Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Breaking News: Activision is a bunch of dickwads

Its official. Fuck Guitar Hero III. I will always cherish the first 3 games in the series for they opened up an entire new style of video games and made DDR-ish games cool for once. Guitar Hero I will always be remembered for being an extremly groundbreaking game. Guitar Hero II will be fondly remembered as the pinnacle of the sure-to-not-fail-because-of-brand-recognition series. Guitar Hero 80s' will probably be forgotten in about two weeks.

It is also official. Fuck Activision. Their dickery has gone on long enough and I think they are an even bigger villain than EA in their company buying heyday. I honestly think any series that Activision holds the rights to is doomed to fail now. After all, what did their CEO say? "You can expect virtually every one of those properties will be exploited on an annual, or close to annual, basis" And that is verbatim. EA is looking like the little people's savior right now as they published skate and Rock Band. While they're probably bringing those games out because they'll make bucketloads of money, at least these games are amazing and groundbreaking.

And finally, Fuck Neversoft. Whatever goodwill they had for being the creator of the original Tony Hawk games has completly worn out since everything Guitar Hero III touches turns to shit.
Yes, that means if you're paying attention, Halo was officially turned to shit when the free song was released for GHIII on 360 over Thanksgiving.
Note: Most bands who have songs in GHIII are exempt from the 'turned to shit' prophecy. I'm sorry, but I can't honestly say that Pearl Jam, the Who, Tenacious D and even a band that has no kind of history (Priestess) is shit. It is just unfortunate that GHIII tarnished their reputations.
Other Note: Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters are exempt from any of this GHIII shitstorm because theres like 18 fucking million songs on Rock Band that Dave Grohl was a part of.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sic Transit Rock Band...NFL Rises (Kinda Sorta)

Yes, I am still enraptured by Rock Band, but I am also dealing with real life rearing its ugly head ahead again. Yes, I still attend classes and get assignments done. Yes, Rock Band is awesome. Yes, I've played it a lot and for fuck's sake, no I don't give a shit about your two cents and what misconceptions you heard about the game. Shut the fuck up about the Strat! Mine is working fine (for now) so quit bitching when you suck at the game, Ricky! And when it is blatantly obvious that both of the people that live in the room are done with the game and one is going to bed in a matter of minutes, stop playing the fucking game and go to your room and piss off your own roommate some more instead of me!
Ricky, if you read this (which I don't think you do), just take a hint next time when it is largely obvious that you should be done with the game. If you want to play it so badly, but it yourself. Yes, you might not have the money, but does that mean that the money I saved up (kind of, my credit card bill balooned because of it) should go towards your entertainment?
This goes out to all current and future college students, if you happen to be in a room that is not your own and the people who live in the room are grimacing as you play their video games and eat their food, get the fuck out.

Anyway, I just finished an interesting experiment regarding our very own National Football League. In a conversation I had with Allon a week or so ago, when we realized how awesome it would be for his Jaguars of Jacksonville (yes, they're not his team, but I don't feel like being "his favorite team, the Jaguars of Jacksonville" and I know I did it right now, but fuck off, its my blog) to not be in a division with the Colts of Indianapolis. Then I realized that there once was a mythical time when this was true.
So during work today, I scoured for the old division lines that were used up until the Texans of Houston were added to the league in 2002. So I added those very same to the AFC West and moved the Seahawks of Seattle to the NFC West from the AFC West to even out the divisions.

Surprisingly, nothing really changes. If the season ended today, every single team that would get into the playoffs in the current format would get into the playoffs in the old format. Albeit the schedules would be different if this setup were used, regardless, the only thing that changes is that we'd have more interesting divisions and teams given new life.

The NFC East (feat. Cowboys, Gints, Faggles, Cardinals and Redskins) would still be a great division, but nowhere near as battle hungry as those damned Centralites (feat. the Pack!, the Pirates, da Bears, the Lions and the Vikings). Granted, only two teams are added to these divisions, but it still would be interesting (and nerve-racking) to see the Packers play the renewed Buccaneers twice this season. I'd actually like to see if the Cardinals would play up to their decent opponents in the East or if they really do suck.
The NFC West would be as boring as ever as it had one fucking team with a winning record (the Seahawks) and said team (the Seahawks) would hold a two game lead over the schizophrenic 'Aints and some other teams of no note (except that one team used to have Mike Vick. And three of the were in Super Bowls in the past 10 years)

The AFC East would be hot shit, only for one fact and one fact alone. The Colts of Indianapolis would play the Pat Riots twice a year and share division of shit (besides them, of course). Other than that, the other three teams would be cannon fodder (Bills, Just-end-the-season and the Hapless 'Fins).
The AFC Central would be a battleground of sorts. The Pittsers of Steeland and the Jaguars of Jacksonville would be battling for the title as the Browns of Cleveland would be chomping at the bit while the Houston Oilers suck the shit for the top three teams as they plummet because apparently Vince Young can't win games (but he's ok in fantasy, but no quite good enough because I was the jackass who banked on Cedric Benson and Reggie Bush to be my running back darlings). The Ravens aka the Browns and the Bungles would still be freefallin'.
The only cool part of the AFC West would be the fact that the Texans of Houston would actually be in the playoff race as they'd be sitting tied for 2nd with Broncos of Denver and only one game behind the SlightlySuperChargers.

A more interesting view on this would be if the divisions were aligned by their real life boundaries, which is what I thought would happen when the divisions were realigned (seriously, I understand the Cowboys having solid rivalries with East teams, but why move the Colts from the East (which they sort of belong) to the South (where they most certainly do not), all for what? Keeping rivalries in the East and North?
Whatever, I'm just gonna go play Rock Band.
I have a paper due?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rock Band Consumes and Business as Usual

Well, the 12 days of Rock Band are over and now we begin the "rest of my life of Rock Band" as the game is out and I own it and have made sweet rock with it.
This game is quite simply the greatest concept and game I've ever been privy to. I know I have a tendency of hyperbole and probably have made that comment about Super Mario Galaxy but there's a big difference.
1) Galaxy is a single player and one of the best single player games in recent memory.
2) Rock Band is a music game and is the shit (no doubt).

The game is fantastic. I recommend everyone find someone they know with a 360 and get them to buy it or get a 360 and buy it. Steal a bank if you have to. It's that fucking good. to business notes...

Video Game Program: ROCK BAND! is at the Hopewell Library this Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM. Come play the game and see how it rocks faces.

Billy, write in your fucking blog, you bitch.

Monday, November 19, 2007

On the 12th and final day of Rock Band...(YES!!!!)

On the 12th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 12 drummers drumming, a rumored packed program, confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

the 12 drummers drumming seem so appropriate, I decided not the change it.

So I'm done with this.

I am so excited I can't even detail it.

Rock Band is amazing and I don't even own it. At approx. 10 AM tomorrow I will walk into the Gamestop down the road from school and pick up my already paid off copy of Rock Band. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

On the 11th day of Rock Band...

On the 11th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me a rumored packed program, confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

Supposedly the Video Game Program at the Hopewell Library on Saturday is getting a lot of questions asked about it. Sweet, success and money all at the same time.

I have 106 stars in Mario. Its ridiculous.

The Packers fucking rule.

I'm getting tired of writing every day. I don't really have that much to say.

On the 10th day of Rock Band (CONFIRMED!!!)

On the 10th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me confirmation of the game, naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

A little explanation for tonight's reference. I stopped by the Gamestop that I have Rock Band pre-ordered at and paid off the rest of my pre-order. I also asked what time the game would be there. They answered with the best words I could hear. "We already have it here, we just can't sell it until the 20th."
So...10 AM Tuesday, I will own it.

Other than that, I'm up to 95 stars in Mario Galaxy.

Its a weekend. Fuck you, I don't wanna write a lot.
Now time to do a lot of alcohol and drink some drugs cuz I'm at college.

Friday, November 16, 2007

On the 9th day of Rock Band

On the 9th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me naked ladies dancing, a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I couldn't resist the obvious joke with the ninth day being "nine ladies dancing."
Anyways, I played a demo in a Best Buy at Garden State Plaza today and while the drums were broken and the guitar was half-broken, the vocals worked. I busted out some sick notes on Say It Ain't So, Suffragette City and Tom Sawyer. Lauren, in a very shy manner, sang Wave of Mutilation and busted out some bad-ass guitar licks on the other songs. Despite what she might say, she's not that bad at the game considering she plays Guitar Heroes and Rock Band sparingly. She can beat most Medium songs with no trouble and can hold her own on Hard. Makes me proud.
The vocals in Rock Band are fantastic, though, and I can't wait to sing these songs as loud as I want to in the privacy of my own home or dorm room. This game, in my eyes, is practically flawless. I have not really seen anything that disappoints me besides the fact that a) its not out and 2) not every song is on it.

I'm up to 73 stars in Mario Galaxy. A daunting number considering I've had the game since Monday. I'm still aiming for the rather high unreachable goal of getting all 120 stars by Tuesday. I don't think I'll force it and merely play as much as I want/care to until Rock Band comes out.

As a bit of a test, I would like to ask anyone who reads this to leave a comment.
Do it. I wanna know if I actually have a viewership.

On the 8th day of Rock Band...(Trip to Wal-Mart)

On the 8th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me a very tired joke, 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

This 12 days of Christmas horseshit is getting dumb. First it was just Mario for the majority of it and now its just a stretch to see whatever I can get to fit.

Anyway, I was kind of "meh" about Rock Band for the past week if anyone could notice by the obvious Mario flair that this blog had for the past week. However, the Wal-mart trip that I made last night on the fool's hope that there might be a Rock Band leak got me pumped again. Drums are so much fun even without the bass pedal.
This trip was chaotic in nature and rather impromptu. You see, I was working and I got a phone call from my friend Jen. I'm not supposed to use my phone at work, so I passed the phone off to Lauren, who graciously visited me, in case it was something important. It was, since Jen was actually Dan (they date and Dan borrowed Jen's phone) and he had taken the wrong bus from NYC and was about 20 minutes away from school. So, we picked him up and then I coaxed Lauren to make a stop at Wal-mart. At Wal-mart we ended up discovering the area where they had Rock Band set up and Dan and I began to play. The guitar was broken and thus I let Dan play a song since he had not played it. As Dan finished one song, some little shithead kid with a rat-tail said, "Is that your last song?"
Dan, not being a prick by any means, let the kid play. The kid then preceded to play Black Hole Sun, which, if anyone knows, is retardedly long. The little kid's sister than played a song and he helped his sister out by beating the red drum with the guitar in a rather animalistic manner. Just a very baser instinct of just beating the fuck out of it. I learned then that there is nothing wrong with the guitar or drums, people are just fucking stupid.
Of course it gets a bit better. This little rat-tailed shitfuck told Dan that he knew him and that he lived near Brett and was friends with some other douchebag. Dan was caught off guard at first and then was like, "Oh yea! Brett. I remember him."
Finally the kid's mother dragged him out after much whining. "Say hi to Brett for me!" was Dan's parting shot.

