Sunday, December 7, 2008

Review of Fall 2008's Video Games

Hey everybody! This place is barren wasteland due to the whole Nintendo World Report thing but I'm thinking every now and then a boy needs a place where he can curse like a fucking sailor and not focus on his Wii. Because, honestly, this latest season of video games has been a barren wasteland on the Wii. Besides reviewing games, my Wii resides in my Lauren's room so she and Jen can play Harvest Moon. I played some Brawl, Warioware, and Mario Kart last weekend. I played some Wii Sports and Tetris Party with my family over Thanksgiving. I tried Wii Music and got frustrated with how terrible it is and then played Guitar Hero: World Tour on Wii and got equally pissed off. With the exception of the games that have been out for a while (Brawl, MKart, Mario Galaxy...) and the few recent gems (de Blob, Wario Land. I'll be generous and say Mario Super Sluggers), this holiday season has been largely unimpressive.

That being said, I am intrigued by the trio of balance board compatible games that came out a few weeks ago (Skate It, Shaun White Snowboarding, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3) because I need some justification for going to Target at 8 AM and spending $90 on Wii Fit.
Also, I'm crazy excited for the releases slated for next year, such as Mad World, the Conduit, Punch-Out!, Sin and Punishment 2, and the as-yet-unannounced games that have to be coming. I haven't given up on the Wii, not in the least. This fall just kind of blew.

What I have been doing is playing my Xbox 360 like a madman. For the first time since the fucking thing came out, I actually care about all of the big releases and have actually paid attention to the system. This has been a plentiful season for 360.
Since October 21st, I have bought: Fable II, Mirror's Edge, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Left 4 Dead, and Prince of Persia.
Here's the best part: I haven't been let down with one of them. I would recommend all of those games to anybody. Fable II is a great, lengthy, humorous open-world RPG. Mirror's Edge is an inventive, genre-bending experience. Banjo-Kazooie is a gorgeous vehicular re-imaging of a fun Mario 64 rip-off. MK vs DC is, well, the weak link of the group, but its got a bunch of comic book characters fighting ninjas. Left 4 Dead is probably the best thing to ever happen to FPS for me, and maybe the best party game of the year. Prince of Persia is a beautiful piece of art with Shadow of the Colossus undertones.

It's been a fucking sweet season for 360.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Shit, July's Almost Over" or Review of the Summer Movie Season and Beyond

It looks like one of the best summer movie seasons in recent memory...fuck it, almost done. Yes, we've still got the Mummy 3, X-Files and the typical plethora of August comedies, but to me the season is over. This year was pretty much all build up for the Dark Knight anyway.

This summer began with what will probably be recognized as one of the best movies of this season that didn't have Batman in it. That would be, naturally, Iron Man. With Robert Downey Jr. being pretty much fucking perfect for this role, it was of no suprise that this film was really good. Throw in some Jeff "The Dude" Bridges and Nick "Sam Jackson" Fury and its even radder. Probably the surprise of the summer eventhough it always looked promising. I'm honestly still shocked it didn't really dissapoint.
Hopefully we'll be seeing a sequel with Favreau coming back to direct.

Speed Racer, the much-maligned Wachoswski Bros. movie, was the second movie out of the gate and while everyone seemed to hate it, I actually enjoyed it a lot. Although I guess that happened because I knew what to expect and that was a crazy kinetic throwback to a shitty cartoon show. It was funny when Billy and I exited the theatre and began to complain about it and we slowly realized that everything we complained about was the shit from the cartoon show that pissed us off to begin with.
I'd call this as retardely faithful to fault but hey, it was pretty cool that the entire movie was peretually in motion.

Chronicles of Narnia 2...what the fuck ever...

Indiana Jones IV was another wonderful treat for me but thats because I didn't have this heavenly view of a rather by-the-book adventure series. I think all of those crazy Indy fans that went into this movie wanted something completly different from even the original movies. Yes, Shia swinging with the monkeys was unneccesary, but it fits perfectly in line with the series as a somewhat ridiculous fun adventure playing on old 40s' serials. The trademark Indy wit was there but it still doesn't hold a candle to Raiders. However, I would say it compares nicely with the likes of the Last Crusade.
Regardless, it was a fun time in the theatre. End of story.

The Incredible Hulk was probably one of the few superhero movies this year that seemed to harken back to the old ways of the genre. That is, the extremely predictable revealed-in-the-trailer bullshit that passed us in recent years. That being said, it was probably the best Hulk movie possible. He's a very limiting character especially when he kind of has to be a hero. I hope when the inevitable Avengers movie gets here, they go the Ultimates route and use the Hulk as a villain in the first half. Fuck, just make the first volume of the Ultimates as the movie, that shit was tight. Mark Millar's hot as shit these days anyway. Let's get that muthafucka reap the benefits of seeing his fantastic Ultimates story on the big screen while making his proposed Superman trilogy.
Regardless, I really hope Tim Blake Nelson comes back as Leader at some point...

Speaking of Mark Millar, Wanted was probably one of the most ridiculous bombastic over-the-top-violent films I have ever seen. Thus, it was awesome. And Morgan Freeman totally said "motherfuckers."
This movie, in a small way, made me extremely pumped for the Watchmen next year as I remember the buzz for Wanted's original comic release was "Its like the Watchmen for super villains!"
By the way, the original comic series was about super villains, not assassins. Imagine how much cooler that would have been.

I still have yet to see Wall-E. I have a beautiful girlfriend and I promised to wait for her.
Shit, I feel like some little kid waiting for Miss Right so he can lose his virginity already...except Wall-E might be better than sex from what I've heard about it.

Hancockless. Hancocksuck. Hancock-shouldn't-have-been-heavily-edited. I am eagerly awaiting the hopeful DVD release of Hancock - the R-rated version.

Hellboy II is the next best competitor for the "Best Summer Movie Without Batman" for a damn good reason. One, its got the best artistic direction courtesy of Guillermo del Toro. Two, Its got better laughs than most of the comedies I've seen this year (except Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which was the best comedy of the first half by far). Three, Ron Perlman is probably the greatest B-movie actor this side of Bruce Campbell. How awesome would it be if Bruce Campbell showed up in del Toro's rumored third Hellboy with all the Universal monsters?
Anyway, awesome characterization, especially in Abe Sapien's direction, and a stellar addition in Seth MacFarlane's Johann Krauss. Also, be prepared to be amazed by the spectacle of all of the creatures. They really look fantastic.

And now...I'm getting to the ultimate. The Dark Knight. I seriously consider this movie to be the greatest movie I have ever been privy to. Everything about this movie, with the exception of a few nitpicky details, was fucking pitch perfect. Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine all give spectacular performances with whatever they are given. As much credit as Ledger's been getting (and he deserves it), I feel the need to comment more on the brillance of Oldman's Jim Gordon and Eckhart's Harvey Dent. I've heard the term "disappear into a role" said about this movie and its actors and I think one of the most understated disappearances are Oldman's and Eckhart's.
But whatever, this movie is fucking spectacular. Go and break as many records as you want, Dark Knight, I'll still throw my money at you.
And if this movie isn't nominated for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor, than the Academy is no longer worth my time. It doesn't have to win, but it really should be nominated.
Fucking A, Chicago won Best Picture. Like for real, what the fuck?

Anyway, Top 5 Movies of the Halfish-Year (For Me)

1. The Dark Knight
2. Hellboy II
3. Iron Man
4. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
5. Wanted

Best Movie I Haven't Seen: Wall-E
Honorable Mentions: Indy IV, Cloverfield

As far as the rest of the summer...

X-Files: I Want to Believe (July 25th) - I wish I was completly invested in the X-Files mythos so I could be really excited for the new movie, but alas, I have only seen a few episodes here and there. I completly respect the series though. David Duchovny rules.

Step Brothers (July 25th) looks funny but I don't like Will Ferrel. However, John C. Reilly is that might make up for it.

Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (August 1st) reveals to me how much this series is pretty much Indiana Jones+Mummies.

Pants 2 (August 6th) = Funnay!

Pineapple Express (August 8th) - I made a bold prediction when I first heard about this movie. I said it would be the funniest movie of the summer. The Superbad of 2008...except, ya know, not overrated. I am sorry to say I might have made an error. In the fiercest comedic competition since 40-Year Old Virgin/Wedding Crashers '05, We have Pineapple Express and...

Tropic Thunder (August 13th) - Like fucking seriously, I am proud to be a comedy lover for that week.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (August 15th) - I would be remiss if I didn't mention this movie but, in all honesty, I don't care too much. It'll probably be cool but I would much rather this be a direct-to-DVD. Although, on that note, can we go back in time and put Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker in the theatres? Fucking great movie.

