Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On the 6th day of Rock Band

On the 6th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

Pardon the filthy handjob comment, I watched Rushmore tonight and basically that movie is all about handjobs. Its really an amazing film and I recommend everyone watches it...and then talk to me about the significance of handjobs in the movie. It actually does seem to have some thematic correlation to the entire story.

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is still pimp. I've got 37 stars currently (in a row?!?) and Lauren is currently playing and she has 18 stars. It is simply amazing. I was mesmerized by jumping around a little spaceship and flying through the gravity around it for about 10 minutes and then I blew up some trash. Its the shit.
I'm kind of glad Brawl was delayed so I had the opportunity to bask in this perfect successor to Super Mario 64.

Now for an addendum to my Metroid Prime 3 review. The entire game was fucking fantastic up until I realized it suffers from the occasional Nintendo plight of "Well, the game's almost over, I guess you have to backtrack and find some random items." Needless to say, the game has been shelved until I get bored and decide to find the 5 (out of 9) energy cells I need to get to get to the final area. It obviously suffers from Metroid Prime syndrome. Basically, keep the player occupied until he gets near end game and than throw some arbitrary collection at him. Consider my original Metroid Prime 3 review docked a half point.

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