I fucking hate kids.
Remind me to shoot my own if they are that dumb...or shoot myself.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On the 7th day of Rock Band...

On the 7th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 2 dollars a downloadable song, 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

The downloadble content prices were released for Rock Band. 1.99 a song and 5.49 for the 3 packs of songs (although you can buy all the songs separately).
The schedule until Christmas for DLC was released too and I am really really excited. There is pretty much something every week that I want. YAY!
Although the two albums (Who's Next and Nevermind) are disgustingly M.I.A.
Very worrisome.

School is boring. Although I only have 2 days of classes before I have ROCK BAND! And all I have is to write 4 pages combined across two papers spanning 14 pages and do an online health assignment and I am free to play Rock Band throughout T-Giving break (although I'll have a Sci-Fi paper to write).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On the 6th day of Rock Band

On the 6th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 6 handjobs a-coming, 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

Pardon the filthy handjob comment, I watched Rushmore tonight and basically that movie is all about handjobs. Its really an amazing film and I recommend everyone watches it...and then talk to me about the significance of handjobs in the movie. It actually does seem to have some thematic correlation to the entire story.

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is still pimp. I've got 37 stars currently (in a row?!?) and Lauren is currently playing and she has 18 stars. It is simply amazing. I was mesmerized by jumping around a little spaceship and flying through the gravity around it for about 10 minutes and then I blew up some trash. Its the shit.
I'm kind of glad Brawl was delayed so I had the opportunity to bask in this perfect successor to Super Mario 64.

Now for an addendum to my Metroid Prime 3 review. The entire game was fucking fantastic up until I realized it suffers from the occasional Nintendo plight of "Well, the game's almost over, I guess you have to backtrack and find some random items." Needless to say, the game has been shelved until I get bored and decide to find the 5 (out of 9) energy cells I need to get to get to the final area. It obviously suffers from Metroid Prime syndrome. Basically, keep the player occupied until he gets near end game and than throw some arbitrary collection at him. Consider my original Metroid Prime 3 review docked a half point.

Monday, November 12, 2007

On the 5th day of Rock Band, Super Mario Galaxy came out

On the 5th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 5 Star Pieces, Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I was hoping there would be something in Mario Galaxy that would come in 5. I was in luck, because perodically throughout the game you need to collect five pieces of a star to create a launch star or some crap. Nintendo doesn't have memorable names for items anymore. Except star bits...damn I need me some more star bits.

Anyway, the launch party at Nintendo World Store was fucking bonkers. There was a DJ, lights, bungee walls, strippers, Mario and a bunch of free swag. Billy and I were numbers 359 and 360. I believe there were 500 people there. For such a last minute plan, it worked flawlessly and I'm already planning my return trip for Brawl in February.
Note: As I discussed with Adam earlier, I think drinking would make the wait for Brawl easier...and warmer.
Now onto the game.
Super Mario Galaxy is the new best game for Wii. Hands down. No contest. Super Smash Bros. Brawl will probably top it, but until February 10th, 2008, it is the best game for the system. It is beautiful. It is fun. It is an absolute dream to control, everything is intuitive. I've probably played about 2-3 hours and I've got 22 stars. I've got the crazy idea that I could churn out all 120 before Rock Band comes out (won't happen) but regardless, I could probably play this game for a long long time and not get bored with it. This is the sequel to Super Mario 64 in every aspect.
With the advent of Galaxy, here's my top 5 Wii games:
1) Super Mario Galaxy
2) Mario Strikers Charged
3) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
5) Warioware: Smooth Moves
The list of 5 was easy to pick (#6 is Super Paper Mario, by the way) but the order was tricky. Galaxy owns the top and I give Strikers the nod over the latter 3 because of the polish, strategic depth and solid single and multiplayer nature. Zelda beats RE4 mainly because of the fact RE4 is a remake, but also because Twilight Princess is a pretty damn good game. Warioware rounds out the bottom 5 by still offering the most solid multiplayer experience on Wii.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On the 4th day of Rock Band...(More Mario)

On the 4th day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me Super Mario Galaxy, 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I'm going to head into the world of long lines and cold again so I can get Super Mario Galaxy at Nintendo World Store at midnight tonight. I figured it was a cool idea that was spawned more out of boredom than a necessity for the game. I mean, I like fun things, so that's cool. I'll be sure to tell everyone about it when I play it.

Rock Band is still greatly anticipated, but its Mario time for the next week.

On the 3rd day of Rock Band...

On the 3rd day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me 3 TVs, Super Mario Bros 3 and an announcement on DLC.

I had a video game program thing at college today. It was moderately successful. People came, it was cool. Tomorrow will not be tournaments...which sucks, but whatever...less planning for me.
I learned a few things.
1) Don't bank on the non-gamer crowd to show up, even if they trip and fall into it. They will still get intimidated and leave.
2) Guilt more friends into coming. Thats the only reason the ones of the library worked.
3) Perhaps take drinking/pot breaks
4) Drop acid

As you can see, it could've gone better. But whatever...the people that showed up seemed to enjoy themselves.

Friday, November 9, 2007

On The 2nd Day of Rock Band... (Super Mario 64 is Jesus)

On the 2nd day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me Super Mario Bros. 3
and an announcement on DLC...

I've been playing a lot of Super Mario Bros. 3 thanks to Wii's brillant amazing dollar-eating Virtual Console. If I were a weaker man (and I am already a weak man), I would be flat fucking broke selling my body for Wii Points on the streets of Paterson.
As it stands, I have some modicum of self control and I did not secede to that.

I'm relatively proud of my school escapades so far. In Mission: Finish All Work Before Rock Band, I have been suceeding. As it stands, I have 3 pages of a 10 page paper to finish due on 11/21, a book to read (or at least read enough) and a 4 page paper to write by Wednesday and another book to read half of by Thursday. Also, there is the pending portfolio I should begin working on for my Creative Writing final.
The happy note out of all this: I finally prove my worth as an English major. I've had 3 papers that I've received back so far. All 3 papers have been As and I've only been satisfied with one of them. I rock. Imagine if I didn't rush these papers and dwelled on them longer. Everything would be awesome. Oh shit, it already is!

Super Mario Galaxy is my surging dark horse right now. I was kind of ho-hum about this game for a long time. I mean, its a main Mario game, I guess I'm there. I wasn't there for Sunshine, but whatever. I was not in full control of my gaming dollar. Actually, I was, I was just stupid and didn't understand video game economics (that is, trying to find the sweetest deal ever and possibly trading in games to fufill it).
But as I read and hear more and more about Super Mario Galaxy, it appears to truly be some sort of second coming of the Video Game Christ (Super Mario 64).

Now to cut that Mario Galaxy rant off completly, let's look at Super Mario 64 as the Video Game Christ. Let's see...It arose in a time of video game division. Sega and Nintendo has split gamers and Sony had widened the gap. It came about, highly praised, but the platform it was on was screwed over by its own Judas kiss to Sony. Its been highly revered by all. Probably hated by a bunch of people. I guess Jews don't beleive in It. Now people (myself included) doubt Its second coming.
I could probably drag that paralel out longer, but I doubt anyone cares. So go fuck your mother...or, you know, leave a comment and I'll think about this further.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

On the 1st day of Rock Band...

On the 1st day of Rock Band my bandmates gave to me an announcement on DLC...

So In Rock Band news, there were some pretty sweet announcements.
First, in regards to the actual game, Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld is apparently going to be a bonus song. Holy shit, now we can all pretend to be retarded!
Second, some Downloadable Content news...Apparently there's going to be an amazing list of DLC consisting of Heroes (Bowie), Roxanne (The Police), War Pigs (Black Sabbath), Buddy Holly (Weezer), Fortunate Son (CCR), Jukebox Hero (Foriegner) and MY SHARONA!!!!
here's a link

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is nearing release. I will probably watch Super Mario Bros the Movie this weekend in preparation.

I'm sorry this post sucks. I'm tired and trying to finish a 300 page book that I started today by tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

13 Days Til Rock Band

I sit here at my place of work with just under 13 days until Rock Band comes out.
As most of you might be aware, I am just a little bit excited for this game.
As a treat to all of my reading faithful, I will post once every day until the game comes out. The post might not be anything about Rock Band (it probably will) but I will write something everyday until the game comes out.
So from November 7th until just before the clock strikes midnight and closes out November 19th, be prepared.

So anyway, Rock Band has done some cool things before it has even come out. For one, it has gotten me into Rush. Tom Sawyer is an amazing fucking song. I always liked YYZ in GH2 and have never really hated on Rush. I knew Neil Peart was a great drummer and that, according to Dave the Lighting Guy in Orgazmo, Geddy Lee is 'the best bass player ever'. It wasn't until I played Tom Sawyer with the Stephen Rockers at Rock Band Tour Philly that I truly realized how awesome this band is. I can't wait to play Tom Sawyer a lot and attempt to beat the song on Expert on drums.

Super Mario Galaxy is sneaking up on me. Its also not receiving the credit from me it deserves. I've put Rock Band on this outrageous pedastal when the game that is being compared to Super Mario Bros 3 just kind of chills waiting for me to be like, "Oh shit, that came out today. I guess I'll buy it. *shrug*"
I've yet to read a negative thing about Mario Galaxy and I hurriedly downloaded Super Mario Bros 3 on Virtual Console to get myself mentally prepared. While I am saddened by the lack of Tanooki Suit, I'm joyous for the 3D Fire Flower and the various other power ups. I am currently planning on watching the Wizard at some point in preparation. I could always do some weird shit and look at pictures of Rilo Kiley and then feel really awkward when I watch the Wizard and Jenny Lewis appears in all her tomboy-prepubescent manner. Oh, and apparently there's some fucked up date rape video where Fred Savage kills DJ from Full House. Chalk that up there with Ryan Reynolds being 12 years old with a drunk mom in a Canadian after school special.