The Rocker (August 20th) - The fuckers who are distributing this movie are off their rockers (HAHA!) Why did they movie it to this date, within a week and a half after two comedies with much better buzz? I got to see Rainn Wilson at the Transformers 2 shoot and the fucker is hysterical, but this just sucks that his potential breakout movie is getting shit on.

Hamlet 2 (August 22nd) - As a veteran of high school theatre, this intrigues me a little.

And that's the summer (at least for my interests).

Some choice picks for the forseeable future.

September 08 - Eagle Eye, Choke
October 08 - Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Zack & Miri Make a Porno
November 08 - Quantum of Solace, Harry Potter 6
December 08 - The Spirit

And my early predictions for top "summer movies" of 2009 - Watchmen, Star Trek, Transformers 2, G.I. Joe

And for the record, my top movie of Summer 2007 was Live Free or Die Hard.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

College Blows, Disney World and Iron Man

So the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon review I am working on at NWR is going to be pretty funny. I shall post a link for all to see when it hits.
I am so done with college this year. It will be fantastic when I can go home and stay there. I generally like my house and get along with my parents so that's rather cool. Also, my darling little baby niece is down there and I like seeing her...and I go through withdrawl when I am at school.
Count til End of Semester: 4 Papers (Due 5/6, 5/7, 5/8, 5/14), 3 Exams (5/8, 5/12, 5/14) and 1 Take Home Final (Due 5/9).
I leave for Disney World on May 16th. It's going to be so rad. While I know Disney might not be the uber wonderful conglomerate that was shown to me in my youth, I can't help but get excited to go to Disney World because, well, I can admit to having the maturity level of a 10-year old kid in some aspects. Anyone that has seen me geek out about anything or wax philsophy about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can attest to this.
Also, Indiana Jones 4 comes out while I am down there and I really hope something cool happens for it.
Speaking of summer movies, the season just began last week with Iron Man.
Iron Man was very good but I am no longer going to revel in my hyperbole that was shot to shit with Spider-Man 3 last year.
Summer movie hyperbole is probably the biggest overblown crap in the world. How many mediocre movies have been seen through rose-colored glasses because they had a midnight release and some nostalgia behind them? Pretty much all of them (except Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, X2 and...umm....I might be missing one).

Regardless of my view on the level of hyperbole during the summer movie season, Iron Man was a damn fine film. While actual action may have been sparse, the movie was well-developed, had a solid cast and Robert Downey Jr. was phenomenal as Tony Stark. I will use hyperbole with RDJ because he really was that good in the movie. He was the heart and soul of the movie and he delivered. I'll see how everything shakes out, but I think this might be the missing movie I refered to above.

To answer everyone's questions (bear with me and pretend like I have a regular readership that cares), I will still be at every midnight movie that I can make it to and, more specifically, who the hell will be around Wayne, NJ next weekend and wants to see Speed Racer?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Schloarly Article on the works of Pauly Shore: Firsties

Note to self: Write scholarly article about the works of Pauly Shore and how he is a Shakespearean tragic hero.
Other note to self: You wrote this completely sober.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mortal Kombat vs. DCU, and Rock Band Albums

So the new Mortal Kombat game has been revealed, and like promised, it looks like an April Fool's Joke.
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
Yes, that picture does have Sub-Zero staring down Batman. Yes, this is a real game.
Is this a must purchase for my 360 or potential PS3? Almost.
I'm a closet Mortal Kombat fan (although I really prefer MKII because of its simplicity) and I love the DC Animated Universe so this is pretty much a must-watch if not a must-buy.
For any interested parties, check out the Gamespot Preview.
In other news, Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance was announced as the first full length album to be released on Rock Band. Disappointed as I am that its not Who's Next or Nevermind, there was some other cool news that came out in the announcement. The Pixies' Debaser is going to come out on Rock Band in May or June, and the Pixies are weird and awesome.
I'm excited for Weezer's forthcoming Red Album (All self-titled colored Weezer albums are good. It's a rule) but Rivers Cuomo dismays me with this quote on Rock Band and Guitar Hero:

“I don’t get those games at all. I mean, I haven’t tried them. But they must be fun because people love them. But, to me, it seems like if you’re going to put that much effort into playing something, you should just play a real instrument [laughs].”

Whatever, as long as the entire Blue Album winds up on Rock Band...and maybe Hash Pipe or Dope Nose or something funny like that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fall Semester 2008 - 19 Credits of FUCK ME!

After a 4 semesters of 15 credit nonsense, I've realized that college is fucking stupid.

To me, 5 classes a semester is fine. However, if you do the math, 5 classes a semester at WPU (including the two extra credits for lab science and the credit and a half First Year Seminar) for four years will only net you 123.5 credits when 128 credits is necessary for graduating.
No wonder people take 4+ years to graduate.
So, in an effort to head off this growing challenge of snagging a degree by May 2010, I'm taking 6 classes valued at 19 credits next semester. Let's look at them and gauge my excitement.

Some Bullshit Literarture Class
MW 9:30-10:45
In all honesty, I don't know what era this class covers. I need to take some lit classes and this professor is supposedly easy.

Creative Non-Fiction
MW 2-3:15

It's with the guy who heads the Honors track I'm doing (Performing and Literary Arts), so that's pretty (Kevin) boss. I've also heard it is a good class, so that is also boss (Bailey).

Acting I
Tuesday Night sometime

Fuck, I thought I was done with bullshit acting classes. If I have to write a fucking paper in this class, I'm gonna kill.
But anyway, its with a good professor and I need to take it for the aforementioned Honors track.


Wednesday 11-1:40
Honestly, I'm looking forward to this class. I've been wanting to take a screenwriting class for a long time.

Here's where it gets lame...

TR 11-12:15
R 2-4:40
Yay, rocks! This is the only fucking science class that fits into my schedule. I fucking hate science classes. Fuck.

Easiest Math I Can Take And Still Get Credit For
And the 19 credit kicker is this stupid fucking class. Fuck, I hate this shit. I don't wanna take 6 classes.
Whatever, I don't really have that much to do anyway. I should stop complaining. I have Fridays off and I'm taking some classes I'm into.
At least my GPA's still something like 3.2 and only getting higher.
I believe I've had a steady curve upwards every semester (2.7->3.0->3.2->3.3?)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

To My Niece

Foreword: To celebrate the birth of my niece, Haley Susan Ronaghan, I decided to write a letter to her to detail the day of her birth and some other things.

Hey Haley,

Your name has some good alliteration potential to it. Like I just wrote before, "Hey Haley" kind of rolls off the tongue. I like your name. It's pretty pretty. Props to your parents. I don't know whether it was your mom or dad who came up with it but, and this is just a guess, it might be your dad because I've known him to be good with names. Albeit most of the names I remember him coming up with were a hodgepodge of rock stars and baseball players that he used when we played wiffleball when we were younger.

You might notice I have a tendency to ramble and by the time you can actually comprehend this, you'll probably know firsthand. If you like the rambling, cool. If you don't, I'm sorry, this will probably drone on and jump from subject to another. Now onto another subject!

Today is the day of your birth, a mere 20 years and 2 weeks after I was born. It was a humid on-and-off rainy day. The Yankees played their first game of the 2008 season, which is the last season at Old Yankee Stadium but I'm sure you know that already as your dad will probably have told you. In case you forget, the Yanks beat the Toronto Blue Jays 3-2. The March Madness NCAA tournaments are almost done. Tonight in Women's Basketball, Tennesee beat Texas A&M and Connecticut beat Rutgers and the winners made it to the Final Four. In Men's Basketball, it was the first year that all four #1 seeds made it the Final Four. I'm scoping out different news outlets on the internet to see if anything else cool happened. There probably have been other cool things and I'm sorry I missed them.

I got the call from your grandma at 8:15 PM tonight. She was really excited and I heard your grandpa calling people in the background. You brought about quite a stir as most new babies do. I was eating tacos at Baja Fresh with my girlfriend, Lauren, and my friend, Dan, when the call came. I wonder if you'll like tacos or Mexican food in general. I hope you do. There's this cool Mexican place in New Hope, PA (across the river from where your Aunt Jill and Uncle Miles live) called El Taco Loco. Make a note of it. There's another Mexican place there, but I find its absurdly overpriced.
I have to thank you because your birth saved me about $15. I was planning on walking over to the Gamestop near Baja Fresh and buying Sonic Gems Collection for Gamecube because I've been on a Sonic the Hedgehog kick lately. Thanks to you, I saved money. I'll make sure I use that money wisely and perhaps use it to spoil you at some point. Remind me of that and I'll take you to a movie or something cool.

