Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rock Band Consumes and Business as Usual

Well, the 12 days of Rock Band are over and now we begin the "rest of my life of Rock Band" as the game is out and I own it and have made sweet rock with it.
This game is quite simply the greatest concept and game I've ever been privy to. I know I have a tendency of hyperbole and probably have made that comment about Super Mario Galaxy but there's a big difference.
1) Galaxy is a single player and one of the best single player games in recent memory.
2) Rock Band is a music game and is the shit (no doubt).

The game is fantastic. I recommend everyone find someone they know with a 360 and get them to buy it or get a 360 and buy it. Steal a bank if you have to. It's that fucking good. to business notes...

Video Game Program: ROCK BAND! is at the Hopewell Library this Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM. Come play the game and see how it rocks faces.

Billy, write in your fucking blog, you bitch.

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