Steve Rock (Sly Rocktar of Stephen Rockers fame) tried to talk me into getting Call of Duty 4 because apparently the game just totally rapes Halo 3. All the hype I've read points to this statement being true, but I just can't bring myself to buying another first person shooter, considering I barely play Halo 3 right now and haven't even beaten campaign (its not that it was hard or anything, I just don't care. If I sit down to play Halo 3, its usually for multiplayer). Also, I'm already overwhelmed by games coming out. I've gone over it in the past. This month is fucking packed. And there's already at least 3 games that I can think of that are already out that I really want to buy. This is going to be the best offseason of gaming ever for me because I'll probably have the likes of Mass Effect, Zack and Wiki, Assassin's Creed and NiGHTS to keep my busy. Although Brawl comes out in February and Mario Kart Wii comes out in Spring...
What the fuck! Is there even an offseason anymore? I need an offseason! How the fuck else am I going to keep up with gaming.
Oh yea, that span of 2-3 years when the next generation of systems come about and everything is dead...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Stephen Rockers Reunion Tour (Rock Band Tour Post)

I make a lot of regrettable decisions throughout my life. While I definitely don't take back anything that I've done over the years since that would alter who I am now, but there are things I would've done differently.
Going to the Rock Band Tour in Philly yesterday was not something I would ever consider taking back.
For the uninitiated, the Rock Band Tour is a crafty ass method of pimping teh warez of the wonderful video game called Rock Band. Basically, this tour bus goes to college campuses and video game expos/conventions and offers a demo of the greatest game ever made.
The Stephen Rockers (The Bear on vocals, Sly Rocktar on guitar, The Cahn on bass and Nick Monaghan on drums) rocked some faces off during the tour stop at America's Video Game Expo in Philadelphia.
I will be sure to post the videos of our renditions of Black Hole Sun and Wanted Dead or Alive when they are posted on the website.

This post doesn't have a lot of meaning. I just wanted to tell everyone how amazing Rock Band is and how everyone should fucking buy it right away.

Monday, October 29, 2007

One GHIII related note

I was reading the IGN review of Guitar Hero III for 360 and I came across this very true paragraph:
"Little vignettes have also been added between each tier. They're a decent addition and nice to watch, but they also highlight a facet of the game we could do without. One of the little scenes shows the band getting upset at accusations that they've sold out. That's fine, except that Activision clearly sold Guitar Hero out in every way it could. The story is rather hypocritical. Ads are fed into the game, an entire stage was sold to Pontiac, and there is even an Axe Body Spray guitar. Sponsorships are nothing new in the Guitar Hero franchise, but in the past they were kept strictly to music related brands. These are the sort of ads that don't bring anything to the game and really have no place. Not cool. Not cool at all."

That is what is wrong with this game! BAM! Well said (for once), IGN.

I need more allowance! Yodel-lay-he-hoo!

Its been quite a while since I actually finished a post. I just cleared out my back log of 3 half-written posts that were never finished. I shall now summarize them for you.
1) A dissertation on what games I should buy
2) I play Guitar Hero a lot
3) Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law got delayed til next year because Capcom realized 18 million other games were coming out in November.

Speaking of that, I'm pretty November 2007 might be one of the busiest months in gaming history. While there is no big launch of a new system, its the first time since gaming arguably became mainstream that 3 systems have been running at full speed.
That is, if we argue that gaming didn't become mainstream until about 2002-2003, when Gamecube was already declared dead by the general populous because its one mainstream title, Super Smash Bros Melee, had come out 2 weeks after launch. I'm still of the opinion that the majority of people that saw the original Twilight Princess trailer thought it was coming out on a new console since Gamecube was already being completely ignored by every company except Nintendo.
But anyway, November is fucking busy...and we are currently 2 days away from it.

Now this is where I go into the three previous posts that were never officially posted.

We are currently coming off the release of Guitar Hero III, which I'm pretty sure will top Halo 3 in sales, except it won't officially be so because GHIII is coming out for 5 different systems and that means there are 5 different SKUs.
On that note, Guitar Hero III is a wonderful game. A game. That's all. Its no longer the revolution that Harmonix joyously brought us two years ago. I can see why Harmonix left it. I'm having a lot of fun with this game but, in my opinion, it brings nothing substantially new to the series and genre besides new songs. The battle mode is cool but it makes it less of "OMFG I'm playing guitar!' and makes it 'Oh shit, I gotta get the power-ups!' I've made this comment to a lot of people but it still holds true: I'm waiting to fail a song and hear the Mario Game Over music.
Although the boss battles are very fun, but I'd much rather just have it be a straight up face-off.

So anyway, the month of November is almost upon us and there is a veritable maelstrom of games coming our way.

The first week (Oct 28-Nov 3) offers some fun options that might sucker the person who is unaware of the grander things to come.
Manhunt 2 (Wii, PS2) comes out just in time for Halloween and for a short time following the end of the controversy this game provided, I wanted it. Then I saw the new trailer and heard the testicle-crunching scene was removed. Sadness...
The Simpsons Game (A lot) is also coming out. I think in time for the DVD, but I have seen no mention of the DVD in my all-internet, little-TV-watching world.
Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) is one of the latest in the long line of games Nintendo doesn't advertise. I'll be honest, I fucking forgot this game was even coming out. Whatever. If you like RTS', you'll probably like this game.
Viva Pinata: Party Animals (360) also hits stands this week. Downloaded the demo at Lauren's behest. Its terrible terrible Sonic-and-the-Secret-Rings-Mario-Party-copy crap. When is Viva Pinata DS coming out anyway? We need that game like we need water. A lot.
Virtua Fighter 5 (360) comes out too. *yawn* Played the PS3 demo many moons ago. Not a big fighter dude. I am looking forward to Street Fighter 4 though. Mainly because my fighting game preference comes from nostalgia (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom and Super Smash Bros)
So there's week one. This is light and I'll probably only purchase the Simpsons Game, but not right away. I recommend BWII for anyone who enjoys RTS and Manhunt 2 just simply doesn't excite me anymore.

So Week 2 (Nov 4-10) begins...
Call of Duty 4 (360, PS3) comes out and this game looks fucking awesome. However, my FPS quota has been filled with Halo 3 and thus, I'm passing (for now) on what appears to be Halo's only FPS competitor.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii) looks to be only must-almost-buy of the week. I remain a bit hesitant because Sega has done nothing but break my heart over the years but, like a beaten girlfriend, I keep on being optimistic that they're going to change. This game should be solid because of Nintendo's minor involvement, but NiGHTS worries me.
Fire Emblem (Wii) is released in the same demographic as Battalion Wars. It fits the bills for the game Nintendo forgets they are releasing. It just seems to be no improvement from prior Fire Emblem games and thus, I remain unexcited. They're good games, but they're just not for me anymore.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (A lot) looks to be a solid upgrade for the series. This has always been a series I wanted to get into but can never justify spending a lot of money on it and usually always end up skipping on it. I will probably buy this game in a year or two when a November is not as packed as this (will it ever happen?).
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Some Ridiculous Subtitle (PS2) comes out and promises to be the best golf-fighting game ever.
Interesting note: Viva Pinata hits PC this week. Since my strength lies in consoles, I had no idea of this. If you don't a 360 and own a decent computer, buy this game.
The only game this week that demands my money is Mario & Sonic, but even that might swallowed up by my zest for the coming weeks...

If this month were a movie, this would be the beginning of a two part climax (ew...sticky). Week 3 (Nov 11-17) brings about the most games and is the week that the delayed Harvey Birdman was originally going to come out.
The headliner of this week is obviously Super Mario Galaxy (Wii). This will be a possible Game of the Year and is on an elite level all of its own. Its Mario and it controls wonderfully and from my brief experience with the game, it elicits that magical feeling that one gets whenever he plays Super Mario 64 (which I'm pretty sure is required to be played before you graduate high school now).
Contra IV (DS) rounds out the must-buys for the week and will probably frustrate me until the day I die (which is hopefully years from now. I've got to be able to stay alive until 311 becomes classic rock and is featured in Rock Band). Trust me, this shit is hard.
Assassin's Creed (360, PS3) is a game that would probably be a sure purchase for me at any other time of the year. However, it comes out a week before Rock Band and the same day as Super Mario Galaxy and Contra IV. As much as Kristen Bell's vocal involvement compels me to buy this game, I might have to pass.
Rayman Raving Rabids 2 (Wii) should be infinitely better than its predecessor. This game has no identity crisis anymore. It knows it is born to be a multiplayer game and it shall run with glee through the grassy fields.
Soul Calibur Legends (Wii), while not the fighter we all wish it would be, is still should be an amazing game that delves into the highly involved story that Soul Calibur apparently has. I think Raphael is in it and it will probably include some sort of demonic blade thingy.
We'll follow up Soul Calibur with an actual fighting game. DBZ: Budokai Tenakaichi Gibberish Jap Speak 3 (Wii) is going to once again show the world how a non-Smash Bros fighting game is done on Wii. And its going to be online. Allon, please buy this.
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) represents the shooter game that probably will have the least frustrating controls of any Resident Evil game ever. I wish I would buy this day 1 and shoot shit all the time. However, I need more allowance.
Beowulf is supposed to be bloody as fuck. Cool
Luxor and Puzzle Quest come out for Wii this week. A Zuma clone and probably the coolest puzzle/RPG hybrid ever? These will be must purchases in the lull of spring/summer.
This week basically has two games on the innovative pieces of work Nintendo is championing. Super Mario Galaxy and Contra IV overshadow every other good game coming out this week. I don't have enough time to play all this shit!

This second to last week (the climax/falling action of our epic) is ROCK BAND WEEK!!!!
I'm buying Rock Band this week. Duh.
Link's Crossbow Training (Wii) sees release this week. I will buy this, but only because its 20 bucks.
Mass Effect (360) is going to be amazing, but its not Rock Band and I won't play it yet. I wish I had time, but alas, Rock Band is more important than the spiritual sequel to KOTOR.
I probably missed games this week, but after mentioning Rock Band, I stopped focusing on this and started daydreaming about Rock Band.