As of this moment, I am watching the Graduate (good movie, we should totally watch it when you're older) in my college dorm at William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ. I am in my second year here and I'm majoring in English and minoring in Philosophy. I recently got a volunteer job at Nintendo World Report. It's an independent Nintendo site. I'm really excited about it and I just posted my first review there recently. If you can't tell by now, your uncle is an unapologetic big nerd. I'd like to think this will hopefully score me some cool points when you get older.

As of this moment, I haven't seen you. I really want to. Your dad just sent me pictures of you. You're the cutest baby I've seen to this day, although there's a considerable amount of bias in that since you're my brother's daughter. I can't wait to meet you. I'm going to try my hardest to be the best uncle I can. I hope you won't notice by the time this makes sense to you, but I am very nervous that I won't be able to meet the standards of uncledom. I've never met you and I already love and care about you very much. I can't wait to watch you grow up. Thinking of you growing up makes me not be afraid of growing up. My childhood is coming to a close while yours is beginning. It seems almost fitting that I turned 20 two weeks ago and now you are born.

As much as I can't wait to see you, I wish you could meet your Aunt Aislinn soon. She's off in Bellingham, Washington working at Western Washington University at the Rec Center there. She's got the same alliteration in the name you'll call her that you have in "Hey Haley". I think you'll like her and I hope you two get to spend time together at some point.

I'm running out of things to say, kid. This probably won't happen often because I tend to talk a lot about things no one cares about besides me. I'll end this by saying a few things that I think are the most important things I could say to you: As your uncle, I will always be here for you whenever you need me, if you need me. I love you very much.

Your Uncle Neal

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

End of an Era (Kind of...)

I might not be posting in this sucker as much as I kind of sort of possibly used to. I've had good times with this blog (or as I prefer to call it, the place where I talk about shit that I want to talk about for an audience of about three) and I think I'm going to calling it temporary quits for a while for one reason.
That reason being, I got a job at Nintendo World Report as a Staff News Writer and thus most of my video game writing focus will be there and not here. And while I advertise this as my thoughts on video games, movies and music, we all know that this is just an overblown venue for me to talk about video games and occasionally mention 311, Murder by Death, Rushmore and TMNT. I'm sure I'll return to talk about movies and/or music and talk about video games outside the realm of Nintendo, but most of my focus will shift from aimless internet wandering to focused internet wandering for the sake of a legitimate position.
Thanks to all my loyal readers (if you exist) and...who the fuck am I kidding? I'll probably post something in mid-April when Leatherheads and Forgetting Sarah Marshall come out. And there might be a new Weezer album sometime soon that I could mention and talk about how all I really like by them is the Blue Album and a smattering of songs from everything else.

Random aside: I saw this video of the Bloodhound Gang at a live show combining the Sweater Song by Weezer with Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to Fuck With. It's pretty solid.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I've Got Nothing

Another missed day...
Sorry loyal readers, but I had an emotional day and well, shit I just plum didn't have much to say.
Favre's retirement press conference *tear*
I'm almost done with Kirby 64. The game is a lot better than I remember it and I'm glad I had my impulsive Kirby buy. I might try to burn through it tonight and maybe even buy Kirby's Adventure with the 500 Wii Points sitting around on my Wii.
I demand Brawl comes out now!
I really want to play this game...
I was right, I ain't got shit to say today.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rock Band Downloadable Content Analysis

So, in the bastard son follow up of my Virtual Console article, I am now doing the 'Rock Band DLC' article that I mentioned.
Here is the list of all the songs I have on Rock year (I had to have some way of differentiating them. Also, I have a very boring job, so this kills a lot of time)
* represents cover

1960s (1)
"Last Train to Clarksville" by the Monkees*

1970s (29)
"N.I.B." by Black Sabbath*
"Sweet Leaf" by Black Sabbath*
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath*
"Hitch A Ride" by Boston
"More Than A Feeling" by Boston
"Peace of Mind" by Boston
"Rock & Roll Band" by Boston
"Smokin'" by Boston
"Something About You" by Boston
"Ever Fallen In Love?" by the Buzzcocks*
"Complete Control" by the Clash
"I Fought the Law" by the Clash
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival*
"Heroes" by David Bowie*
"Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie
"Queen Bitch" by David Bowie*
"Casey Jones" by the Grateful Dead
"Sugar Magnolia" by the Grateful Dead
"Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffet
"Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffet
"Volcano" by Jimmy Buffet
"My Sharona" by the Knack*
"Can't Stand Losing You" by the Police
"Message in a Bottle" by the Police
"Roxanne" by the Police
"Teenage Lobotomy" by the Ramones
"Working Man" by Rush*
"Action" by Sweet*
"Bang A Gong (Get It On) by T. Rex*

1980s (20)
"Call Me" by Blondie
"Roam" by the B-52s
"Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner*
"The Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden*
"Crackity Jones" by the Pixies
"Dead" by the Pixies
"Debaser" by the Pixies
"Gouge Away" by the Pixies
"Here Comes Your Man" by the Pixies
"Hey" by the Pixies
"I Bleed" by the Pixies
"La La Love You" by the Pixies
"Monkey Gone to Heaven" by the Pixies
"Mr. Grieves" by the Pixies
"No. 13 Baby" by the Pixies
"Silver" by the Pixies
"Tame" by the Pixies
"There Goes My Gun" by the Pixies
"Synchronicity II" by the Police
"Limelight" by Rush*

1990s (10)
"All The Small Things" by Blink-182
"Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis
"Wonderwall" by Oasis
"My Iron Lung" by Radiohead
"Siva" by the Smashing Pumpkins
"Zero" by the Smashing Pumpkins
"Interstate Love Song" by the Stone Temple Pilots
"Sex Type Thing" by the Stone Temple Pilots
"Buddy Holly" by Weezer
"El Scorcho" by Weezer

2000s (18)
"Attack" by 30 Seconds To Mars
"The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars
"Dirty Little Secret" by the All-American Rejects
"Move Along" by the All-American Rejects
"Rock Rebellion" by Bang Camaro
"Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial) by Coheed and Cambria*
"Shake" by Count Zero
"Sprode" by Freezepop
"Still Alive" by GLaDOS
"Hysteria" by Muse
"3's and 7's" by Queens of the Stone Age
"Little Sister" by Queens of the Stone Age
"Sick Sick Sick" by Queens of the Stone Age
"Song With A Mission" by the Sounds*
"Dreamin'" by Weezer
"The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" by Weezer
"Troublemaker" by Weezer
"Joker and the Thief" by Wolfmother

I have a grand total of 78 downloadable songs. That means that, for all of Rock Band, I have spent over $300.
I spend a lot of money on video games.

Top 5 DLC Songs
1. "Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie
2. "Action" by Sweet
3. "Working Man" by Rush
4. "The Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden
5. "Sprode" by Freezepop

Honorable Mentions: "Joker and the Thief" by Wolfmother, "Buddy Holly" by Weezer, "El Scorcho" by Weezer, "My Iron Lung" by Radiohead, "Limelight" by Rush, "Synchronicity II" by the Police, "More Than A Feeling" by Boston

Favorite Song By Instrument
Guitar: "Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie and "Joker and the Thief" by Wolfmother
Bass: "N.I.B." by Black Sabbath
Drums: "Action" by Sweet
Vocals: "Ever Fallen In Love?" by the Buzzcocks and "Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie

UPDATED 3/26: Added Boston Pack
UPDATED 7/1: Added everything I bought recently

I am sad Brett Favre retired: A Rope of Sand

Sorry for the day off, I am actually trying to post everyday now. I will probably post twice today to compensate.
There's a few reason why I didn't post yesterday and let's get to the one that will probably resonate with me for the longest.
My favorite sports player ever, Brett Favre, retired yesterday. I'm still not really believing it.
It all started when I was in the food court with Lauren and she was like, "Hey look! Brett Favre's on TV!" and I looked over and what did ESPN say?
"Brett Favre to retire from NFL"
and it also said something about being on the phone Desmond Howard which really makes me wonder if Jamal Reynolds wasn't available or something. Desmond Howard was with the team, for what, a Super Bowl? Like fucking seriously, they could've been able to contact someone with some kind of bigger connection to Favre than Desmond fucking Howard. Doesn't Shannon Sharpe work for ESPN? Just call his ass up and be like 'put your brother on the line'.
Anyway, Favre's retirement put a somber tone on the entire day and still has me being all mopey still. He was an institution. He's been the starting quarterback for the Packers since I was 4 years old. That's a long ass time!
He will be missed from week to week, but he left a lasting legacy that will probably not be forgotten.
I had a philosophy paper due today which I was working on during the majority of my free time yesterday. So that ate up my potential blogging time.
I also had to deal with intramural sports bullshit including a group of defectees and the loss of our potential team captain to said defectees. So, if you're interested in being the captain of an intramural soccer team, lemme know.
4 days til Brawl...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cleaning Out the Refridgerator (or How I Learned About Virtual Console Economics)

I've been having a problem as of late. Whenever I go to download a game off of the Wii Virtual Console, I look at an ever-shrinking number of artificial "blocks" that make up my Wii's Storage System.
I remember, a long time in the year of 2006, thinking to myself as I download Bomberman '93 and Sonic the Hedgehog, "Damn, that's a lot of room. I'm never going to fill this up."
I was wrong.
Dead wrong.

