Friday, November 16, 2007

On the 8th day of Rock Band...(Trip to Wal-Mart)

On the 8th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

This 12 days of Christmas horseshit is getting dumb. First it was just Mario for the majority of it and now its just a stretch to see whatever I can get to fit.

Anyway, I was kind of "meh" about Rock Band for the past week if anyone could notice by the obvious Mario flair that this blog had for the past week. However, the Wal-mart trip that I made last night on the fool's hope that there might be a Rock Band leak got me pumped again. Drums are so much fun even without the bass pedal.
This trip was chaotic in nature and rather impromptu. You see, I was working and I got a phone call from my friend Jen. I'm not supposed to use my phone at work, so I passed the phone off to Lauren, who graciously visited me, in case it was something important. It was, since Jen was actually Dan (they date and Dan borrowed Jen's phone) and he had taken the wrong bus from NYC and was about 20 minutes away from school. So, we picked him up and then I coaxed Lauren to make a stop at Wal-mart. At Wal-mart we ended up discovering the area where they had Rock Band set up and Dan and I began to play. The guitar was broken and thus I let Dan play a song since he had not played it. As Dan finished one song, some little shithead kid with a rat-tail said, "Is that your last song?"
Dan, not being a prick by any means, let the kid play. The kid then preceded to play Black Hole Sun, which, if anyone knows, is retardedly long. The little kid's sister than played a song and he helped his sister out by beating the red drum with the guitar in a rather animalistic manner. Just a very baser instinct of just beating the fuck out of it. I learned then that there is nothing wrong with the guitar or drums, people are just fucking stupid.
Of course it gets a bit better. This little rat-tailed shitfuck told Dan that he knew him and that he lived near Brett and was friends with some other douchebag. Dan was caught off guard at first and then was like, "Oh yea! Brett. I remember him."
Finally the kid's mother dragged him out after much whining. "Say hi to Brett for me!" was Dan's parting shot.

I fucking hate kids.
Remind me to shoot my own if they are that dumb...or shoot myself.

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