Week 5 is a shitty denouement. Nothing of note comes out.

So...the month's tally comes to:
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games $49.99
Super Mario Galaxy $49.99
Contra IV $34.99
Link's Crossbow Training $19.99
Rock Band $169.99
Grand Total (+Tax) $347.70

That's an entire paycheck at my job and then some.
Fuckin' titties, man. Fuckin' titties...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bionic Jack Black and Actual Feelings

Since I last left you, there has been some awesome news revealed as well as some shitty news.
Luckily the shitty news came first this time instead of last week when Nintendo revealed Sonic and then quickly announced the 2 month delay, thus putting a terrible dirty taste in people's mouths and some coal in their stockings.

Shitty news: Rock Band Tour Dates in Philly, NYC and Rutgers are apparently all cancelled. However, Philly has been rescheduled for Nov 1-4. So all is not shit.

Now on to the good news.
Bionic Commando, the NES classic with the exploding Hitler head, is being reimagined and coming out for 360, PS3 and PC. While not as wonderful as the possibility of Wii Commando and desperately lacking Nazis, this game looks to be visually stunning and should be teh awesome. I like the way the story appears to be going with the original game seeming to happen in some kind of fuzzy past or at least that is the way I take it. Basically some Bionic Commando saved the day years ago and is being framed for crimes and now after some terrorist attack he is the world's only hope. Whatever, I played Bionic Commando for the good gameplay and laughable story. So keep up the good work.

On the same note of good news, everyone should go check out the trailer for the video game Brutal Legend. The rough plot of this game is apparently a roadie (voiced by Jack Black) has to save the world by fucking slaughtering demons.
Totally a must buy.

Lauren got Beautiful Katamari yesterday and its as crazy and Japanese as I expected. If you fail something the game yells at you and is all like, "What do you think you are? A video store clerk? A screenwriter?"
Which makes me laugh, because its yelling at me.
Holy shit that was a wonderful segue into a soliloquy about how I'm unsure of what the fuck I want to do with my life.
I mean, I have no musical talent, so the immediate answer to that question (I wanna rock) is out.
I had that whole dream of being a writer. Living off crumbs and writing and eventually rolling in stupid rich money. I wanted to make movies and write fiction. In an ideal world, I would do that.
However, this is no ideal world and Shakespeare's got to get paid, son.
The whole screenwriting/moviemaking shit isn't worth it. With the advent of everything that's going on and the ease of making dumb movies and the popularity of the 'slacker' genre that I would probably be pidgeonholed in thanks to Kevin Smith's success, it would just be a very poor decision unless I had that drive to do it like I did in my youth. (I know I am still technically in my youth, but when I say youth, I mean non-monetary concious days (which are long behind me)).
Thus I raise myself a better question. Why in the fuck am I an English major if I don't want to be a writer? Well, dear reader, if you've been reading all these shit that I've been writing in this here blog, I obviously totally want to enter video game journalism. And I think I'm going to go for that. While I am in college and that means I can change that idea over and over and rework it until I graduate and have to find some means of getting money steadily, I think it is a sound idea.
Movies aren't as much of a focus of my world anymore. I love watching them and quoting them, but its fallen into more of a hobby of mine than anything else. Video games kind of became my job a long time ago thanks to the Video Game Programs and they still remain my chief hobby. Most people check CNN and shit when they wake up in the morning. I stay up until 3 AM to see the Smash Blog update and then wake up in the morning and check 8 different sites to see their opinion on it. And then check 8 more to see more video game news.
I'm done for now because I can't think of where to go next on this, but be prepared for many other 'What the fuck do I wanna do with my life?' rants in the future.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Brawl is Delayed. Here's The Bright Side.

There is none.

Yes, Super Smash Bros Brawl is delayed until February 10th, 2008. That sucks balls. However, after watching the videos from today's Media Summit, this game is fucking godly. I can't wait.
One thing that stood out: Entrances are back.
So yea, more on Brawl tomorrow.

The Bright Side to Brawl's Delay.
That's what I've been searching for all day. I'm trying to get over the game's delay and it sucks.
Let's look at other games coming out that will help the wait to Brawl be more fun.

1. Rock Band (XB360/PS3)
Rock Band will be amazing and is now set to be Game of my Year since Brawl is delayed.

2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Now that Brawl is delayed, Mario Galaxy will sell more than carloads, it'll sell boatloads. I feel as if this game needs more recognition as once the Bee fervor died down, its been kind of sameness. Mario Galaxy will be amazing (and not delayed)

3. Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law (Wii/PS2/PSP)
The show's over but the game has just begun. Phoenix Wright with voice-acting and more comedy? and Capcom-references coming out of every orifice? Bitchin'

4. Contra IV (DS)
Fuck yea! Bring the spread gun!

5. Beautiful Katamari (XB360)
Rolling shit is awesome/

6. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Cock (XB360/PS3/Wii/PS2)
GH is awesome. Not quite Rock Band but still solid.

7. Mario & Sonic At the Olympics (Wii/DS)
Sonic's in Brawl, but he was in this shit with Mario first. Should be a solid fun title. Good Olympics games are usually fun.

8. Mass Effect (XB360)/Assassin's Creed (XB360/PS3)
Now that Brawl is delayed, I might actually consider buying these games!

9. Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (Wii)/Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)/Soul Calibur Legends (Wii)
These games too...

10. Eternal Sonata (XB360)/skate (XB360/PS3)/Dewy's Adventure (Wii)/Zack and Wiki (Wii)/The Simpsons Game (XB360/Wii/PS3/DS)/Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii/DS)
this delay sucks because now I'm probably going to buy more games because Brawl won't be there to own me.
Rock Band might not be able to withstand the duress of suppressing my wallet...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In Other News... (Nintendo Conference)

Kirby Superstar DS = amazing
Only thing better would be that and Kirby Superstar on Virtual Console. Actually, if it comes out for DS, that might dash our Kirby Superstar VC hopes.
Super Mario Stadium Baseball is coming out for Wii. The official subtitle was also announced. SMSB: Hitting and Pitching Balls to Bats In A Simulated Mario Baseball Setting.
(Note: Super Mario Stadium Baseball is the Japanese name. Mario Strikers Charged is something like "Mario Smash Football ChargedROFLCOPTER!" in Japan or something)
(Other Note: The game will rule and hopefully not be overshadowed like Mario Superstar Baseball)
Mario Kart Wii is coming out in Spring 2008 and apparently will have motorcycles. Well, at least its not two people per kart.
WiiWare (original game content released over the internet) is coming in March 2008 and will launch with a side-story sequel to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.
The games I care about that are hitting WiiWare? Dr. Mario and Bomberman.
Disaster: Day of Crisis has apparently not been cancelled. Still don't know what the hell it is about.
Wii Music looks to be the sequel-in-spirit to Wii Sports.
Wii Fit is irritated by that statement, but hey, yoga's a little 'mo-ish and the game and the balance board are looking to be about 10 dollars south of Guitar Hero.
However, Wii Fit is coming out in December in Japan and probably around then in the US. That stupid fact makes the Brawl delay a lot more likely.
Although maybe Wii Fit will come out in January in America and Brawl will come out in the US in December.
Holy crap I want Brawl to come out this year...
Timesplitters 4 has been announced.
If it comes out for Wii, Halo 3 might have a challenger.

Sonic the Hedgehog is in Super Smash Bros Brawl...but at what cost?

Yes, for all you internet-vidiot sad sacks (like me), you know that at around 3 AM this morning, Sonic the Hedgehog was revealed to be in Super Smash Bros Brawl, thus spinning the circle of events that began with Electronic Gaming Monthly making a wonderful April Fool's Joke about a dubious secret to unlock Sonic and Tails in Melee.
I'll get to my minor complaints and questions about Sonic's involvement later, but first we have more pressing issues.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is appearing to not be coming out on December 3rd, 2007. It might not even be coming out in the current year.
I blame Sonic. You can blame Nintendo. Whatever. This sucks.
Currently the game is scheduled to be released in Japan on January 24th, 2008 which makes that a better sticking point for when the game will American soil.

As depressing as the fact that Brawl is likely missing the holiday season and I'll only have its compatriot for the best game ever made in the modern era (Rock Band) to wipe my tears (it won't be too hard to wipe my tears on the ginormous drum set), this might be for the best.
Yes, I just said a delay might be for the best. Way to go, Miyamoto, your age-old adage is too true. "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
I implore you, dear reader, to go and watch the most recent trailer (if its not on the front page, go to the notices tab) and just be amazed at the sheer beauty and scope of this game.
You've got your multiplayer with more improvements than you can shake a banana peel at.
You've got your in-depth single player (and co-op) affair with boss battles and story.
You've got your stickers for sticking and your trophies for trophing.

This game will fucking rock your world whether it comes out now or next year. End of story. 'nuff said.

Now back to Sonic...
My main complaint with the ol' Hedgehog is this. What the fuck else does he do besides jump on enemies and spindash? Like for serious. He's just quick and can turn into a ball. I think he's a great addition to the game but what are his special attacks going to be outside of 'jump in air, curl into ball, hurt people.' I guess he could dash or something like Foxco's dash in Melee.
Whatever, Sakurai is the shit. I have complete faith in his design.

Goddamn I hope its not delayed...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Video Game Quadrathlon II Announcement

Here is a world exclusive Video Game Quadrathlon II Announcement
The third game in our second bi-annual tournament will be...
Worms Armageddon

That makes 3 of the 4 games public knowledge and makes them:
1. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
2. F-Zero X (N64)
3. Worms Armageddon (DC)
4. ?????