Right now my Virtual Console list stands at 24 strong:
NES (11): Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden II, Ninja Gaiden III, Punch-Out!, Startropics, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3 and Wario's Woods
TG16 (2): Bomberman '93 and Chew Man Fu
Genesis (4): Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Gunstar Heroes, Kid Chameleon and Sonic the Hedgehog
SNES (3): Super Castlevania IV, Super Mario World and Super Metroid
N64 (5): F-Zero X, Kirby 64, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Snap and Sin & Punishment

And, my fridge has almost filled up. Soon I'm going to have to make tough decisions for my Virtual Console future. What game on this list would be my first to go?
I have my thoughts. Some of these games aren't neccesarily classics and were perhaps accidental purchases made in a drunken stupor (only Chew Man Fu falls into that category. It was my birthday, I drank a few White Russians, I bought a racist video game) but I have a little bit of sentimental attachment to all of them. After all, I bought them and the amount of crap you have to go through to get this shit (connecting to the internet, buying points, downloading the game) means it wasn't exactly easy.

I guess the point of this could have been summed up in a small sentence:
Get off your ass, Nintendo, and make a fucking Wii harddrive!!!!!

Also, 6 days til Brawl.

UPDATED 3/4: I forgot Pokemon Snap. Also, I refrained from doing this earlier, but here is my grand total of Virtual Console expenditures (including NJ sales tax): $186.18
So, for the price of Rock Band, I bought the Wii rights to 25 games.
In a sadder post, I might go in depth into my Rock Band spending.

I think I have today's post figured out...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Murder by Death's new album: The Red of Tooth and Claw

Murder by Death is a very distinct band that appears a lot older than they actually are. Their history dates back to the turn of the century when the band, all students at Indiana University, met and decided to make music. They got their name from an old Neil Simon play entitled Murder by Death. At the time of their inception, the band was a five-piece consisting of common rock instruments such as guitar, bass and drums but also having a female cellist and a keyboardist. The band, featuring guitarist/vocalist Adam Turla writing songs that eschewed back to his religious studies background, quickly dropped out of school and became full time.
They released their first full length in 2002 entitled Like the Exorcist, but More Breakdancing, on the New Jersey independent record label, Eyeball Records. The album was focused more on the crazy dark instrumentals than the art of Turla’s lyrics. In 2003, they followed up with what is their most critically lauded album, Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them? This album told the story of a small Mexican town and their fight against the Devil. There’s also a song about zombies and it opens with the Devil drinking in a bar and getting shot in the back. It was after this album that the keyboardist left to return to school. This altered their sound a lot as now the cellist had to take over on keyboards and thus split her time on cello and keyboards. The band’s third album, In Bocca al Lupo, drew inspiration from Dante’s Inferno and instead of telling a long story like their previous effort, it told separate stories focused around similar themes focusing on the different sins and levels of Hell.
The band’s new album, which hits store on March 4th, is entitled The Red of Tooth and Claw and represents their debut on another independent label, Vagrant Records. The album is yet another step of their consistent evolution but they are showing signs of sameness with this record. They are one album away from something I call the “Millencolin Effect” (named after Swedish punk band, Millencolin). The “Millencolin Effect” occurs after a band releases three albums that sound almost exactly the same. That is the point when I stop caring because I don’t like hearing the same stuff over and over again. Currently, bands like Flogging Molly (who also have a new album coming out on March 4th) and the RX Bandits sit on this threshold.
Going back to the band on hand, Murder’s new album sounds very similar to their previous effort, In Bocca, but it does have its differences. For one, Turla seems to be embracing the fact that he sounds like a modern day Johnny Cash but I’m pretty sure if I threw some of the songs (namely opening track “Coming Home”) in a Johnny Cash mix CD, many people would not be the wiser. However, the album contains a lot of what I love about the band: great lyrics, dark cello riffs and overarching theme. The overarching theme on the album about fire and revenge and it is very noticeable in such tracks as the single, “Fuego!” and “Ash”. Interestingly enough, I would say those two songs are the highlights of the album. Other solid tracks include “Steal Away”, “Rum Brave” and “’52 Ford”.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Hills Are Alive...

I saw the Sound of Music at my old high school. That was cool. The set was, I believe this is the only term for it, dope as hell. The Von Trapp house was ridiculous. Bravo stage crew. I am proud of the people I once worked with and the people who I don't know.
Personally, I think the show sucks dick. It's a terrible terrible show, but this was a good performance of a bad show, much like Gypsy. My fondness for fabled 'classics' of musical theatre wear out once the plots are shown to callous attempts at leading into another song.
March Mustache Madness has begun and I am now clean shaven for the first time since early January. Good luck to all involved with this ridiculous idea.
Remember, trimming is allowed but only to accentuate whatever facial hair you're focusing on.
It's March 1st, so that means Brawl is only 8 days away. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped...
Like, for realz, I am so damn pumped.
I beat Professor Layton. Haven't finished all the puzzles in it yet, but the main story is complete so the urge to play it is a little dulled. I'll still kick back and knock out puzzles whenever I get an oppurtunity. The game is amazing and the replay value lies in the depth of the extra puzzles.
You might not technically replay the game, but there is a lot to do.
I'm kind of pissed at Harmonix but in a very good way.
The leaked DLC list for March was scheduled to have a stupid Thrash pack to kick off the month. I was happy as a pig in shit for this because I want to stop buying songs for the game as I think it is slowly driving me broke.
However, they happen to announce 6 Grateful Dead songs and while I am not a deadhead, Lauren's kind of into them and their music might be fun in a stoner Rock Band sort of way.
I really wanna play Brawl...
Like, now.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Professor Layton: Puzzles, Top Hats and Mysteries

A bit of a preface before this, if you will. I'm thinking of doing the blog like this. A few structured articles here and there, like this Professor Layton review (a direct copy of my school newspaper article), with the rapidly occurring random thoughts posts.
So there, I've made my decision. I'll try to post semi-regularly, but we all know that doesn't happen.
The task is simple. You have three wolves and three chickens on one side of a river. You must use a raft to ferry them across. However, only two animals are allowed on the raft at one time and at least one animal has to be on the raft for it to move. Also, if the wolves outnumber the chickens on either side, the chickens will be eaten. The task is not as simple as it might seem.
If that previous paragraph sounds appealing, than Nintendo’s latest DS game, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, is the game for you. Professor Layton is, quite simply, a puzzle game tour de force. In it, you control the British top-hat-wearing Professor Layton and his apprentice Luke as they journey to the village of St. Mystere and tackle the mysteries surrounding the death of the famous Baron Reinhold. The game has very artful graphics that are in the similar style to famous European animation such as The Triplets of Belleville and Tin Tin. It’s gameplay echoes a fine blend of the illustrious brain training games on DS such as Brain Age and Big Brain Academy and adventure point-and-click games such as Myst and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. That means, more or less, that this game includes a lot of exploration with a smattering of puzzles.
And these puzzles are really hard. They vary from a bevy of puzzle genres, most of which you may have heard of because they are created by famed Japanese puzzle guru, Akira Tago who is a professor at Chiba University. The game begins with simple yet tricky puzzles that ease you in and then slowly shed the facade with puzzles that will leave you frustrated and trying all kinds of answers for long stretches of time. This might sound bad, but it is not. Never have I played a video game that has challenged my mind as much as this game. It deserves a spot in the growing number of elite Nintendo DS games.
Besides the difficulty, the only negative thing I can say about this game is that it ends, although there are 150 puzzles to play before the game is officially completed. Then again, Nintendo has promised weekly downloadable puzzles using their burgeoning Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. While I have not connected my DS to the internet to download the puzzles, I have heard that they are mighty challenging and have probably driven grown men to tears because of their sheer difficulty. Even better news for fans of this game is that there are still two more games to come out. The series is very popular in Japan and they have already seen the release of a sequel (Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box) and the announcement of a final game in the trilogy (Professor Layton and the Time Traveler).

