Friday, November 9, 2007

On The 2nd Day of Rock Band... (Super Mario 64 is Jesus)

On the 2nd day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me Super Mario Bros. 3
and an announcement on DLC...

I've been playing a lot of Super Mario Bros. 3 thanks to Wii's brillant amazing dollar-eating Virtual Console. If I were a weaker man (and I am already a weak man), I would be flat fucking broke selling my body for Wii Points on the streets of Paterson.
As it stands, I have some modicum of self control and I did not secede to that.

I'm relatively proud of my school escapades so far. In Mission: Finish All Work Before Rock Band, I have been suceeding. As it stands, I have 3 pages of a 10 page paper to finish due on 11/21, a book to read (or at least read enough) and a 4 page paper to write by Wednesday and another book to read half of by Thursday. Also, there is the pending portfolio I should begin working on for my Creative Writing final.
The happy note out of all this: I finally prove my worth as an English major. I've had 3 papers that I've received back so far. All 3 papers have been As and I've only been satisfied with one of them. I rock. Imagine if I didn't rush these papers and dwelled on them longer. Everything would be awesome. Oh shit, it already is!

Super Mario Galaxy is my surging dark horse right now. I was kind of ho-hum about this game for a long time. I mean, its a main Mario game, I guess I'm there. I wasn't there for Sunshine, but whatever. I was not in full control of my gaming dollar. Actually, I was, I was just stupid and didn't understand video game economics (that is, trying to find the sweetest deal ever and possibly trading in games to fufill it).
But as I read and hear more and more about Super Mario Galaxy, it appears to truly be some sort of second coming of the Video Game Christ (Super Mario 64).

Now to cut that Mario Galaxy rant off completly, let's look at Super Mario 64 as the Video Game Christ. Let's see...It arose in a time of video game division. Sega and Nintendo has split gamers and Sony had widened the gap. It came about, highly praised, but the platform it was on was screwed over by its own Judas kiss to Sony. Its been highly revered by all. Probably hated by a bunch of people. I guess Jews don't beleive in It. Now people (myself included) doubt Its second coming.
I could probably drag that paralel out longer, but I doubt anyone cares. So go fuck your mother...or, you know, leave a comment and I'll think about this further.

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