This is for Billy...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Seemingly Random Musings

Video Game Program tomorrow at the Hopewell Library at 12 Noon - 4 PM. Be there!
It'll probably be focused on Halo 3, but Wii will be present and so Melee will probably be played.
However, the Guitar Hero Playing Device (PS2) is not making the trip. Hopefully Steve Rock will bring his guitar for the 360 version so GH will be made available.
I still really want to buy Skate (360). The demo will occasionally pop up in my fucked up Halo dreams and then like, I'll be doing kickflips and grinds with Master Chief and Elites. I liked it better when I'd play some puzzle game a lot and then go to sleep dreaming of playing Dr. Mario or Mean Bean Machine. least I'm not dreaming about Bioshock...
Bioshock is fucking fucked up. Fuck.
I hope NiGHTs 2 (Wii) doesn't suck. I've always wanted to play more of the game but never thought the entry fee of an entire Sega Saturn was worth it.
Mario and Sonic Olympics should salvage the crap that Sega's been putting together. Fencing excites me and so does the fact that its both mascots in the same freaking game. If this game can get to half-Warioware proportions, I'll be content.
After playing a lot more 360 in recent weeks, Nintendo really needs to get their internet shit together. Virtual Console is hot shit but online play? downloadable content?
I've been having a ball with my 360 because of those two things. I've been downloading demos, playing games online, downloading content...
Albeit this will overturn as Halo 3 wears out, I've played a lot more 360 in the past month. My Wii playing has been delegated to these things:
1. Melee (Gamecube game)
2. Sin and Punishment and F-Zero X (Nintendo 64 games)
3. The occasional drunken Warioware game (alcohol influence)
4. Metroid Prime 3, which got shoved aside once Halo 3 came out and appeared to outMetroid Metroid in its second level with all the fucking backtracking. Although MPrime3 outHalo'd Halo with its opening scene with the spaceship getting attacked.

So my Wii playing has been older games and drunkeness primarily.
My 360 playing has been generally new and sober.
With the advent of GHIII (which 360 won my purchase) and Rock Band, there will be a veritable brawl...
Super Smash Bros Brawl is coming out for Wii.

Oh fuck, Nintendo wins.
Go Yankees.
Packers are still the best team in the NFL.

Contra is the definition of bad ass

So Contra IV for DS' release date and box art got announced. The box art is totally sweet and it comes out on November 13th, which makes November 13th the busiest fucking day in recent gaming history.
Before I get into why Contra IV is the game to buy on DS, let's look at some of the choice releases scheduled for November 13th.

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Assassin's Creed (360/PS3)
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
Soul Calibur Legends (Wii)
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (Wii)
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law (Wii, PS2)
Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii)
and now...Contra IV (DS)

Let's ignore the fact that this date is sandwiched between GHIII and Rock Band...or is a week away from Mass Effect.
I hate game companies, they should really have the brains that movie companies do and space film releases out.

Anyway, Contra IV is a must own DS game if you have ever found yourself humored by any Contra game. Shooting in such a rhythmically beautiful fashion is rarely topped.
Makes me regret not making the Iran-Contra Affair IR movie I planned on making.

In sorrowful DS news, it looks LoZ: Phantom Hourglass is not the gem I thought it would be. This news saddens me greatly. I was eagerly anticipating a wonderfully fine Zelda experience and now I hear about this game's shortcomings and I can't help but see the negatives inherent in this game.
It seems a lot like Red Steel. Not saying it sucks at life and should hop off cliffs, but that it presents a lot of good solid groundwork for someone to come by and be like, "Hey, if I touch this up and focus on the good and erase the bad, it'll be the shit."
Phantom Hourglass benefits from not being outplayed by a crazy Konami game about shooting little electric turd-nuggets with a big goofy gun.
I hear non-stop good things about half of PH, and non-stop bad things about the other half. The control scheme of all stylus reminds me a little of the "I wish it was so much better" nature of Contact's all stylus control scheme.
Also, whats with the hate on lefties? Apparently there is no way to switch control schemes from right handed to left handed. Eiji Aonuma, director of every main Zelda game since Majora's Mask, is slowly taking over Miyamoto's lovable lefty Link and turning him into an Agent of R.I.G.H.T.
Taking a quick glance at Wikipedia, Aonuma must be bitter at Miyamoto for talking him into returning to Zelda for Twilight Princess since the lefty hate began there.

All in all, Contra IV and Phoenix Wright appear to be the two must-buy DS games since Pokemon.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Comments of Varying Length on the 3 Biggest Games of the Fall

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, I've kind of had this fight to finish...

Sorry for the lame intro. Truth be told, I've played one mission in Campaign in Halo 3 and played way too much fucking multiplayer because well, why the fuck else does one buy Halo 3?
Answer: For the multiplayer
And while the game is certainly not ground breaking, it improves on everything that was laid out in the previous games. Albeit, I've heard reports of the Campaign being just a little less disapointing than the rug pull-out that was Halo 2's conclusion and overkill of monotony that was Halo: Combat Evolved's single player affair.
Although I'm sure some of you Halo faithful will disagree and praise the story and gameplay of the Campaigns, I don't buy it. Then again, I actually enjoyed Perfect Dark Zero so maybe my opinion doesn't matter.

But, the game is a freaking blast in Multiplayer and I really don't think it is a game that will ever get old. As I described to my roommate and suitemate, I have only begun to occasionally make out with the metaphorical girl that is Halo 3. I don't know, shit with me and Halo 3 might not get serious. We might never fuck, but right now I've been playing her multiplayer a lot and I feel like we've really meshed.
Note: Attempting to field a baseball game using Rockets and Gravity Hammers doesn't work so well but it is very fun if you throw in the Sentinel Beam.

In other non-Halo 3 news, I harbor good news and bad news.
Good news: Rock Band is going to be $170 for the bundle that comes with guitar, drums and mic. Cool beans considering those items separately would be about 200+. Cool beans, Harmonix...Cool beans.
Bad news: Rock Band is coming out of November 23rd. Now let me tell you all about a little date called November the 23rd. Go....check your calendar. What day is it? ITS FUCKING BLACK FRIDAY!!!! THE WORST GODDAMN SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR!!!! I suppose I might be pulling off an early morning smash-and-grab at a game-selling store and then being lethargic at my house while totally rockin' out while my mom yells at me because I'm not cleaning up after Thanksgiving. Although I heard rumors of Thanksgiving being at my brother's house. This might be good because then my mom won't be the clean nazi she becomes when company comes over. I don't fault my mom for being that way, but it would severly cramp my Rock Band style. I mean, how can I work on singing Suffragette City while playing guitar at the same time?

On a final note: This is the lamest week of Super Smash Brawl Blog ever. I want a new character announcement or something. Today's update was about Tourney mode. It didn't even really fucking say anything. It was just like 'Hey guy, there's gonna be Tourney mode! It's exactly like it was in Melee!!'

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Mild Hootenanny of X-Box 360 Reviews

This will be an abbreviated version of mini-reviews.
Also, I will refrain from mentioning Bioshock, because I am going to write a full-blooded review as soon as I finish it.

Perfect Dark Zero - 7.5/10
A disappointing but solid launch game. Gets bonus points because it has bots (eat it Halo!)

Kameo: Elements of Power - 7.5/10
Rare dropped a disturbingly solid launch game duo with this long-delayed adventure game. Very pretty and pretty fun. Very good concept that will probably never see a sequel but might benefit from such a thing.

Viva Pinata - 9.5/10
Probably one of the best games for 360. Pokemon meets Pinatas meets Harvest Moon. The terrible puns in every pinata name makes it just that damn cool. I mean, c'mon, Chewnicorn! ROARIO! Fudgehog!

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 8.5/10
A very deep game that offers solid gameplay. Although, once you beat the main game and its various arcs (which can be grinded through very quickly), it can get old very quickly. The downloadable content adds to this, but that shit be money.
I guess you can make a new character but I'm sorry, same game with a new character doesn't make a brand new game.
That would be like taking the famous puzzle series Puyo Pop and releasing it on Wii's Virtual Console in its Genesis incarnation, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, and then taking pretty much the exact same game and release it in its SNES incarnation, Kirby's Avalanche and have it be more expensive. Wait...they did that? Oh...this is awkward...

Dead Rising - 9/10
Its fucking Dawn of the Dead, with a bajillion weapons. Fuck yea!
This may go against my somewhat negative comments about Oblivion, but LOTR-ish fantasy shit gets old'd, zombies don't.

XBox Live Arcade Games

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
- 9.5/10
The best launch game for 360 and still one of the best games for the system. Very trippy. Not recommended when you're in an altered state of mind. Trust me.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 9.5/10
Think of this as Castlevania aping Super Metroid. Did anyone notice how I gave Super Metroid a perfect score?
Yea, this game is just as good.
If you own a 360, download this game. For $10 it offers a deeper game experience than most new releases.

Ball - Camera/10
Probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. It uses the XBox Live Camera to control some Ptolmec Pturtle. Fucking stupid shite. I thought I liked it, but then I got really irritable when I played it and then realized that only Mario Strikers is allowed to do that to me and then started burning shit.

As you can probably see, I don't have a huge 360 collection.
If you wish to donate games, go for it. I love free stuff.

I figure I'll write about some games that may or may not be out that I am excited for the 3-red-rings-of-death'd system.

I need this game. The demo is just so enjoyable. It takes everything wrong with Tony Hawk and makes it fun again. I played the demo for Tony Hawk's Proving Ground after it and I couldn't stand it. I love skate for the fact that it encourages you to just fuck around in it.

Eternal Sonata
I've a big on for this RPG about Fredrick Chopin's last moments as portrayed in a freaky music-inspired dream where terminally ill people have special powers.

Mass Effect
New RPG from the guys who brought us KOTOR? Lesbian alien sex? Epic space story?

Guitar Hero III
Getting it for 360 instead of Wii because 360 promises confirmed DLC and I've got another controller for...

Rock Band
Nothing else matters*. Rock Band will rule.

*Super Smash Bros Brawl also matters.

The Packers are the Best Team in the NFL

...For now.
Yes, this joyride of my preferred football team being undefeated will be torn asunder when they finally gain humanity (and has already been deflated by the fact that if they played any of the other undefeated teams, they'd be fucked three sides of Friday) but until they lose a game, there is no truly no team better than them. Sure, there are teams that are equal to them, but they all have the same damn record.
It truly is a joy to see Favre stop struggling and flailing, as has been the case the past few years, and finally see him kick ass and take names like he used to. This proves that Brett Favre is the motherfucking shit and will always be a force to be reckoned with no matter how close to 40 he gets.
I am very excited about the Packers now, because they actually look good and hopefully this will continue.