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Recurring Sakurai

I figure I'll keep up with the random musings until I decide what to do with writing in this blog. I might try to do focused articles or keep this up.
West Virginia is not a real state. It is a vortex where people think they are in West Virginia, but they are really in Alabama.
Professor Layton is truly like crack. I am in love with everything about this game and I've had fucked up puzzle dreams to prove it.
Coincidentally, these dreams are separate from the infamous dream I had last week where I dreamt that I was sick and went to my 11 AM class...and then realized I was still sleeping and woke up...and then didn't go to 11 AM class because I thought I already went. I was also very delirious and sick. (see two posts ago when I said I was 'sick and at work').
Anyway, Layton rocks the house and I just witnessed the most balls to the wall cut scene in a DS game since anything from Contra IV. It involves a top-hat-wearing professor, his apprentice, what appears to be a pier and a ferris wheel.
If you have a DS, buy this game.
If you don't have a DS, buy a DS and this game.
Masahiro Sakurai has now become my favorite living video game developer. He sits at that throne just on top of Miyamoto (Mario, Zelda, Nintendo), Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Series) and the dude who made Rez. Naturally, my favorite video game developer is Gunpei Yokoi, but he died in a car accident, so what the fuck, world? The poor man was hit by a car shortly after he was let go by Nintendo because of Virtual Boy. It would have been so pimp if they had some big reunion and then he made Ultra Metroid or something with a better title and then we could all sing and dance and not have any more war.
So anyway, I've been digging Sakurai lately mainly because of his work on Brawl and the Dojo blog. He also created Kirby at the age of 19, which is really an inspiring feat, or would be if I wasn't turning 20 in 3 weeks. So now I'm in the 'usually eschewed by sports players' feeling of failure because I haven't made my Kirby yet...
I think I'm going to play more of Kirby 64 when I get back to my room...
Fuck the naysayers cuz they don't mean a thing!
Kirby 64 is surprisingly good. I remember playing it a long time ago and been a little underwhelmed...not sure why. It is definitely not as deep as Kirby Superstar, but it has its own charm that makes it better than your average game. What can I say, Kirby's adorable. You can't tell me you don't smile when he does his cute lil arm wave and says 'HIIIIIIII!' in Smash Bros.
Sakurai also was a part of the team that made Adventures of Lolo, which is probably the Professor Layton of the NES.
What the fuck happened to Jake Plummer? I know he's retired, but for fuck's sake. He grows one playoff beard and goes off the deep end.
I think if I invite mc chris to one more Facebook event of group, he'll actually go....either that or he'll defriend me...
Also, does anyone remember how fucking awesome Adult Swim was back in the day? Old Sea Lab, ATHF and Brak Show are sadly unmatched these days. Venture Bros is the only show that hearkens back to that era.
I wonder what games Sakurai will make after Brawl?
I think he's done with Nintendo and he's going to work with his new company, Sora. I very much anticipate his next venture.
Just like I anticipate the next Professor Layton game as I'm closing in on the end of the first one.
I mentioned my favorite game developers (referring to singular people), and now I feel like mentioning my favorite development companies. Nintendo, HAL Labs, Intelligent Systems, Game Freak, Tecmo (circa Ninja Gaiden I,II and III and Tecmo Super Bowl), Silicon Knights (except Dyack is kind of a cocky prick), Harmonix, Square (circa FFVI, SMRPG and Chrono Trigger), Sonic Team (before whatever point they went insane), Next Level Games and Level 5.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Brief Note to Superbad's Naysayers

My dear friend Billy finally saw Superbad and we discussed it. What transpires next is an elaboration on what I said to him.

If you didn't enjoy Superbad than I guess you just didn't get the aesthetic of the humor. Don't give me that hoity-toighty bullshit "Well, I completly understood it" because you obviously didn't if you didn't find it funny. You can demerit the movie however you want because, honestly, it is not a great movie. It just does what it's meant to do and executes it perfectly. It doesn't try to be something that it is not.
To me, the funniest part of the movie is the name. That's because they're not fucking Superbad but they think they are and that makes them every high school kid ever! It is a stupid dumb movie, but thats why it works so well. It is very relatable. I guess if I had to sum it up, I'd dub it the antithesis to every John Hughes film ever. I mean, there are far better films in the world but for that movie was, it was perfect it tried to be nothing but itself

hioo1: gold slick!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Being sick at work sucks donkey dick. Which, coincidentally is a possible way of how I have this killer sore throat right now.
Or it could be from the cold and wind going down my throat and my immune system finally wearing down after a season of fighting the wintery weather hardcore for a week and then being like 'eh, too many layers' and sending myself out onto the frozen tundra of William Paterson with nothing but pants, shoes and a jacket.
If there is anything illegible in this post, I blame Wayne Hall, for all I've eaten has been at that grimy place of food stuffs.
You wonderful readers witnessed history the other day. My Y: The Last Man and Barkley posts were restructured into semi-legitimate newspaper articles for one of the P.O.S. bi-weekly newspapers at my school. I will continue to use this as a testing ground to see if I have enough bullshit to write about on a topic to turn it into article length.
My next topics for writing are going to be two of these four: Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Darjeeling Limited, Justice League: New Frontier and the new Murder By Death CD.
Some notes on my brief play time with Professor Layton:
-It's like Phoenix Wright with no court and all logic puzzles.
-Has a very nice European animation style (Think Tin Tin or Triplets of Belleville)
-Puzzles sometimes thread on 'holy fuck this shit is hard' territory but for every one seemingly impossible puzzle, there are at least five that make you feel semi-smart instead of totally retarded.
-If there ever was a game that made you feel like you were mentally challenged, this would be it.
-Great characters
-See the Game|Life PSA at the end of their coverage of Brawl.
-If you own a DS, you owe it to yourself to buy this game.
I've reached the point of a highly anticipated event when I stop following a normal calendar and just state the day as "Today is 19 days away from Brawl".
If people recall, I wrote a week and a half long poem about Rock Band (See the 12 Days of Rock Band) because of my anticipation for the game.
Will Brawl get the same treatment? I'm not sure. Will I write about it a lot? YA GODDAMN RIGHT! There's a huge difference between Brawl and Rock Band. Rock Band is noisy and I can't play it every moment of the day. Brawl can be a rather noiseless game if needed, so I will probably stop playing the game for classes and a few hours at work so I can catch up with schoolwork.
Roger Clemens is fucking guilty.
Heroes is a fucking kickass show. I finished Season One the other day and I am avoiding beginning Season Two because I know its only 12 episodes and that there will be no new episodes until at least September.
I downloaded "El Scorcho" by Weezer and "Sex Type Thing" by STP from the Rock Band DLC Treasure Trove. El Scorcho is fantastic and Sex Type Thing just makes me think of the Weird Al Polka that it is in.
Today I bought Ninja Gaiden III off of Virtual Console. I've actually never played the game and I am very excited to cry and piss and moan while playing it because, after playing it for 15 minutes before I had to go to work, I could only manage to get to the second half of level two. Fucking Tecmo and their ridiculously hard games.
There's a reason I haven't played the new Ninja Gaiden and that is because I know how hard the originals are and I don't feel like fucking crying in 3D. Crying in 2D is tough enough.
For anyone that got to the end, I have a question of beardly proportions. I have some semblance of a beard going on and I am giving you, the reader, some options as to what you, the reader, think I, the writer, should do with it.
A) Just go all Grizzly Adams with it
2) Shave it so I look like a 14 year old instead of a 17 year old
c) Make it a Goat
D) Grow a 'Stache
5) Leave the burns, chop the rest
Nearing 18 days til Brawl...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

I have gotten lethargic in my posts and for that, I am sorry. I am gravely sorry to all two of you waiting for my every word on what video games to like, what movies or TV shows to watch and when to eat food.
For the record, you should be playing Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, watching Heroes and eating now.

Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is a post-apocalyptic basketball RPG made by indie developer, Tales of Game's Studios. It stars a seemingly ageless Charles Barkley, his son Hoopz, a genetically engineered Cyberdwarf and Lebron James' octoroon great-grandson, Balthios, on a quest to stop the evil B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S. terrorist group from using the basketball that Barkley and co. were trapped in during Space Jam to destroy the world with a Chaos Dunk. Barkley and the gang also need to stop Michael Jordan who is a traitor to the underground basketball cause. Seriously.
Some early bosses include a zombie Kobe Bryant, a Vince Carter cyborg, evil referees and a Bill Cosby ghost. You use neo-shekels to buy items such as tobacco, chup, insulin and alcohol to cure such things as Asperger's, Glaucoma, Diabetes and Parkinson's. If a character dies, you can revive them by using steroids. Once again, I am being serious. This is a real game.
I am currently in the Spalding building in Proto New York looking for answers to why Charles Barkley was framed for using a Chaos Dunk to destroy most of Manhattan.
This is probably one of the funniest games I have ever played and the funniest part is the fact that this is actually is a good game. You would think that a game seeping with all of these ridiculous ideas would be terrible and only playable because of the urge to see what happens to other random basketball stars (yes, Larry Bird is a priest) or see when Barkley next uses the f-bomb.
The game is very reminiscent of the 2D RPGs of the Super Nintendo era and include many gameplay mechanics that have reminded me of Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario and Chrono Trigger.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What the fork, Let's do some 2008-09 NFL Predictions

I'm at work and I'm bored. I've been reading Super Bowl coverage for the majority of my time here. Now I'm anxious for next season. Let's do some speculation.

