them, of course). Other than that, the other three teams would be cannon fodder (Bills, Just-end-the-season and the Hapless 'Fins).
The AFC Central would be a battleground of sorts. The Pittsers of Steeland and the Jaguars of Jacksonville would be battling for the title as the Browns of Cleveland would be chomping at the bit while the Houston Oilers suck the shit for the top three teams as they plummet because apparently Vince Young can't win games (but he's ok in fantasy, but no quite good enough because I was the jackass who banked on Cedric Benson and Reggie Bush to be my running back darlings). The Ravens aka the Browns and the Bungles would still be freefallin'.
The only cool part of the AFC West would be the fact that the Texans of Houston would actually be in the playoff race as they'd be sitting tied for 2nd with Broncos of Denver and only one game behind the SlightlySuperChargers.

A more interesting view on this would be if the divisions were aligned by their real life boundaries, which is what I thought would happen when the divisions were realigned (seriously, I understand the Cowboys having solid rivalries with East teams, but why move the Colts from the East (which they sort of belong) to the South (where they most certainly do not), all for what? Keeping rivalries in the East and North?
Whatever, I'm just gonna go play Rock Band.
I have a paper due?

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