In other news, Halo 3 comes out tonight. That's cool. I'll write a blog post on Wednesday or Thursday about it so you fucks can know whats what in the world of trilogy finales.

Speaking of trilogy finales, Resident Evil: Extinction was dumb, brainless fun and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't like to think too hard and likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other movies with bad ass women as the lead.
Resident Evil 4 is amazing. (This ain't no damn cutscene! PRESS A! You don't have time to smoke a bowl! PRESS A!)

As a personal note to Billy, I played some more Phoenix Wright, I am at the final day in court of the 3rd trial and I'm about to find out if Phoenix and Co. are wright about who killed Jack Hammer. Speaking of that, did you hear about Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?

I will continue my mini-review shenanigans tonight. Enjoi.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I am weak. This is truly the way the world ends.

Apparently people love T.S. Elliot.
I am currently ensnared by two entertainment vehicles that quote "The Hollow Men"

The first being Richard Kelly's finally-soon-to-be-released film, Southland Tales. Its weird and it stars the Rock and Stifler. Also, Kevin Smith is an old war vet.
Note: Richard Kelly made Donnie Darko. OMG EVREE1 FREEK OUT!
I personally was not all too impressed with Donnie Darko. I didn't know if you made a confusing movie you should get lauded for it. Whatever...Southland Tales seems to be just the right amount of peculiar to make it some mildly thought-provoking fun.

The second entertainment vehicles is the one, the supposed almighty. Teh Halo 3.
As the title says, I am weak. I'm at the point where I am probably going to buy this game at launch. I was in 'fuck it, I'll play Bond' camp until today.
Two things went down.

First, I played Goldeneye 64. Holy shit, that game is so fucking dated. I found myself wishing it was more like Halo. Its aiming is not precise and it is a game that has been hurt by age. Not saying I never want to play the game again, but its old'd. I took me 10 fucking years to finally acknowledge that Goldeneye is an old ass game.
Note: Perfect Dark, however, is still the pinnacle of gaming that all First Person Shooters should strive to be.
Double Note: Only Perfect Dark for the N64. Perfect Dark Zero, while an amusing launch game, is just your standard generic FPS with Joanna Dark in it.

Second, Steve Rock sent me a link to the most recent Video Documentary on about the multiplayer level editor and video recording. He sent me this link the preface of "This finally got me psyched for the game" and it did the same trick for me.
I am finally psyched for the game. Like, for realz.
I'll admit, I'm not that pumped. This is by no means the end-all be-all of video games for me. Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Rock Band still trump the game without even being released. Shit, even the crapfest that will probably be Guitar Hero III will trump Halo 3 in my book.

But I think I'm going to buy the stupid godforsaken game now. I wanna play multiplayer but I wanna play it on my own terms.
I don't want to play this game with hardcore fucktards who will review tape after every match and know where to camp and where every single spawn location and obtuse hiding spot is. I don't want to play this game with people who shoot down the noob who has just picked up the controller after hearing endless hype and decided to give the game a whirl. I don't want to talk to the asshole who pads his score by endlessly killing the same person and using the defense of that 'he or she was in my way!' because you know how to use your radar and you are totally fucking aware of who everyone is. That shit works once or twice, but not everytime you see the person. Fucking cockfuckasscrackholesshitbitches.
I want to play with people who will fuck around and do Wraith Battles. I want to play with people who play the game for fun.

That's my credo for Halo 3 when I buy it, probably on Tuesday.
I'll probably buy it on launch day mainly because I have one class all day on Tuesday and my roommate is excited for Halo 3 and shares a similar philosophy on the game as I. So I'm going to power through Co-op with him and see how the world ends.

Not with a bang but a whimper.

P.S. If any of you readers out there share a similar philosophy on Halo 3 as I do. My totally uberrad bitchin' XBox Live Gamertag is Con Carnage.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shoot Him In The Head! You Don't Have Time To Make A Profile! SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD!

I'm going to preface by telling everyone just how insanely awesome the new DC Animated Movie, Superman Doomsday, is. While my view of the movie might be blinded by the awesome drinking game me and the boys accompanied it with, it was still the proverbial schiznit.
Anyway, see the damn movie. It's awesome.

On a related note (kind of...not really), I finally started watching Arrested Development and let me tell you, that show is damn good and everyone who sang its praises was completly right.

In some blog business news, I think this is how shit will be laid out. Monday is Review day. So that's when I'll continue doing the review crap I started this Monday. Wednesday and Thursday will be meaningless rant days with unspecified topics. Fridays might see action too.

I'm still plugging through Metroid Prime 3 and the game is still really solid. The high review score still stands the test of 2 days.
F-Zero is amazing. I'm really disapointed in the world that F-Zero gets the shaft and other racing games are more popular.
For all you Captain Falcon-loving sons of bitches out there, give F-Zero a chance!

In Video Game Tournament News, we are still currently on tap for a late December Video Game Quadrathlon II. It is with great glee that I reveal the next game for the upcoming 4 game tourney.
Game 1: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
Game 2: F-Zero X (N64)
While I will not be revealing the final two games until time passes and I settle on exactly what games should be in, I will give you this following note about the last two games.
Brawl and F-Zero satisfy the Fighting and Racing pseudo-topics I have enacted. The remaining topics that were present in the first Quadrathlon (Shooting and Sports) are not gurranteed to be in the next one.
I will reveal that the final two games will come from any two of these categories: Shooting, Sports, Puzzle or Worms

But yea, this is getting boring, so I'm gonna peace out of here and await the pending Tokyo Game Show announcement about Kingdom Hearts and pray it's not going to be on PS3 because I really don't wanna have to buy that system.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Regular Hootenanny of Wii Reviews

As promised in my last post, here is the first in a series of console related mini-reviews to show some folks my taste in games.
Who the fuck am I kidding. My readership is Joe and Billy and they've known me for a combined 20 years.
Whatever, I'm bored.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) - 9.5/10
See last post for review.
Madden NFL 08 (Wii) - 7/10
Whacked out controls, regressing graphics...but its still Madden and the multiplayer crap is fun.
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii) - 9/10
A perfect port of a near-perfect game.
Super Paper Mario (Wii) - 8.5/10
Fun, nostalgic platforming fun that oozes charm and humor.
Mario Strikers Charged (Wii) - 9.25/10
Zaniest soccer game ever that's only knock is its ridiculous difficulty.
Elebits (Wii) - 7.5/10
The best launch window FPS on the Wii and you shoot little electric things with a fucking toy gun. Way to shit the bed, Ubisoft. Thats what Far Cry and Red Steel got beat by you dumb fucks. I know this breaks the self-imposed one sentence rule but I don't give two shits. Ubisoft is fucking dumb. I can't believe I bought Red Steel....
Fuckin' A!
Just for that...
Red Steel (Wii) - 0/10
Review that might ruin what little respectability I have but whatever, the game only deserves acclaim for setting down suspect groundwork for future Wii FPS' to vastly improve on. Multi-player was fleetingly fun and Krasucki had a decent time with it. Other than that I think more than people performed Harry Carey than actually bothered to control the stupid sword battles. Warioware had one to one sword battles. FUCKING WARIOWARE!!!
Fuckin' A!
Just for that...
Warioware: Smooth Moves (Wii) - 9.5/10
Best multiplayer Wii game yet.
The BIGs (Wii) - 7/10
Lays down solid groundwork for future baseball titles but regardless of controls, the game is weak depthwise and MLB Power Pros should top it.
Mario Party 8 (Wii) - 7/10
While a little on the stale side, the game still brings forth some unique game boards and a solid Wii multiplayer experience with a lot of jerking-off games.
Spider-Man 3 (Wii) - 4.5/10
Betrayal. Deception. Crap. No, these aren't describing the themes of the movie, thats pretty much how the game was. Friend or Foe better kick its ass and I think as long as Friend or Foe is fun, it'll be good.
Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii) - 7/10
This Arabian Nights themed game would've been better if it played like Aladdin for the Genesis instead of Sonic R.
Excite Truck (Wii) - 7.5/10
Mainly gets the knock because it is only 2 player. Would be totally awesome if there was a track editor and 4 player support. Excite Truck 2: Electric Boogaloo would probably rock worlds if this was implemented.
Wii Play (Wii) - 7/10
A bunch of simplistic stupid mini-games that squeaks out an average rating because of Tanks, "Duck Hunt" and the Cow Race.
Wii Sports (Wii) - 8/10
Its the most accesible game for Wii and has almost endless replay value.
Rampage: Total Destruction (Wii) - Big Freaking Monsters/10
It's Rampage in 3D with a lot of unlockable creatures. You all know the drill.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) - 9.5/10
The perfect version of this specific style of Zelda. Let's hope the series evolves but until then it shouldn't be so bad.
Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii) - 7.5/10
Would be one of the best games on Wii if the multiplayer wasn't so dreadful.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Wii) - 7.5/10
The gesture controls aren't neccesarily bad and the game is solid no matter how the controls are.
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Wii) - 8/10
Suprisingly good fighting game that shows how 3D fighting games should be done on Wii. Take notes, Mortal Kombat.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii) - Failed Potential/10
Fuck Amusement Visions for creating one of the greatest multiplayer games of all time and then allowing it to be repeatedly shit on. Also, thanks for fucking up Monkey Target, asshats.

There. Argue with me if you want. These scores are up debate because I didn't put too much thought into them. Expect second opinions and the like as the Wii continues to grow.

An Impromptu Review of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Let me preface this review by stating some sembalance of scale that I will use for these impromptu reviews. I'll rate games out of 10 with average being 7. To give you a sense of my game tastes, I'll do some list of mini-reviews in a later post.

There's a certain point in a game where it grabs you and you're just all like 'well piss, I guess I have to finish you before I delve into any other venture.'
Metroid Prime 3 has reached that point.

Suprisingly so, because Bioshock reached that point a mere two weeks prior, but then I moved into college and the momentum was disrupted.