AFC East:
The Patriots dominated this division last year and despite the crushing defeat, I think they have some fight in them. Although they have the Super Bowl loser slump holding them back, I think they will compete for the division title with a resurgent Jets team. Mangini is a smart guy and I don't think the Jets will repeat their follies of the past year. The Bills will also be in the mix and the lowly Dolphins, while not 1-15, will not be breaking any positive records next year.
Lets say...
*NYJ 10-6
NE 9-7
BUF 7-9
MIA 4-12

AFC North:
The Steelers are not a bad team. Not at all. However, I think tides are changing in the AFC North. The Browns, led by the success of Derek Anderson or Brady Quinn, will win the division followed by a disapointed Pittsburgh team and a rising Bengals team and a still crappy Ravens team in what might be Ray Lewis' final year.
*CLE 11-5
+PITT 9-7
CIN 7-9
BAL 5-11

AFC South:
This is not an accurate prediction, this is incredibly bias: The Jaguars are winning this division and will be the best team in the AFC. Fuck the Colts. Also, Vince Young will probably do a lot better now that he's not on the cover of Madden. The Texans will mourn being in the most ridiculous division in the NFL.
*JAX 13-3
+IND 11-5
TEN 8-8
HOU 8-8

AFC West:
I think the Chargers still have control of this division. I think Shanahan's shenanigans are beginning to get old and his Broncos, while still competitive, ain't winning no playoff games. The Chiefs are a confused team who's success depends on Larry Johnson. The Raiders might be better if they actually have a consistently decent quarterback.
*SD 10-6
DEN 9-7
OAK 6-10
KC 5-11

NFC East:
The Giants will probably not repeat as I think both Patriots and the Giants will fall short of next year's playoffs. The Eagles might come on strong as they showed life at the end of the year. The Redskins had their shot at a miracle this year but the Giants snatched the thunder after the Skins fell to Seattle. The Cowboys will be that really good regular season team that can't win the big game.
*DAL 11-5
NYG 8-8
PHI 8-8
WAS 7-9

NFC North:
This is biased.
But regardless, I think the Packers are a young team on the rise regardless of Favre coming back or not. I think when the inevitable happens and Favre retires, Aaron Rodgers will be able to lead the team as there is solid groundwork set for this team to become a powerhouse again.
*GB 11-5
MIN 8-8
CHI 7-9
DET 5-11

NFC South:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the Saints will dominate this division. If Deuce McAllister is healthy, they are a damn good team. The Bucs were a flash in the pan and the Panthers might be playoff bound behind a healthy Jake Delhomme. The Falcons barely have a real team.
*NO 11-5
+CAR 10-6
TB 6-10
ATL 2-14

NFC West:
The Patriots have been defeated and now it is time for the Rams to come out of their shell again. Kurt Warner's Cardinals and his former Rams will compete for the NFC West title. The Seahawks will remain competitive, but I don't think they will win this one as it might not be so easy.
*STL 9-7
+ARI 9-7
SEA 7-9
SF 4-12

So there you have my tentative ridiculous predictions for the 2008 NFL Season.
Next time, I'll work with the 2008 Playoffs.
Here's the seeding

1. Jacksonville
2. Cleveland
3. San Diego
4. New York Jets
5. Indianapolis
6. Pittsburgh

1. Dallas
2. Green Bay
3. New Orleans
4. St. Louis
5. Carolina
6. Arizona

Super Bowl Ruminations

Holy crap.
I'd say I'm shocked and amazed that the Giants beat the Running Pat Riots, but I'm not.
It's true. Not suprised at all. Shit, why do you think I was so worried when the Packers played the Giants?
Because that team had all the makings of the great underdogs. Also, New York-Boston karma dictated that if a New York team faced a Boston team in an important game, that New York would have to win.
The football went square through Tom Brady's legs last night in a manner similar to Bill Buckner.
The metaphorical Dave Roberts (David Tyree) stole a base while David Ortiz (Eli or Plaxico, but Plaxico's a dick, so let's make Eli be Big Papi in this metaphor) hit a home run.
Eli Manning might get a little more respect now that he won the big one (doubt it, he's still goofy as hell and he's on a New York team. If New York fans can hate A-Rod for having an MVP year, than Eli is fucking screwed) but, if I were him, I wouldn't care.
How many sportswriters won a Super Bowl and became an MVP? Well, noticing the turn over in players to sportswriters, probably a few.
I was surronded by people routing for the Giants, mainly because of the afforementioned New York-Boston rivalry, and they doubted. They were worried their team couldn't do it.
Seriously, if you saw that game, would you have thought that the Patriots would win that game? They played like ass. Brady got sacked like 6 times. Maroney had about 3 yards rushing. The once prolific Patriots offense looked like Donovan McNabb and the Eggles in the earlier game where the Giants sacked McNabb more times than he ever was sacked at Syracuse.
I don't know what in the hell happened to Tom Brady and Co., but they became the grand villain that they were facing when they played the Rams, and I don't think they recognized it. They were cocky, supposedly inviting Giants players to their own postgame parties (I would've gone afterwards regardless of the outcome if I were a Giants player) and they showed practically no emotion. Terrible stuff for a championship team.
The Giants, on the other hand, shut the Patriots O-Line down and Eli did the same crap he did against the Packers and the Cowboys. He efficiently moved the ball downfield when he needed to. And while he'll always be Napoleon Dynamite to me, I applaud him for doing so damn well in that game.
Congrats Eli, Congrats Giants and it must suck to be Tiki Barber.
Here's my own scoresheet for the game:
Giants still have Plaxico Burress: Pats 0, Giants -1
Wes Welker is the shit: Pats 1, Giants -1
Strahan saying "resiliency" with a heavy lisp: Pats 1, Giants -2
Brady only had like to funny sketches the time he hosted SNL: Pats 0, Giants -2
Belicheck is wearing ugly red hoodie: Pats -1, Giants -2
Brady getting the shit sacked out of him: Pats -2, Giants -2
Like, fucking seriously, Wes Welker is the shit: Pats -1, Giants -2
Anything regarding Kevin Boss: Pats -1, Giants -1
Manning-Tyree pass: Giants 0, Pats -1
Manning-Plaxico TD: Giants -1, Pats -1
Welker didn't see the ball on the Pats' last drive (actually, only Brady saw the ball when he was sacked the fuck out): Giants -1, Pats -2
Final Score: Giants -1, Pats -2

Yay New York!

I'm cheering now, but you bet your ass I'm gonna hate these fuckers if they play the Packers in the playoffs again.
I will always bleed Green and Gold, but I also have give credit where credit's due. Barvaro, Giants, Bravo.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Juno and Japanese Masturbatory Fantasies. Also, Football.

It has come to the time of the college semester where I make my first trip home. Like I did last semester, I waited until the end of the first month before I came home. However, we are in school for the entire month of September and about two fucking days in January.
Anyway, on with the blog...
I was thinking about Juno on my trek home.
It's a superb film, might be getting a little too much credit, but regardless, I recommend it to everyone. You have a lot of knockout performances by solid actors and actresses and the writing has this weird quality to it that will either work for you or not work.
Now the dialogue is the main bone of contention I have heard from the critics. Their reasoning being that no 16 year old girl in the year of 2007/08 would be making references to the Thundercats and Soupy Sales. Besides the point that these critics obviously don't know the rampant nostalgia of teenagers (how else do you explain Transformers doing well at the box office?) and also the fact that I, for one, was not coherent/born when the Thundercats were relevant and I picked up the nod in the movie and laughed, I feel the need to defend the dialogue in one simple way:
This is the writer's world, let her do whatever the fuck she wants. She wants her teen characters to reference 80s' pop culture? Go for it. I remember reading or watching something that Kevin Smith said about how all his movies are about two guys using big words and monologuing about Star Wars and Jaws. It was something about how in his ideal world, people talk in long overarching monologues about pop culture that was relevant to him. So maybe in Diablo Cody's ideal world, people references pop culture thats from before their times.
Whatever, the movie was solid. I hope it wins Best Picture no matter how much of no chance it has.
My interest is piquing for No More Heroes. For the uninformed, No More Heroes is a crazy Japanese game about assassins. and lightsabers. and poon. and killing. with swords. boobs. fire boobs.
From my understanding, this game is a Japanese parody of American culture at its base. The humor and cool cel-shaded graphics definitly seems to be damn cool.
If I had money to burn, I would totally be all over this game, but money is tight right now as I am awaiting getting paid for the first time this semester, so thus, no game.
Plus, I wanna buy Harvey Birdman, Geometry Wars: Galaxies and probably about 5 other games too. I can't make a decision! *sigh* At least I traded in Madden Wii 08 for All-Pro Football, which is a lot better than that pile of crap. The one thing I can't stand in current Maddens is that you can't read shit. There's so much information on the screen and I don't know if it is my lack of HDTV or my eyesight, but I have to piece together context clues to figure out who the fuck everyone is. It's terrible. When in the hell did EA Sports decide to make the games unreadable. I can picture the developer taking it up to the bigwigs.
Developer: So, there's this year's game.
Bigwig: Umm...Why can I read the player's name?
Developer: What?
Bigwig: I want more mystery in this year's Madden. I demand that we make the text completly unreadable.
Developer: Umm...alright.
Final Prediction for the Super Bowl:
New England 35, New York 21