MPrimeWii (as it could be hiply abbreviated) is a very pretty game. Not pretty in a 'OMGlolz the graphix are all realistic!' but pretty in a very sweet solid way. While the graphics don't stun, they get the job done and they do it well. Right off the bat you can notice the polish that the game has. It doesn't have to attention to detail that games such as Bioshock have, but it has that Metroid way of doing things. By Metroid way, I mean Super Metroid/Metroid Prime 1, not Prime 2. Prime 2 was a bunch of butt.
Butt yea, very solid and pretty graphics. Good sense of mood and tone. If there is one thing Retro Studios nailed in the 3D revamp of Metroid, it was the mood and tone that Super Metroid perfected. I am currently in the patented spooky dilapidated spaceship scene and its the usual 'Oh shit, a big freaking Metroid is going to pop out at any second' horror movie mentality that usually happens around halfway through any Metroid game. Usually the big Metroid never comes until later, but it is still creepy as shit.

The big new thing with the new game has definitly been the controls. While I did not waste my time with the bounding box ridden lesser control schemes, I can say that the Advanced control scheme is quite joyous. It controls like a dream and sets the standard that all Wii FPS games should strive for. While there is an apparent learning curve, the game controls well and the farther you progress in the game the more you get used to the new method of controlling.
I have read a few reviews where people complain about some peculiar button placement on the Wii Remote (ex. the missiles are down on the D-Pad...Pausing is the 1 button) but I've racked my brain on alternate control schemes and for the context of the game, the controls are perfect after a little getting used to.

The actual game has been very good although a little too linear for Metroid standards. Part of me doesn't mind the little bit of linearity but I can understand why some hardcore fans would be disgusted. Although I'm noticing a more exploratory approach in the early beginings of the second half of the game. The added functionality of the ship has been cool but very underdeveloped. I did enjoy the moment when I accidentally used my ship's missiles in an open area and blew the fuck out of some Lizalfos (I forget the name, but they ain't Space Pirates and they're Lizardmen...thus, it must be a Zelda reference).
The boss battles have been rather spectacular thus far and I anticipate them only getting better the closer I get to endgame. The majority of them are huge and have patterns that take more time to figure out than the average boss. Some highlights include a midair duel with Ridley, a battle with a ball-craving war golem and a slippery fight with a plasma beam wielding corrupted being (Not Dark Samus).
The powerups have been standard Metroid fare but I just recently got the Screw Attack and its as cool as ever as it was in Metroid Prime 2. Probably one of the few good things to come out of Prime 2.

The voice acting and story that have been going on in the game has been standard fare but it definitly suits the space nature of the series and I welcome the appearance of story in Metroid games with wide open arms. It is about freaking time Nintendo put solid voice acting in a game not about a Fox.

I think that about concludes this inaugural review. I hope it didn't suck too bad and it was good for you and good for me...ya know, just like sex.

Final Score: 9.5/10
Final Very Long Summary Sentence: A very good single player experience with such wonderful new features like Wii controls and voice acting that has very few drawbacks.

My Opinion on Other Metroid Games
Metroid (NES) - 6/10
Super Metroid (SNES) - 10/10
Metroid Prime (GCN) - 8.5/10
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN) - 7/10
Metroid Prime Pinball (DS) - 7.5/10

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Hero! F-Zero! and melee, mprime, zelda, bioshock and more

F-Zero is awesome. 'Nuff Said.

I've been in embroiled in a Super Smash Bros. Melee wiki read where I learned of shffl-ing and wave-dashing.
Whatever, I don't want to learn that stuff or else then Melee would lose its fun.
Brawl will still own my face. I can't wait. It kinda sucks that I'm going to fail this semester after putting in effort for 3 months.
I probably won't be in any classes from November 20th to Mid-December.

Metroid Prime 3 is still alluring and harkens back to the mystique that Metroid Prime had when I first got it. The mystique that Metroid Prime 2 had for about two minutes before the stupid fucking alien thing was like 'Save usssssss!' and I was all like 'Hell no' but Samus is mute so I couldn't verbalize my thoughts.
I mean, I know the Aurora Units are probably evil because of the corruption and the Mother Brain comparisons, but that doesn't stop me from being in love with this game.
While the boss battles run rather long sometimes, its an epic adventure in itself figuring out how best to kill these giant intimidating creatures. It's a challenge as well. Something that Twilight Princess lacked.

Don't get me wrong, Twilight Princess was what I wanted in a Zelda game, but the game was pretty damn easy and I think Nintendo needs to make what they want in a Zelda game and not what the fans want.
We currently have one good example of this and one bad example.
Good Example: Phantom Hourglass for the DS.
The more I read about this game the more I'm hooked. All Stylus Control that's been subject to rave reviews over in Japan? Awesome. Many dungeons and a direct sequel to Wind Waker? Cool. Some weird dude who graces the cover and gives you your boat? Umm...ok.
Bad Example: Link's Crossbow Training for the Wii
Most of my fan base (please tell me you exist) probably has not heard of this unless they've heard it from me, but Link's Crossbow Training is a cheap game that is coming packaged with the Wii Zapper (aka The Wii Tommy Gun). It apparently is going to be about Link and how he gets his new crossbow and is like "let's shoot some shit." I remain optimistic because this is how I am with Nintendo and other companies that I cautiously trust (Marvel, Sega...actually, no. Sega has lost my trust when they made the new Monkey Ball game) but this Crossbow Training game shouldn't be here. It should be Duck Hunt.
Duck Hunt would sell boatloads and I don't get why Nintendo doesn't just fucking remake Duck Hunt, warts and all, and release it on Virtual Console or as a $20 game.
Whatever, they're making more money than I can fathom. We'll see if they can actually market themselves out of a paper bag.

Bioshock is still wonderful but I'm noticing a kind of inherent fault in this game. Once you reach a certain point, there's not much new shit to do. I'm relatively sure I have access to almost all of the Plasmids and Weapons and I'm about 2/3 through the game (I think, I'm in Fort Frolic.)
I love this game. Still one of the best games I've played in a long time, but after the "holy shit I'm electrocuting things and beating them with wrenches" glee wears off, you're left with a very sound game that looks pretty. Not as ground-breaking as the world is telling you.
Still a lot of fun and everyone should see it in action.
It's also incredibly fucked up. There was an audio log about this demented artist ripping off bunny ears.

Speaking of incredibly fucked up games, I think Manhunt 2 might take the cake.
I'm still up in the air about buying it, but I figure I'd share this tidbit I read today. Apparently you decapitate a guy and then take his head and use it to get into a door and then the guy who opens it expects to see his friend and then freaks out.
Also, apparently a death scene that was cut out to make it rated Mature instead of Adults Only was using pliers or something to crack some dude's nuts.
Yea, pretty fucked up.
Mull that one over.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Halo 3 and My Purchasing Decision.

I've currently become embroiled in the web browser game Sproing. It is fun. You basically just drag a ball around a screen and build momentum and hit green balls while not hitting ones of color. Its high class.

I've been dwelling on Halo 3 for a while. Whether or not to get it. Do I truly care? Do Spartans actually hold my interest? Is Master Chief anything more than one bad-ass line to me? (That bad-ass line is, of course, "I need a weapon." I've gotten into the habit of throwing that line at people when I, well, need a weapon.)
My ultimate answer is "I don't give two flying fucks about finishing the fight." Master Chief and his gang-banging group of Arbiters can go fuck themselves because I don't care about the story. I didn't care in Halo, I cared for five minutes in Halo 2 and I still don't care about it in Halo 3. I understand people enjoy the story and apparently it is sci-fi gold (blasphemy in my opinion. Sci-Fi gold to me is BSG and Firefly. So, I guess I enjoy real characters and solid interaction and development as opposed to bullshit about 3 warring races worried about ancient rings. I've played too many Sonic games to learn that rings can old fast. I don't give a shit if you rename it, a Halo is still a ring. And I'm still waiting for Master Chief's Cooking Mama turn since if you drop the I, he is Master Chef.

For people against the wall of text, my final answer is a solid maybe on my purchase of the game. Multiplayer is the only thing that allures me and I might just bring my N64 and Goldeneye and PDark and binge on FPSes with that.
If anyone in my dorm who cares about Halo reads this, you've got a lot of convincing to do because I think I'd much rather purchase Dewy's Adventure and the Didder game for Wii than buy Halo 3. Also, LoZ: Phantom Hourglass comes out the next week and stylus controlled Link trumps "same old shit" Spartans.

And speaking of the present, I still have a handful of games to beat.
That list consists of:
1) Bioshock - I'm about halfway through, maybe more. That might be the next game I beat. When I finish it I'll go on a spoiler-laden rant about it.
2) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - I'm only like 2-3 hours into this, but I've loved every second and can't wait for a long period of time with it.
3) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - It's been so long since I picked this up that I might just restart, but if I don't, I think I've got like 5-6 hours logged and I imagine I'm damn near halfway through the game
4) Dead Rising - Really only bought this because I got it cheap. I'll play it when there's a like in two years.

If I finish all these games, maybe there is a better chance of Halo 3 in my future, but I don't know. I'd rather just play Rock Band and Brawl forever when they come out.

Note: I am totally planning on buying more Halo 3 Game Fuel because the concept is ridiculous and it makes me laugh. The Halo 3 Advertising Campaign is probably one of the funniest ones I've ever seen.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

College: Classes and Video Games

So my schedule is dictating something. I will be gurranteed to be writing in this bitch on Monday and Thursday nights. So all you waiting with the bated breath get at least 2 blog posts per week.

Today's topic: College: Classes and Video Games

My classes are pretty flipping sweet. 60% of my Professors have beards. That's always a good ratio. Also, I've got on Canadien and a few of my Professors have totally smoked the reefer. Being a English/Philosophy student, that's what I look for in teachers.
Beards, nationality and pot smoking.
But seriously, show me an English or Philosophy Professor who hasn't smoked pot and I'll show you my Creative Writing teacher, who makes up for whatever English or Philosophy Prof hasn't smoked.
He pulled a wonderful switcheroo on the class. He seemed all legitimate with a little hint of intrigue. Than, about a half hour in the class, he drops an f bomb. Then explains his life.
He almost flunked high school because he smoked too much pot, then he joined the army and ran illegal gambling and candy rings and lasted 10 weeks before he got the fuck out of there. He started snorting coke after that and that was followed by bouncing around rehabs until he followed the Grateful Dead around the world and wound up in Seattle where he worked for Starbucks Corporate and opened Starbucks. His sister died and he went back to college and became a writer/professor.
That class should rock my face off.
My Methods of Literary Analysis professor doesn't have the same colorful background that my CW guy does, but he reminds me of Woody Allen with an influx of Monty Python and the Simpsons. Cool beans.
My Existentialism professor is pretty much Lewis Black. I wish I taped his rant today. I think what can sum this up is this dialogue:
Student: What books are we going to read?
Professor: What am I, a fucking prophet?
My Gym teacher is Canadien.
My Sci-Fi teacher was talking Sandman with me, so I respect that. We're also reading Harry Potter, Neverwhere and the Golden Compass.