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and other movies

Quick post but everyone should watch the trailer for Forgetting Sarah Marshall because it is going to be one of the funniest movies of the year. It stars Jason Segel and Kristen Bell. Jason Segel is also known as the drummer from Freaks and Geeks, the creepy boyfriend from Undeclared and that guy from How I Met Your Mother and Knocked Up. Kristen Bell is Veronica Mars and quite possibly the most attractive movie/TV actress ever. Anyway, watch the trailer. This should be a great movie.

Also, for anyone who's keeping score of good movies, I think Strange Wilderness is going to be very funny. It should be in the same vein as Grandma's Boy as it appears that similar people are at the helm. It's got those guys from Sandler movies in bigger roles and it also stars Steve Zahn which is kinda good. He's pretty funny I guess. Also, Kevin Heffernan is in it too.

Speaking of Heffernan and thus, Broken Lizard, apparently Broken Lizard (Supertroopers, Beerfest) is in production for their next movie, the Slammin' Salmon, which looks like its a boxing movie. Should be awesome.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Y: The Last Man is over *single tear*

My Super Smash Bros Brawl predictions were right.
Albeit I can't take credit for them as I merely read a lot of rumors and than speculated on what seemed the most legit and likely, but regardless, its sweet.
Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to this game.
Y: The Last Man wrapped up today with issue #60. I wish I could delve into everything that made this story amazing and perfect, but that's the play and I wouldn't want to give it away.
All musical references aside, this comic series easily trumps every other comic series I have ever read. To summarize, it is about Yorick, a 22-year old slacker who, along with his pet capuchin monkey Ampersand, becomes the last man on Earth when a plague hits the world and kills every male creature. The 60 issues that detail this story follow Yorick and his two caretakers, Agent 355 (a member of the secret Culper Ring) and Dr. Allison Mann (a geneticist) and Yorick's eventual run-in with adulthood. There's a bunch of sex, ninjas, pirates, monkeys, tits, Amazons, a bunch of pop culture references and exotic locales. It's amazing.
I threw up a PDF of the first issue for all of youse peoples reading enjoyment. Read it, tell me what you think.
Anyone who has finished all 60 issues, talk to me. I need someone else to talk about this.
I think that is everything relevant going on right now.
As far as gaming goes, my habits continue to be my other part time job as I seem to fit time and feel like I should play (not saying I don't enjoy it, but there's so many fucking games I want to play).
This week has been Mario Strikers Charged return to glory. I sat down on two consecutive nights and finally beat the Crystal Cup and unlocked Diddy Kong. Now all that is left is the insurmountable wall of the Striker Cup. I will probably put the game down and come back to it again in a few months.
Eternal Sonata is currently on my gaming backburner. I haven't had the time for an RPG as of late and thus I've been focusing on my short play session games. I'm stuck at Fort Fermata which, from what I read, is the place where everybody stops because its a weird/tricky/confusing/stupid puzzle and everything looks the same and because I put the game down for a while, I don't know where to go. Pending on when time frees up, I will probably sit down with a walkthrough and churn through that part and then continue my Chopin-inspired journey through a music-referencing world.
Rock Band, as per usual, gets a lot of play. Not as much as it has in the past, but once a week there is usually a DLC song or three that demand me to buy them.
I downloaded the Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble and Startropics on Virtual Console. Lolo is hard as shit, I think I am on floor 6 of 10. I'm on the final boss in Bubble Bobble with Lauren. I plowed through Startropics' first two worlds and now the game actually gets mildly challenging, so I have to be awake while I play now.
I'll probably be playing some more Super Smash Bros Melee as Brawl approaches. Melee will benefit from what I will dub "Guitar Hero Syndrome". "Guitar Hero Syndrome" is the phenomena where you play a game a lot, regardless of quality, because you are anticipating a similar game or sequel. GHS has occured with Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Rock Band and now, Super Smash Bros Brawl. It is dubbed after Guitar Hero because I personally think Guitar Hero III is a shitty, shitty terrible game and the only reason I bought the game was because Rock Band wasn't out yet. Basically, I spent $100 on GH3 for a wireless guitar and Contra IV.
But apparently GHIII has Journey, so it's just a shitty terrible game.

Monday, January 28, 2008 and other things, like how Juno's fucked (this time, not literally)

The Oscar nominations have been released. Go check them out if so wish than come back and read my whopping one comment that I care about.

Did you read them?
No? Whatever...

Juno is nominated for Best Picture and, much like Little Miss Sunshine before it, a bunch of indie scene kids are going to get all excited and than will be all mad when it doesn't win shit. Of course, the big difference between Juno and Little Miss Sunshine (at least for me) is that I actually enjoyed Juno and thought Little Miss Sunshine was too much about 'Holy shit it's Steve Carell! He was the 40-year old virgin! And he has a beard!' than the actual movie. Although, the more I think about it, I think Judd Apatow is a cancer on the small indie movies of the world, because part of my attraction to Juno was 'Holy shit it's Michael Cera! He was the awkward kid in Superbad! And he's wearing track shorts!' but I actually enjoy Cera's subtle acting talent than Carell's obnoxious unfunny schtick (which only really works on the Office and the Daily Show). Also, Juno gains points for having Jason Bateman, who needs to act in more things because the man is damn good when dealing with dramatic turns and comedic timing.
But anyway, I would love to see Juno win Best Picture and Ellen Page get Best Actress, but that probably isn't happening because the Academy is still a bunch of people with different film tastes than my own.

Anyway, here are my Best Picture Nominations for 2007.

Knocked Up
Live Free or Die Hard
Sweeney Todd

Let the debate (if anyone cares) begin. People might gawk at my list, but this is my personal list, so I really don't need anything to back it up. I'm going to back it up anyway.
Knocked Up was, in my opinion, the perfect amount of heart and dick and fart jokes to make it hysterical without making it stupid.
Juno was one of those heartwarming movies with superb acting, great direction and a lot of slightly out of place 80s' references.
Live Free or Die Hard was Bruce fuckin' Willis kicking ass and taking names. Also, Justin Long brought superb comic relief while Kevin Smith did a damn fine cameo. Olyphant was a passable villain and my only complaint about the film.
Superbad was Superbad, everyone should know that. It gets an award for being the gayest movie I have ever seen. Somehow, that's a compliment.
TMNT really only has any right being there because this my list and for some reason that movie made me smile all gawky and awkward and happy like I did throughout all of Clerks II. What can I say, the Turtles rule.
Sweeney Todd almost made me do the whole TMNT/Clerks II thing, but I really don't like Tim Burton but I have to begrudgingly respect him for this, Pee Wee's Big Adventure and, inadvertenly, Batman Begins. Johnny Depp made me proud (like it matters) and Helena Bonham Carter did not make me want to slap her bitch-ass across the face, which is a plus. Also, Rickman was in it and fucking a, Rickman was Hans fucking Gruber AND the Metatron AND Snape. Mad propz, yo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Theories

Well, there is one week til the Japanese Brawl release...and 44 days til the American release.
Anyway, I figure I'd throw my hat into the ring for the veritable character bonanza going on. It's almost like my NFL playoff predictions (where I am 7-3 this year) where I place my bets and get no monetary value...just self-satisfaction or demoralization.

Before I get into that, I'll make a brief comment on my NFL playoff predictions. I aced Wild Card weekend (even though I still rooted for the Redskins, I knew the Seahawks would win) and then I bombed in the AFC in the Divisional Round. Then the Packers loss made my record 7-3. If I pick the Super Bowl correctly, than I beat last year's record of 7-4.
My pick for the Super Bowl will be in similar fashion as my AFC Championship game pick. I'm picking the Patriots but will by no means be disappointed if the Giants win.

Alright...Brawl character speculation time...
I think there will be 35 characters. This rumor has circulated and while there could be some doubt, it is a number that makes sense.
Now for the list...

1. Mario
2. Link
3. Kirby
4. Pikachu
5. Yoshi
6. Bowser
7. Samus/Zero Suit Samus
8. Peach
9. Ice Climbers
10. Fox
11. Zelda/Shiek
12. Donkey Kong
13. Pit
14. Meta Knight
15. King Dedede
16. Ike
17. Olimar
18. Snake
19. Sonic
20. Lucas
21. Wario
22. Pokemon Trainer
23. Diddy Kong

These 23 are all confirmed by the wonderful Smash Blog

Practically Confirmed
24. Ness
25. Jigglypuff
26. Lucario

These are practically confirmed by a leaked Japanese video with a screenshot with their picture. Look it up, its on the internets.

27. Luigi
28. Captain Falcon

The final two unconfirmed originals. These guys will be in it.

My Thoughts
29. Ganondorf
30. Falco
31. Marth
32. Mr. Game & Watch

Ganondorf is close to the practically confirmed list. Falco makes too much sense to come back. Marth was a well liked character and I think we'll see two Fire Emblem characters and I think he is the only other logical choice. Sakurai loves crazy shit, so G&W is shoe-in...similarly to why we see 3 Kirby characters and a bunch of things that echo Kirby Air Ride.

33. Wolf
34. Wind Waker Link
35. R.O.B.

I am picking up these 3 mainly from speculation. Wolf would be cool as hell if and only if he is different from Fox and Falco in ways other than a different speed. He has potential to be a bad ass character. Wind Waker Link might be a pipe dream but I think it is a really cool idea to have a character that is done in a drastically different style and it seems something that is just crazy enough to work. Give the guy some Wind Waker abilities and you are not getting much of a Link clone. R.O.B. is a rumor but with his inclusion in Mario Kart DS, it doesn't seem too far enough. I have no fucking clue what his moveset would be though.

As for the characters that are cut...
Roy is the Fire Emblem character that time will forget.
Mewtwo had his movie and now he is old news. Lucario 'replaces' him in my mind.
Pichu was a pile of shit anyway.
I loved Dr. Mario, but there's no point for him as he is a clone.

There you have it. My picks for the remaining characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl. I'll review these before the American launch mainly because there is a FUCKING MONTH AND A HALF GAP!!!
Fucking Nintendo...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Super Bowl Examination and a Post Mortem to the 2007-08 Green Bay Packers

As anyone who doesn't live under a rock knows, The Pat Riots are looking to close out their perfect season against the Jersey/A Giants in Super Bowl XLII.
I'm going to put my stance on this game as a big whatever. Part of me wants the Giants to win, since they're local and all. The other part wants the Yankees of Football to bitch slap the Giants so the seemingly 2004 Red Sox-inspired sudden resurgence in Giants fans can shut the fuck up.
If you've been a diligent Giants fan and stuck through them for the good and the bad, then this is not meant towards you. For your sake, I hope your team wins.
This following comment is to anyone who might decide to rub salt in my wounds in the coming days: Fuck off. I don't want to hear it. I would not piss on your team's grave if you lost in the championship game. Despite that obvious part, I'm dealing with the dilemma that every Dolphins fan went through when Marino was at the end of his rope and still threatening Super Bowl berths. Brett Favre, my favorite player that has been at the helm of the Packers for as long as football has been relevant to me is getting ever closer to retirement. The fact that he was so close to having the Elway-inspired storybook ending (that he actually helped make happen way back in SB XXXII) that he deserved is really sad for me. Like I said, this comment is not for everyone and I'd like to thank any person that doesn't need to hear this to not be a dick about things.

Anyway, as I've mentioned in previous posts. The Packers have exceeded all expectations and I am very happy that they had such a good season despite the fact that it ended poorly. Ryan Grant had a stellar year and hopefully he is a version of the real deal. Donald Driver is still, always will be, the hardest working wide receiver in the NFL. Greg Jennings has proven that he will be great in a Javon Walker-ish manner, except for, ya know, he's not a dick. Aaron Kampman is fucking awesome. Hawk, Popinga and Barnett have the makings of an elite line backer corps. Despite Al Harris fucking up while covering Plaxico tonight, he carried the developing secondary into becoming a great unit. Charles Woodson, Nick Collins and Atari Bigby all deserve a mention. Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila is fucking bad ass. The O-Line is superb and they protect the longest tenured quaterback in the NFL. Brett Favre, despite throwing a pissload of interceptions and sometimes taking too many risks, is still one of the most dynamic passers in the league with one of the strongest arms.
This was a great team. It's too bad one of their poorest played games was at their most important one.

Here's to next season and every other season after that because eternally, I will be a Packers fan and continue to root for them even when they suck.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Its Still Alive

In one of my typical impulse midnight showings, I went to see Cloverfield last night.
For anyone that has followed the odd evolution of me writing on the internet (Random Websites->Xanga->LiveJournal->Here), you have probably heard me list the obnoxious amount of movies I have seen at midnight. For the unaware, here is a brief history.
It all began with Star Wars Episode 2 in 8th grade where I went with my college age brother because he has seen every Star Wars since the re-release on opening day and his friends were all busy. It then continued with Star Wars Episode 3 for pretty much the exact same reasons.
In the ensuing time, I proceeded to see Harry Potter 4, X-Men 3, Superman Returns, Pirates 2, TMNT, Spider-Man 3, Transformers, Harry Potter 5 and now, Cloverfield. That adds up to11 different movies I have seen at midnight (or in two rare cases, at 10 PM the night before they came out). In total, 3 of them have been on a weak impulse.
Cloverfield was one of those movies.

Cloverfield also happened to be the most intense and unsettling cinema experience I have been privy to. The combination of the shaky handheld camera, the lighting and the monster made it one of the creepiest spectacles I have ever seen on film. I must tell everyone to avoid waiting for DVD as I believe this movie deserves to be seen on the big screen.
In my opinion, this is the new definitive Godzilla-ish monster movie. Its Blair Witch meets Godzilla. Its Lost meeting that fucked up love child. Its an hour and a half thrill ride that takes little time to pause once it starts moving.
Hands down, its the best movie of the year...but remember, this is January 18th. We got a lot of year left. And The Dark Knight, The Pineapple Express, Iron Man and a new Star Trek movie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Road Trip, Big Brawl Delay, Big Game

I am currently in a state of exhaustation as I just completed a marathon week long car trip that began and ended in my home in Central Jersey. It also included stops in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Delaware.
I am fucking tired.
I also got to see my cousin's beautiful baby boy (he's now a month old), see other family I haven't seen on a regular basis and hang out with Lauren's awesome friend, Steph.
And I am still fucking tired.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is delayed for the second (arguably third) time. The original launch date was the Wii launch which was the fault of a laughable dickhole remark by Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata. The comment just being a big scam to get Super Smash Bros creator to come back to Nintendo and make the third game.
The second delay was from the original launch date of December 3rd, 2007 to February 10th, 2008. Many people cried over this (I am included) and Nintendo used the revelation of Sonic as a playable character to shadow this blow.
Now we are at the heel of the third delay. February 10th, 2008 to March 9th, 2008. Once again, Nintendo announces a new character to mask the dismay. However, they forgot no one gives a shit about the guy from Pikmin, and everyone is fucking pissed. (Author's Note: I actually enjoyed Pikmin and think that his character is cool, albeit not Sonic cool (or Sonic good. I stopped at a Sonic on the way down to Florida. Holy shit, that food is good.))
But let's look at the good. This delay will only mean that the launch will go smoother and the game will have more polish. Maybe new things won't be added, but everything should work to perfection.
The bad? Well, Japan still gets the game this month and they only had a week delay as opposed to the month delay that America gets. Lord only knows when Europe will get it.
Aw fuck it. It's just a marketing ploy by Nintendo of America to release the game in a dead month closer to Easter and have more Wiis and games to ship out the door because everyone and their mother wants this fucking game.
I will wait eagerly for this game until March 9th. I don't care, they can delay this game again and I'll still be here wagging my tail thinking it was delayed because I'm not house trained yet.
Next fucking topic.

The Green Bay Packers are, currently, the second best team in the NFL (standings-wise). I was being mighty cocky trumpeting the team early in the season but ya know what? I wasn't too far off. Regardless of what happens this weekend, this team far exceeded expectations and right now they have a damn good chance of making it to the Super Bowl and a legitimate chance of winning it.
I am happy. I hopefully will be happier, but I am really happy right now.

Oh yea, tell all your friends. This is getting updated regularly again.