So there goes the boring shit.
My assessment of the semester? I'm getting straight A's. Not because of easiness but because straight A's would be dope as hell.

Onward to the second part of my self-imposed topic which I'm surmising will be a short essay on my view of video games in college.

My one and only beef with the beginning of this college year.
Too many fucking people wanna play video games and I don't have enough free time. I've been meaning to just binge on Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 but NOOOOO everyone's all socialable and like 'Let's play Halo and Melee and Guitar Hero!'
(Note: If anyone on my floor reads this, my moaning is a little bit of the whiny 3rd grade bitch variety. I don't mind playing Halo or Melee or GH. I actually enjoy it a lot.)
But as I've played Halo for the first time in at least a year, I must say my original impression of the game stands. It is an underwhelming first person shooter that is only bettered by familiarity. Basically, it's Goldeneye. Not a bad thing by any means, but still.
Anyway, Melee is still the greatest multiplayer game ever invented by the Japanese. Brawl should be the only thing that rivals it...that and Rock Band.
Christ will come twice this year. In two different forms: Rock Band and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Guitar Hero is pimp.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Toad Is A Huge Asshole: A Dissection of Mario Party 8

So I played a round of Mario Party 8 with Lauren and my roommate tonight and once again, I wonder why people bitch so much about how terrible that game is supposed to be.
In all honest, the fucking game is a lot of fun. I think people to step back and realize that Mario Party is not this legendary masterful game that our child-like nostalgia holds it be.
Mario Party has always been boring and cheap as shit.
People just fantasize Mario Party 8 being epic and legendary like all the other Mario Parties in their childhood. Did anyone play Mario Parties for Cube? ITS THE SAME CRAP IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING! Who cares if it was fresh then. It was still boring. My pre-pubescent self could still barely sit through one game.
The Wii breathes life into Mario Party 8, placing it 4th on the list of best Wii multiplayer titles (thus far). For anyone that cares, the top 3 spots, in my opinion, are Wii Sports, WarioWare and Mario Strikers Charged. Shit, if anyone wants to contest my view, go for it. I relish controversy.

But whatever, right now I'm bitter that Toad beat all three of us because the little fucktart stole my star and then won a bonus star from walking the most. He's fucking midget Toad, of course he's going to walk the most, he's got little baby legs. Lauren was Boo. Boo doesn't even fucking walk. Just tell me how that star isn't a rip-off.
However, it felt strangely satisfying to whip out two Duelo candies on Toad at the end and whip his bitch ass and steal all his coins.
I fucking hate Toad.
Princess is in another castle? Fuck you, Toad. Go sacrifice yourself for your goddamn Princess you miserable asscrack.
Whatever, I'll still play as you in MKart 64...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Schedule, Video Game Tourney and More

As all 4 of you who read this have become aware, there has been no posting since August 17th.
That was one day shy of 2 weeks ago.
I, obviously, can not keep a schedule.
So that's why I'm going to actually try to keep one.

I am currently in a flux of packing all my shit up and getting prepared to move into college for my second year at William Paterson University and while I am there, I will be forced to keep a schedule, albeit one containing allotted time for video games, binge drinking and other illegal things.

I recently hosted the first annual Video Game Quadrathlon at the library of which housed me as a shelver in my younger days. It was filled with many joyous and moments and had a bunch of people playing Wii Sports Tennis, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 64 and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
The four finalists all played extremely well although the final round slowly became boring as the eventual winner, Joe Patnick, rocked everyone's little world as he placed 1st in every event in the last two rounds except for the 2nd place finish in the final round of Goldeneye. Joe won a Sega Game Gear with Sonic 2, Clutch Hitter and Columns. The runner-up, Aaron Edwards, won arguably the cooler prize which was Banjo-Kazooie advertisement tape from the late 90s'. Nick DePue and the tag team of Billy and Manny Brown rounded out the top 4.
On that note, I would like to announce the tentative plans for the next Video Game Quadrathlon.
With the success of the first one, I am going to try to do this tourney twice a year. Once over the summer and once during the winter. The upcoming tournament will most likely take place in the week between Christmas and New Year's. The only game I can reveal that will not be changed is Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Anyway, I will probably write full reviews of video games and such in the near future. Expect reviews of Bioshock, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Brain Age 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Guitar Hero 80s, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition and whatever else I can throw at all you rat fucks.
I'll continue with my musings about trivial things like Ninja Turtles and how much Pokemon owns my life (which, funny story, isn't happening right now. Emphasis on now).

But anyway, my Brain's not gonna train itself, so I'm gonna go play some Brain Age.

Fuck Pants, yo.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Irony Thy Name Is Peach (For Today At Least)

Last night I binged on Super Smash Bros Melee with Billy and Manny and I discovered an unbeatable force (for the night anyway). A character that no one could beat.
Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom.
I can't really explain it. It might have something to do with her sweet down smash or her frilly umbrella, but Billy and Manny could not touch the fury that was pink and wearing a dress.
Now for the ironic part.
I check the Smash Bros. Dojo website today and what character has information revealed about her?

VG Cats is a pretty damn funny webcomic. I've been reading that at work all morning and churned through the entire collection. The Warioware comic deserves recognition. So does the Mario Bros/300 comic.

Superbad looks fucking fantastic. I will hopefully see that tonight and laugh uproariously at the genius that is currently Seth Rogen.
Even if the movie sucks, he still was in the greatest TV show ever made. (Freaks and Geeks)

Harvey Birdman is amazing. Despite it being over, its still the cream of the crop at Adult Swim, in my opinion. A part of me is sad that the Hanna-Barbera mocking cartoons are dying out. We need more Space Ghost action!

Mario Strikers is still the devil as it continues to thwart me at every attempt I make at beating the second cup.
My gaming affections are getting focused there and on Metroid Prime 3, Melee and Bioshlock.
I believe I've already emphatically talked about my Prime 3 adoration and Melee was touched upon already and didn't really need any explanation to begin with.
Bioshock looks fantastic and I'm pissed off because I keep on hearing wonderful things and I don't wanna be forced to buy it because I don't wanna spend money.
Damn you good games! Why can't I be like Patnick and be bitter at the world of console gaming and just play WoW and the occasional MKart or Melee?

Dewy's Adventure comes out on September 5th...and then we go into another month of about 3-4 games I want.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Last Metroid Is In Captivity, The Galaxy Is At Peace

With those immortal words, one of the greatest games of all time began to totally rock our faces off.
Yes Virginia, I am talking about Super Metroid for the greatest system ever made, the Super Nintendo.
I'm currently firmly baited in Nintendo's very late hype for the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Mother Brain is going to be in it and that excites me in an old-school Metroid fanboy way. For the people not as versed in Metroid lore, Mother Brain is a giant brain that was the final boss in Metroid and Super Metroid. Apparently, as revealed in the latest videos hyping the new game, Mother Brain is apparently trying to have sense made of out of her (it?). Whatever sci-fi "OMG THE GOVERNMENT CREATED THE REAVERS!" bullshit they throw at us, I'm in. I have the game pre-ordered anyway as part of my epic "Buy 3 Harvest Moons at Best Buy for $25 and make about a $20 profit at EBGames" deal.

Speaking of my deal whore nature, I got the Brak Show Season 2 for 15 bucks at Best Buy. However, I negated that saving but caving and buying Harvey Birdman Volume 3 for 27, but I love me some Harvey Birdman.

I'm about to finally try the new Madden for Wii. I trust it will be good. Whatever happens, I have a Packer team to rebuild. I've been asking for a non-dominant Packer team to rebuild on Madden back when they were awesome and now I want my balls-to-the-wall kick ass Packer team back. I mean, Verrand Morency? Who the fuck?

Speaking of sports, the Yankees are on fucking fire. I really hope there are at least three people in Boston that shit their pants. That would make my day.
My nickname for Joba Chamberlain (the Yankee's hot shot rookie pitcher) is Thunderbird, because I love my X-Men and the man is a fiery Native American. Hopefully he won't die in his second issue he's in.

Mario Strikers is the best game on Wii.
You have a differing opinion than me? Then blow me, because I am right and everyone who has played that game knows it is true.
Hammer Spam is cheap.
So is Toad's Flip.
Dry Bones is still pimp.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

There's Halo 3 Soda...I See No Presence of God

So I walked into Shop-Rite to get some food stuffs for the poker game I hosted and I walked down the soda aisle and noticed something rather appalling but, like a train wreck, I had to look at it and eventually buy it. There was Mountain Dew Halo 3 soda code-named, "Game Fuel".
I demand a Wii version that is akin to the short-lived Strawberwii Kiwii Slurpee flavor that existed for about a month after the system launched.
That was one of my favorite slurpee flavors.
And when Manhunt 2 comes out (it will), let's have a blood flavored drink called "Kill Fuel". It'll sell well with vampires.

Note: The book ending to Fight Club will forever pwn the movie ending. 'Nuff said.

It's August, which means fantasy football season is upon us. I participated in my first draft and did not take Michael Vick. So I guess I win. I do have Peyton Manning. That means I'll have amazing stats and a bunch of cheezy acting.

Speaking of football, Madden 08 comes out on Tuesday. Too bad it can only be the second best sports game of the year. Mario Strikers Charged has officially won that title unless Rock Band, Brawl or Mario Galaxy are somehow morphed into sports games.

Note: CTF is not a sport

Speaking of Mario Strikers Charged, Hammer Bros is the new cheap character. Hammer Spam is obnoxious and Joe's a prick. However, Dry Bones is still fair and still dominant.

I think Beerfest is probably one of the greatest comedies of this era. Its got a great mix of ingredients that make a perfect comedy. Its got overt slapstick comedy, verbal wit, beer, foreigners, emotion, suprises, boobs and pot.